
Username Edit Count Course
Mleary24 343 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Gracesearle 328 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
JVbird 294 Writing in Digital Environments
Kwjjeon 292 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Cydron47 283 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
KanaeFuji 261 Research Methods of Art History
Ssimsjones 253 Writing in Digital Environments
Coriordan7 233 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Nickallen7 227 Global Poverty and Practice
Jennagc 220 ASL Structure
Dillbug 219 Writing in Digital Environments
Mbuche1 212 MAE 7160
Kattusite 205 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Kjsnguyen 202 HSC 355 Bioethics
Swashio 198 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Emmagch 188 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Nsjlcuwdbcc 188 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Cgao29 186 Global Poverty and Practice
MartBuck 186 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Irmajor 185 HIST 432
Dmcgonagill 182 Writing in Digital Environments
EmmaEgnaczyk 178 Critical Reading and Writing
Rime7 178 Cold War Science
Charlene.est.33 177 Endocrinology
Ljutica 173 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Etriusus 173 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Mjb399 173 Global Poverty and Practice
Qwertqwert128 171 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Bluefeather98 171 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Sareidle 170 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
NickFriedlich 170 African Politics
Scbell24601 169 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Isabellamiaa 168 Online Communities
Ringgerc 167 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Emilieyoungs 165 Global Poverty and Practice
Saherdaredia 164 Global Poverty and Practice
Slaurensk 162 Technical Editing
NStämpfli 162 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Sairam Pamulaparthi Venkata 162 MAE 7160
T.sandzimier 160 Global Poverty and Practice
Westontsgrant 157 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Particular.Individual 156 Global Poverty and Practice
Anne.rachael 154 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
JCGADOW 154 Popular Culture in America
Savannah.birkeland 154 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
AnaSystem2019 153 Principles of Systematic Biology
Casey1279 153 The Qur'an
Rrwolff21 153 ENVS 10H
Starshine44 151 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
EricaNewton 150 Global Issues
Hsummermichelle 148 Online Communities
Real YC 148 Planetary Atmospheres
Atampir 147 Technical Editing
Alanoudalattiya 147 History of Film
DubiousJosh 147 Shakespeare and Media
DubiousJosh 147 Digital Rhetorics
Jherrera0804 144 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Alanoudalattiya 144 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
Yan.yiw 144 Online Communities
Jlyons15 143 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Taylortajiri 142 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Juliekallini 141 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Saborbie 141 Religions of the African Atlantic
Edits4change 137 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Joshua Gramley 137 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Linchukbb 137 English Composition II
I.Love.Trees.Yes.I.Do 136 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Mkoger 136 Chem 153A Honors
Mtovsen 134 African Politics
His221Kunmi 134 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Zaighamalavi 134 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
XiuyeYu 134 Online Communities
Ameliabiblio 134 Shakespeare and Media
Mtovsen 134 Global Poverty and Practice
StevenJYang 134 MAE 7160
Cjl4kd 133 History of Science A
Kafkanaut 132 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
Fgmacintosh 132 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Queenbook2021 132 Global Poverty and Practice
Lachlanbebout 131 African Politics
Samanthadies 131 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Rsroman 131 HIST 432
Sisypheantasks 130 Technical Editing
Csuganuma17 130 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Aanteneh 130 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Hyowonl 129 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Dhoffman 20 129 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Chrissyyt 128 Information and Technology
Polymersrock 127 Chemistry of Macromolecules
Swiernicki 126 HSC 355 Bioethics
Hiroooooo 125 Journey to Center of Earth
GladL 124 History of Science B
Jrichers 124 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Biochem153aj 124 Chem 153A Honors
Jmmonty16 123 Technical Editing
Stephbender 123 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Hhorn117 123 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Vai29 123 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Carmen A. H. 123 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
K8c0nway 122 Online Communities
NikPirounis 122 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Henryorty 122 Cold War Science
Spinckney 121 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
Globalera 121 Global Poverty and Practice
Jdax2b 120 History of Science B
Paddyiranmanesh 120 COM 563 Relational Communication
Uniquajanae 120 Technical Editing
Spellman888 120 Early American History Graduate Seminar
Nramberg 120 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Jsumera 120 Global Poverty and Practice
Zeno0801 119 Chemistry of Macromolecules
Tm670 118 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Schneidl12 118 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Chase503 118 WR121
Fitoarevalo 118 Global Poverty and Practice
Sangbin1999 118 Religions of the African Atlantic
Sarahanz 117 Comp II
STohme 117 Human Development in Local and Global Communities
Rmhtw 116 Advanced Legal Research
TraitorousClod 116 Researching Environment and Culture
Halljessica2010 116 PSY342 Language Development
Ghostygoo 116 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
ToddSGilman 116 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Ryansnow 116 Comparative Anatomy
Lilysandler 116 Biogeochemical Cycles
Sazfar21 116 Chem 153A Honors
Cdalfons 115 Capitalism and Democracy
Angelapaoletta 115 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Rogonegd 115 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
A symmetrics 115 Global Poverty and Practice
Elasticat 113 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Privacy4353 113 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Yemlee 113 WR121
Joshlemus 113 WR121
Lsagas 113 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Alanis Vargas 113 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Ang Ricks 112 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
BasiltheCat2 112 Later Indigenous Literatures
Jbeyer3 111 Comp II
Danklebreaker JaCoB CeLeSLiE 111 Contemporary Art and Design
Jdk2018 111 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
MachoCoMachoMan 111 English 1102 077
Loucraig 110 Women and US Politics
Vnessalas 110 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Hpeoples98 110 ENVS 10H
Lhpvn 110 Foundations of Academic and Professional Writing--ELS
SRRuj 109 African Politics
Saraiediting 109 Technical Editing
Dallas Rose 109 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Azhou0 109 Chem 153A Honors
Taylorbenda 108 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Bgrus22 108 Politics of Italy
Pjbpdx 108 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
JustJanani 107 African Politics
NimeshaRajapaksha 107 Chemistry 4558 Mass Spectrometry
MaryamAl-Suwaidi 107 History of Film
Brisknikki001 107 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Julia Garrigan 107 Research Methods of Art History
Marshan3q 106 Relationships and Digital Media
RFoley2 106 History of Science A
TWJohn 106 Technical Editing
Leah611 105 HSC 355 Bioethics
QuixoticWindmills 105 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Hernandp19 104 Advanced Legal Research
Amberfuller 104 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Mango Masala 104 Writing in Digital Environments
Emileehelm 103 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Bioclocksgroup9 103 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Egibbon120 103 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Mailegri 103 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Randy.l.goodrich 103 Statistical Consulting Practicum
Jz9 lin360 103 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Icf17 103 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Sxesd3 103 Information and Technology
Sackhy 103 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Wlefkovich 102 Online Communities
Caudlesg 102 The History of Coal
RobertDRosner 102 Biology of Sex and Gender
Mercyvalladares 101 ASL Structure
Candles and candy 101 Technical Editing
Jocelyn519 101 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
B4Melly 101 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Jasleenkaur118 101 Global Poverty and Practice
Jcmitrano 100 Online Communities
Katie020407 100 Research Methods of Art History
JanelleDeseree 99 Baroque Art
Aggiegal19 99 Technical Editing
Sydney003 99 Wikipedia Student Scholar Intern
Mendoza.755 98 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Polidoroal 98 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
CtMh67810 97 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Juliastein8 97 HSC 355 Bioethics
Anastasianatalya 97 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Smcminn1234 97 Journey to Center of Earth
Axelwang1 97 Journey to Center of Earth
Sidneysmiith 97 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Sac304 97 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Doorcellar 97 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
FoxDuality 97 Later Indigenous Literatures
Blackbear111 97 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Malik diaw 96 African Politics
Rbutello 96 Standards for Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Zhux9 96 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Johngarcia331521 96 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Fraterseraphicus 96 Public Relations and Digital Media
Rowanh12 96 New Histories of Chicago Media
KStein91 96 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
KimberlySolano 96 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Biggboss420 95 Writing Wikipedia
Pjimen4lsu 95 Chemistry 4558 Mass Spectrometry
Pfau05 95 WR121
Eyebasooda 95 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Jzmrlls 95 Information and Technology
Ala127 95 Chemistry of Macromolecules
Gretashum 95 Planetary Atmospheres
HuaiC 94 Language and Law
Patrickortez 94 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
Irmak4 94 Information and Technology
AstoriaZ 93 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Cheche1993 93 Baroque Art
Cvcaudill 93 Psychology Capstone
M weth 93 Online Communities
Wowsocool 93 Critical Reading and Writing
Agallacinao 93 Global Poverty and Practice
Kimani71 93 Information and Technology
Srob21 92 Technical Editing
Rcocker 92 Psychology Capstone
Echeverry.catalina 92 Online Communities
Ruthaxton 92 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Mhf55 92 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Renegadeknight3 92 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
CMcD77 92 LIS 584 - Knowledge Management
Allonsyalyssa 91 Technical Editing
Sklai.cpp 91 Early American History Graduate Seminar
JensenByler 91 WR121
347natalie 91 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
AR12Fan 91 Comparative Anatomy
Casscurteanu 91 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Bms141 91 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Szabad lelek 91 Global Poverty and Practice
Nchinny 91 Global Poverty and Practice
Jas022 91 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Brivel9501 90 Invertebrate Zoology
Jasmair 90 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Kenzie665 90 Baroque Art
D.Bhandal 90 Chem 153A Honors
BethanyJJohnson 90 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Navjot79 90 English 1102 053
Nickwogan 90 Planetary Atmospheres
Elwgxf 89 History of Science A
Alice0129 89 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Sgeld002 89 Dynamic Tensions
Sasha Mendez 89 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
PLin AB 89 Planetary Atmospheres
Rm738 88 History of Science A
Kmitchell2015 88 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Yjkwn5118 88 Radical Women in Latin American Art
AlexInMetal 88 Journey to Center of Earth
Stakeshita 88 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Isaguti 88 Chem 153A Honors
Josienewmansmith 87 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
TonyElGhazal 87 History of Film
Bcatoto 87 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
DaraUriel 87 Foreign Literature in Translation
Lucy Hollister 87 History of Psychology
Siyu Shen 86 Language and Technology
UnfoldingWords 86 Technical Editing
Donaldsonizekor 86 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
MeggyPenny 86 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Camilla.zecker 86 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Jjher7030 86 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
XingranLiu 85 Online Communities
Traderjos 85 Critical Reading and Writing
Armystud77 85 Comparative Anatomy
VictorZzzzz 85 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Alex3877 85 Global Poverty and Practice
Funmimi1 85 Information and Technology
Thatgirljessie 85 Religions of the African Atlantic
DaisyA01 85 Radical Women in Latin American Art
MichaelGaffney 84 Evolutionary Method and Theory in Anthropology and Archaeology
Ands1234 84 Technical Editing
Nancy salto 84 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Haileywriter 84 ENVS 10H
BN1998 84 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Carissa92 84 Endocrinology
Karanungan888 84 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
JakeAH 84 HIST 432
Zeroni95 83 Baroque Art
MilliGrams 83 Technical Editing
Relaxbear4649 83 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Maliks10 83 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
JoshLix 83 WR121
Lunord22 83 Comparative Anatomy
SamMarzullo423 83 ENGL 2000
Reid.m.segal 83 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Ixz 83 Social Movements and Social Media
Beelzebubbs 83 LIS 584 - Knowledge Management
Chaotixs 83 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Julialgreenberg 82 Advanced Legal Research
Ctmarie 82 Comp II
Taylore Ryan 82 Comp II
Lhall23 82 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Ewk'sik'nii13 82 Race and Incarceration
Nayyomii 82 WR121
Abdulazizjalthani 82 History of Film
Mmarcin5 82 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Ccali006 82 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Vicking24 82 English Composition II
Flavinista 81 Digital Pedagogy with U-M Library
NZMKZ 81 Technical Editing
Kaprager 81 Early American History Graduate Seminar
Jowilson510 81 Sexuality and Politics
Travelqueen27 81 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Waffles82 81 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Nickf510 81 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
AICOI 81 Comparative Anatomy
AngelaEJimenezP 81 Global Poverty and Practice
NanetteNH 81 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Mk170101 81 Marine Biology- BI260
Isamouse79 81 UW1020 M82
Satorymae 80 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Caroline Liberty 80 HIST 306 Digital History
Selaginellaa 80 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Aso4530 80 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
History432 80 HIST 432
Linettes99 80 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Iamhumanyear 80 Chemistry of Macromolecules
Mcvallejo 79 Principles of Systematic Biology
Bks96 79 African Politics
McGreal Duffy 79 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
CherryBlossom101 79 Baroque Art
Joellegavazziapril 79 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
JoshRavi 79 Critical Reading and Writing
Kmr104 79 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Cjs863 79 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Natsz72 79 Human Development in Local and Global Communities
Torres.cynthia 79 Research Methods of Art History
Leon ZJK 79 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
NSLIVITSANOS 79 Chem 153A Honors
Lmfifer 79 Planetary Atmospheres
Scai8 78 Advanced Legal Research
Jhouse2 78 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Melisa103 78 Baroque Art
KristenTomberlin 78 Standards for Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Maryamal-khalifa 78 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
Maryamal-khalifa 78 History of Film
Ncons009 78 Dynamic Tensions
Paguiar1 78 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Loftslag 78 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Tkracinski 78 Public Relations and Digital Media
Siddkumaran 78 Social Movements and Social Media
Rcharm21 78 Information and Technology
JPMulderrig 78 MAE 7160
CC Aria 77 Baroque Art
Simonebedjean 77 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
Aurgallagher 77 Global History in a Modern World
Arodr1334 77 Dynamic Tensions
Cas461 77 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Emilyfinch 77 Research Methods of Art History
Ehenricks 77 New Histories of Chicago Media
Anissa337 77 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Bonbon797 77 Information and Technology
Lmgermeroth 76 History of Science B
Roman civ 76 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Nignaco 76 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
BHines10 76 COM 563 Relational Communication
Dvecheve 76 Standards for Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Jolynnperez 76 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Bcmonigold 76 CHEM 409 - Chem Lit Seminar
Glutenffrida 76 Online Communities
Mieleveronica 76 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Wadha Al Musallam 76 History of Film
Windyor 76 Biogeochemical Cycles
Jtackaberry 76 COML 509
Andrn10 76 Honors Topics Bio Sci
WillOfTheWiki 75 Researching Environment and Culture
Sdevreede 75 African Politics
Remilawal 75 Chemistry 4558 Mass Spectrometry
Peterjwms 75 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Jonny Tightchest 75 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
King666Field 75 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
LMcKinney115 75 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
NaoBao 75 ENVS 10H
Hwilliams989 75 Women's and Gender Issues
Jczhu 75 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Alpeach 75 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Llugafet 75 Women and Medicine
Namir Riptide 75 Writing in Digital Environments
Almahern 75 Global Poverty and Practice
Sdevreede 75 Global Poverty and Practice
AlphaBravo12 75 Chemistry of Macromolecules
Twlk42 75 Foundations of Academic and Professional Writing--ELS
Zwrouse 75 MAE 7160
Kayladanesh 75 Chem 153A Honors
Chiomanuba 74 African Politics
Syarolin 74 Online Communities
ZoeWZY 74 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Eroja015 74 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Mth52b 73 History of Science B
Bcaffe 73 Evolutionary Method and Theory in Anthropology and Archaeology
Temesghen Ghde 73 African Politics
Melissahumphreys 73 Baroque Art
Rcfz 73 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Preciousg11 73 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
AJ Tavantzis 73 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
JuanAragon96 73 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Laxanan 73 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Plumbob200 73 Advanced Evolution
Kaiwenw 73 Journey to Center of Earth
Jsobe 73 Journey to Center of Earth
Carbohydrate Fatty acid 73 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Meganjoyce 73 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
LilyDuong 73 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Ftrousdale18 73 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Katharine Franz 73 History of Psychology
Historyhermann1993 73 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Aleong809 73 Human Development in Local and Global Communities
Sshah11 73 Human Development in Local and Global Communities
Hagar Dan 73 Research Methods of Art History
JeshuaKJohn 73 Social Movements and Social Media
AlidaW 73 Israeli Politics and Society
GuannanDong 73 Organic Geochemistry 2019
Lcliff4 73 Basin Studies
Clairemo48 72 Invertebrate Zoology
Bscheib 72 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Lysiaf 72 Government information policy and practice
Baroqueart 72 Baroque Art
Jordankelseyh 72 Technical Editing
Jreaso 72 HSC 355 Bioethics
Gpoulton 72 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Polisciphilosopher 72 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Mnordee2 72 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Mavila3 72 Race and Incarceration
Lamarlana01 72 Online Communities
Kurtames 72 Comparative Anatomy
Sheilacnunez 72 History of Psychology
DCasper79 72 Writing in Digital Environments
Dionne Croons 72 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Annabutterfield 72 Global Poverty and Practice
KrystleW 72 Social Movements and Social Media
Jqhoidn 72 Information and Technology
AIHTNY 72 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Dtsen002 72 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Raebruno 72 English Composition II
Pallekoa 71 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
Wusauying 71 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Lydia Bradt 71 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Heylee dooley 71 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
Jsulli25 71 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Nicholas.tang85 71 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Mcadden 71 Global History in a Modern World
Atraeber 71 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Woodjuliekat 71 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Gabriellam19 71 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Lorraine.meriner 71 Global Poverty and Practice 71 Women in the Economy
Fernandaaccm 71 Information and Technology
SoldBuyChristina 71 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Kbonneville 70 History of Science A
EMUramirez 70 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Elboyd3 70 COM 563 Relational Communication
Nikob7 70 Chemistry 4558 Mass Spectrometry
Bnchow 70 M4 WikiMedicine Elective
Jhud9526 70 Psychology Capstone
Minseungyoo 70 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
You've got Koalatee 70 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Vishare Huang 70 Online Communities
OricaRyu 70 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Karoap 70 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Antonia.macris 70 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Raachelc 70 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Mag2718 70 Global Poverty and Practice
C.M.Barrientos 70 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Savanahhlee 70 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Amira are 70 Information and Technology
Tania.bhatti 70 Chem 165
Rts7473 70 Conservation Genetics
Sasha-urban 70 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Jsim19 70 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
HopeDrennan 69 History of Science A
Niebspace 69 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
Mallorynermoe 69 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Diasav 69 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Brand72093 69 COM 563 Relational Communication
Ana.menendezrubiera 69 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Nicole6794 69 Psychology Capstone
Saratanveer 69 Race and Incarceration
Kbsedam 69 Introduction to Mass Communication
Sarickson 69 Chem 153A Honors
Taylor ZHW 69 Information and Technology
Somiazafeer 69 Information and Technology
Andemet2 69 Foundations of Academic and Professional Writing--ELS
ASmitty10 69 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Ellie1203 69 English 1102 053
KKim2019 68 Advanced Legal Research
Annalimfranck 68 ASL Structure
Dancingdancingcrazy 68 Writing Wikipedia
Ellevictoria 21 68 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Jessolovely 68 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Jkitson85 68 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Ivly12 68 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Geeknpink 67 Technology and Ethics in Society
Mnguytono 67 Sexuality and Politics
Annaanelson3 67 HIST 306 Digital History
Savannah Stout 67 The Qur'an
DianaAdame 67 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Pili2 67 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Gabyruelas 67 ENVS 10H
Ykhaleq 67 ENVS 10H
Marcelo.silka 67 Journey to Center of Earth
Ntranle 67 Online Communities
Yunbing Song 67 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Hanna304 67 Information and Technology
Chemist100906 67 Chemistry of Macromolecules
Mnbetts 67 Organic Geochemistry 2019
Karidappen 66 History of Science B
Catherineporto 66 Advanced Legal Research
AugsPalacios227 66 English 1102
Beauemu23 66 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Npollmeyer 66 Baroque Art
Camrynbl 66 Technical Editing
Madihuddleston 66 Psychology Capstone
JenKimball 66 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Ucfmed2019 66 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Kdoss110 66 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Nikkimats 66 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Emilyboyd3 66 ENVS 10H
Jreinstr 66 Journey to Center of Earth
Alexisarnett 66 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Ryantommy 66 Social Issues in Sport Management
Rpp008 66 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Liam mcb19 66 Foreign Literature in Translation
Brogan.stewart 66 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Rgira003 66 Communication and Culture
Courtneyhestdalen 66 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Ganoraa 66 Information and Technology
Mlazarus14 66 UW1020 M66
Katemackie 66 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Ponads17 66 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Zambakzeytinci 66 Amazon A Cultural History
Ochitnis 66 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Bagchia 65 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
Murph12 65 Invertebrate Zoology
Labzq3 65 History of Science A
Nchun1996 65 African Politics
Davis Manning 65 COM 563 Relational Communication
BriJRJ 65 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Cxe016 65 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Hsamaha1 65 M4 WikiMedicine Elective
Irinal360 65 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Amanavs82 65 English 1102 T Th
Dhara612 65 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Aangi14 65 Endocrinology
Ksembly2 65 Black Culture in a Post-Soul Era
Smneu 65 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
Zach.petersonuw 65 Chem 165
Ktran130 65 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Sabadilshad 65 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Shannip 64 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Reagan young1 64 History of Science B
MentrellRoddy98 64 CORE 160-05
Tmm113 64 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Abochar 64 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Audentis.Fortuna.Iuvat 64 Technical Editing
Jblum1999 64 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Jwhitchc 64 Global History in a Modern World
Martinezmaria12 64 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Benjilrm 64 Journey to Center of Earth
VicBlake 64 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Niemolej 64 Comparative Anatomy
Lauren cox21 64 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Sloedrupes 64 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Froginatophat 64 Latin American Social Theory 2019
Retirwdeton 64 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Rtetter 64 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Gdeluca33 64 Shakespeare and Media
Mcrussell11 64 Global Poverty and Practice
Nate novy 64 Chem 165
Sdbz64 63 History of Science B
Karlacio6 63 Baroque Art
HR Cat 63 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Sgov01 63 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Pgarcia108 63 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Jsanders174 63 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Haern23 63 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Lilyloumuir 63 WR121
Nooranalthani 63 History of Film
Wilburw 63 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Ruthanneliseschultz 63 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Cjs22 63 Endocrinology
Alabrutto 63 Endocrinology
AWinslow2020 63 Endocrinology
Marsh5668 63 Public Relations and Digital Media
Liv Oland 63 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
AnnabelGV 63 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Ryanccooper 63 COML 509
Becca roo32 63 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Laurenknasin1 63 Marine Biology- BI260
Ma114vr 63 Advanced Legal Research
Konamalo 62 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
Jazlynn1 62 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Paigebrazil 62 Technical Editing
Ethan343 62 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Katgosnell107 62 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Mr.nosilrub 62 ENVS 10H
Zhang.9353 62 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Kthay1197 62 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Fls098 62 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Jazrod2316 62 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Cmoneymaker 62 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Emsavi 62 US History since 1914
KassideSE 62 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
DaneKHoward 62 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Dnldjackson22 62 Research Methods of Art History
Nicgonzie 62 Social Movements and Social Media
Simssl 62 T325
NeuroStudent21 62 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
Montananelson 62 UW1020 M66
Ypark025 62 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Annielowen 61 Invertebrate Zoology
Christopher White 96 61 History of Science B
Tyrandm 61 Baroque Art
HD1019 61 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Rlair 61 HIST 306 Digital History
Rosminhernandez 61 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Amanda4968 61 SPC 1017 Honors
Pttbarnum 61 Contemporary Art and Design
Quinterochelsea 61 ENVS 135
MarketBoiCYM 61 ENVS 10H
Aseja Dava 61 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Tiffanyd4L 61 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
MichaelBroadfoot 61 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
SPhillips110 61 Foreign Literature in Translation
Julessnow 61 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Whitetucker2552. 61 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Fifhauseal 61 Gender and Identity in Modern Art
Kukismss 61 Civil Engineering Economy
Abiflo18 61 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Altaalt 61 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Vchurchill 61 LIS 584 - Knowledge Management
Floraxqm 61 Information and Technology
Henrykuv 61 UW1020 M68
MQB11 60 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
Dubya933 60 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
Ekarlsenayala 60 Principles of Systematic Biology
ChaseK14 60 Invertebrate Zoology
Jasonkostelnick 60 History of Science A
TJ.Jang 60 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
Mjohn55 60 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Meerturtle 60 Writing Wikipedia
Dparida7 60 Standards for Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Tessagailf 60 Comp II
Arlamoureux 60 HIST 306 Digital History
Amygugliemino 60 The Qur'an
Mbridges177 60 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Micallen0713 60 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Trackstar1997 60 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Madisonbetcher 60 Sacred Arts of Japan
Dallasnguyen 60 Social Movements and Social Media
YoussefWP 60 Information and Technology
Paulacue 60 Information and Technology
Awhite07 60 UW1020 M68
Siarra360 60 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Asanc143 60 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Vin0beats 60 FemiKorea
Tpm92 60 MAE 7160
Charles Cooley 59 History of Science A
Dyck9 59 History of Science B
MSimmo2019 59 African Politics
Lizziebennet22 59 Comp II
Brittneybastian 59 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Jennacarleton 59 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
AlanNavai 59 ENVS 10H
Taylor.3182 59 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Rachelzanini 59 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Jturpin1 59 Introduction to Mass Communication
SaranToure 59 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Isaactgisaactg 59 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
BioBuzz 59 Comparative Anatomy
Jm1806 59 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Moee225 59 ENGL 2000
Khughes1897 59 Women and Medicine
Sojung Jeon 59 Writing 3225
Srp027 59 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
MordechaiWeissmann 59 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Yukim4ru 59 Later Indigenous Literatures
Kimmietran 59 Global Poverty and Practice
Emc051112 59 LIS 584 - Knowledge Management
Hsuk16 59 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Rapidrider 59 UW1020 M68
Oliviaohearn 59 UW1020 M68
Luis U. Quintero 59 Radical Women in Latin American Art
ThisIsForHistory 58 History of Science A
StafferBobb 58 History of Science A
Mghgd 58 History of Science A
SpartanMD 58 Baroque Art
NathalieNJ 58 Chemistry 4558 Mass Spectrometry
Jarogers0998 58 Psychology Capstone
Zachary Vinson 58 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Monkeygirl11 58 English Composition 3738
Eoddle 58 HIST 306 Digital History
Rworker 58 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Dayanars 58 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Nooranalthani 58 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
Thomas997 58 ENVS 10H
Nour AlMannaei 58 History of Film
Turnerhamilton 58 Foreign Literature in Translation
Ehester21 58 ENGL 2000
Melmvt 58 Introductory Sociology
Njk47 58 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Athenaandtheboys 58 Writing 3225
Sdiliberti 58 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Niralidevgan 58 Introduction to Islamic Art
Zarroyo1 58 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Mgrant757 58 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Armand Bogossian 58 Social Movements and Social Media
Lithere 58 Chem 165
Comet Zombie 58 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Lindsaeaceae 57 Principles of Systematic Biology
Cbenyola 57 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Zechengding 57 African Politics
Alexandria Paliszewski 57 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Kwhitlow2413 57 Psychology Capstone
Zzuchelli 57 Understanding Iran
Ps wiki project 57 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Mop8888 57 English Composition II
Annamberg07 57 Global History in a Modern World
Lstofko 57 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
ThePinkBran 57 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Oliviae1398 57 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
KHorton98 57 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Lyspotts 00 57 Introduction to Human Biology
Jspruill 57 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Claireosanger 57 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Atapaudel 57 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Timmyjohns 57 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Caryliu1020 57 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Shannonballard 57 History of Psychology
Davist090 57 Chem 153A Honors
Emilyrosepetro 57 Introduction to Islamic Art
Trenzalore96 57 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Sanahh 57 Women in the Economy
Katherinegrace0 57 FemiKorea
Jchen25 57 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Wik0524 56 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
Rums00 56 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
Habibaradwan1 56 African Politics
Rmj17 56 Technical Editing
HistoryMike01 56 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
HenaMas 56 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
NatalieR97 56 The Qur'an
Bstephens120 56 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
JuliannaDeLucia 56 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Lang1803 56 Advanced Evolution
Chrisgoeggel 56 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Clairenk 56 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
GoldenRetriever21 56 Comparative Anatomy
Jgd57 56 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Syssrq2016 56 Cold War Science
Kristakonecny 56 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
ElizahBecker 56 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Campbelllw2 56 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
MiaRod 56 English 1302
Lea.E.Kel 56 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Ghelu1 56 Academic Inquiry 1215
Carolineokeefe 56 Global Issues
Megan Laureno 56 Research Methods of Art History
Ivyeon 56 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Shraddhapandey2021 56 Global Poverty and Practice
Cfaramarzi 56 Social Movements and Social Media
Lady Fierce 56 First-Year Composition
Dale Downer 56 Molecular Motors
Garidb0220 56 Information and Technology
Arosa045 56 Curating Cultures
FernandaFontenele 56 MAE 7160
K-star 55 History of Science A
Kcarey19 55 Advanced Legal Research
Kellkatt2 55 Employment Law for Business
TheEagle18 55 Writing Wikipedia
GdusaEMU 55 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
RyJackim 55 Astro482 Spring 2019
Lvazq064 55 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Tmatkins19 55 Psychology Capstone
Chargrad2020 55 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Joey Stephenson 98 55 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Darmenda 55 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
BlueHoosier1 55 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Caitcunni97 55 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Camillegiuliano 55 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Yunxin Song 55 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
HannahWV 55 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Bluerabbit27 55 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Halcombsr 55 Gender and Identity in Modern Art
Carlykaderli 55 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Huerndy 55 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Nicole.GSU 55 Later Indigenous Literatures
ToryDilley 55 COML 509
Jaredpattison3 55 Women in the Economy
MyGioia 55 Information and Technology
Sophieb905 55 UW1020 M68
Jasminemayo 55 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Jwilli81 54 Principles of Systematic Biology
FredHGroth 54 History of Science B
NWhitten1776 54 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
Savannaellis 54 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Vicentiagyau 54 African Politics
Khushjawandha 54 HSC 355 Bioethics
Emaria2222 54 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Mirror March 54 ENVS 135
Gabrielramon43 54 ENVS 10H
Briangoodwin 54 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Andrewlin1 54 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
GERVAIM 54 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Firesondiego 54 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Ama069 54 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Mfechter26 54 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Sdeneher 54 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Mccady 54 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Smc083 54 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Kav026 54 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Marleypirochta 54 Global Poverty and Practice
Nicoleriver 54 Global Poverty and Practice
Torybigelow 54 Social Movements and Social Media
Amandamb498 54 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Shuklz 54 Chem 165
Statio 54 Chemistry of Macromolecules
KateKeWu 54 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Kxie16 54 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
ElainaDH 54 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
TeddyKats 54 English 1102 077
Nicjguo 54 Modern Chinese Philosophy
Davidaboyd 53 Principles of Systematic Biology
Hannahbird96 53 Baroque Art
Lindsaylongg 53 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Lgarc407 53 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
LaurenMYC 53 HSC 355 Bioethics
Zrady 53 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Vnshah 53 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Kododendron 53 Sexuality and Politics
Heathluallen 53 The Qur'an
APorter146 53 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Sportsfan222 53 Critical Reading and Writing
NVaik 53 Social Issues in Sport Management
NW701 53 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Emc950 53 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Louange Mwajuma 53 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Sparkles24 53 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
ReeseWS 53 Women and Medicine
Lawrenjk 53 Biogeochemical Cycles
Sbenzinger 53 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
BrightSource 53 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Waebo 53 Writing in Digital Environments
Michelle18c 53 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Hallep620 53 Shakespeare and Media
Lnmmack 53 Digital Rhetorics
Sj.hws.arth 53 African American Art
Kgilbertnu 53 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
Mcnaywn 53 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
SoniaYosopov 53 Information and Technology
Drgoose89 53 WikiMed Spring 2019 UCSF SOM
Teresating 53 English 1102 143
Nulartro7 52 Researching Environment and Culture
QSmith18 52 Researching Environment and Culture
Vnazaruk 52 English 1102
Al the Minotaur 52 Writing Wikipedia
Ahd3100 52 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Kayla Andr. 52 Technical Editing
Barbaro Montiel 52 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Iadao 52 HSC 355 Bioethics
Maswope 52 HIST 306 Digital History
Maggiehance 52 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Diegomartineztorrez 52 Radical Women in Latin American Art
LukeCBoyd 52 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Sbobrowsky126 52 Language and Human Experience
ToshaDuncan 52 ENVS 135
Lakhdeep97 52 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
OntyHam 52 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
MacStudent1 52 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Eggball2333 52 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Karebear1974 52 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Ralkhayat 52 History of Film
Cheristy.jones 52 Hydrology
MetalliKathryn 52 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Mhughe56 52 Writing 3225
Ajohnson439 52 Biogeochemical Cycles
Carokim 52 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Mcaruso42 52 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Bretele 52 Later Indigenous Literatures
Gregdu 52 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Gregdu 52 Shakespeare and Media
Jhammer.ucb 52 Social Movements and Social Media
Maggielena 52 Non-Western Art
BIGLOSERNERD666 52 Digital Rhetorics
Dona hyde 52 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Rauscha 52 Chem 165
Robertpark1999 52 UW1020 M68
Whiskey0504 52 Modern Chinese Philosophy
Tdemeola 51 Language and Law
ScienceMusical 51 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
Rjgins 51 Advanced Legal Research
Abbyecole 51 Introduction to International Politics W19
Will.gibson23 51 African Politics
Trestoncooklincoln 51 COM 563 Relational Communication
Nic H. Nguyen 51 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
DGD328 51 ENGL1102 Composition II
Macie Anderson 51 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Cre8ifs 51 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
Rtanderson 51 Genetics
Csc622 51 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Hannahvotsmier 51 Global History in a Modern World
Kshea692 51 ENVS 10H
The Jedi Math Squirrel 51 Statistical Consulting Practicum
Iosundare 51 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
MTR34 51 WR121
J.ramos23 51 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Jxv084 51 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Tgholland 51 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Cheryzk 51 BIOL 4970-18
Scarolinebailey 51 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Xicong Liu 51 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Lydia0730 51 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Kurtspiel 51 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
WizardZorander 51 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
SMambs 51 Shakespeare and Media
Sumomox4nouchi 51 Global Poverty and Practice
CanKaya1 51 Social Movements and Social Media
DanTheMan4488 51 English 202-011
Meghana Krishnakumar 51 Social Movements and Social Media
Samirnaqvi 51 Social Movements and Social Media
Rmcnamara2 51 COML 509
Akalo1010 51 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Missannon 51 Information and Technology
Hinatsuki Mikan 51 Chem 165
Xianying Yu 51 Marine Biology- BI260
Ssilverman00 51 Organic Geochemistry 2019
Christuf12 51 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Ericc1235 51 Radical Women in Latin American Art
JC2209 51 FemiKorea
MattKapnick 51 English 1102 053
DonPapucho 50 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
Laurenwhitehurst 50 Principles of Systematic Biology
Swinkleman 50 History of Science A
Derrick yates1 50 Genetics
Marcmatossian 50 HSC 355 Bioethics
Ankit.choudhury.23 50 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Avvaik92 50 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
CRNewton125 50 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Aberg555 50 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Brian Monroy 50 ENVS 10H
Ellinap 50 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Nleav8 50 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Shaikha19 50 History of Film
RameyEA 50 Comparative Anatomy
Kaseyscors 50 Communication and Culture
Arizzo0226 50 Endocrinology
Taylor Covington 50 Introductory Sociology
Rsorr1 50 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Nuts4squirrels 50 Biogeochemical Cycles
Cbail123 50 Writing 3225
Ellie Irving 50 History of Psychology
Kiddga0 50 Sacred Arts of Japan
Oak313 50 Latin American Social Theory 2019
DaniSchuh 50 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
BrisingrFëon 50 Later Indigenous Literatures 50 Global Poverty and Practice
Marb1198 50 Global Poverty and Practice
T Shrell 50 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Jakersilby 50 New Histories of Chicago Media
Idhaliwal24 50 HIST 432
Nimallen 50 Women in the Economy
Wikigirl 0690 50 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Bostonian9392 50 Foundations of Academic and Professional Writing--ELS
Dhoenngg 50 Organic Geochemistry 2019
Gj25lee 50 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Afackrell 50 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Gcarm 50 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Bavel002 50 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Jalva103 50 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Britt947 49 History of Science A
Meyekel Wik 49 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Hdmiii 49 Latino History 2019
Ikaarin 49 Introduction to International Politics W19
Catherinelegge 49 Introduction to International Politics W19
Realyuang 49 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Alialm97 49 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Amytangg 49 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Asutton7 49 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
DSysteel 49 Baroque Art
Mlmasferrer 49 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Eshepherd2 49 JMC 305 News Editing
Aathaviraj 49 PSY342 Language Development
Mmyosef 49 Sexuality and Politics
Tanginia 49 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
EthanFio 49 ENVS 10H
Cmbrotherton 49 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Varelasara 49 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Wylanz 49 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Sampantha 49 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Rvale045 49 Dynamic Tensions
Axhara16 49 Women's and Gender Issues
AlyssaPC 49 Foreign Literature in Translation
RobbbieB 49 Foreign Literature in Translation
Ictsoleb 49 Languages and Language Attitudes in USA
Megtb 49 Women and Medicine
Maoyi.95 49 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
NicHT495 49 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Jmha2016 49 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Cxndyoh 49 Social Movements and Social Media
Aslobodo 49 HIST 432
Sharoooo36 49 Women in the Economy
Brinmckinney 49 Digital Rhetorics
Wannabees19 49 Information and Technology
Eddiegaooooo 49 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Xz2250 49 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Amont072 49 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Murgamayra 49 English 1102 053
DavidThi1 49 CEE105
Tovarg 49 Planetary Atmospheres
Andrew Shumway 49 Planetary Atmospheres
Beaveditor1511 48 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
Bentzleyc 48 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
Rstlaurent 48 Principles of Systematic Biology
Ach7yd 48 History of Science B
APowell93 48 History of Science B
Xiaoqiao12 48 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
Rebecca ttt 48 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
TrevorAppel 48 African Politics
Saragrieff 48 IL 101
S.sherif 48 African Politics
Sammoore19 48 African Politics
Hscstudent475 48 HSC 355 Bioethics
Ooverholt127 48 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Shanny2398 48 Radical Women in Latin American Art
KasiahsMom 48 Race and Incarceration
Lyricmoonstar 48 WR121
Jrowe925 48 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Mariam Nasrullah 48 Dynamic Tensions
Ckl17 48 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Sophiersg 48 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Gem3h 48 Foreign Literature in Translation
Milesbd 48 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Qiuhanzhang827 48 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Artalek510 48 English 1102 T Th
Jonah Robson 48 SOCS 230 Honors Applied Social Sciences on Death
Mdaze 48 ENGL 2000
Rotheconrad 48 Biogeochemical Cycles
IRISCYY 48 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Kac static 48 English 1302
BunnyCuddly 48 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Dedie10 48 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Gebo- Anne Marie 48 HIST 358
Weinan98 48 Information and Technology
Kiki blake 48 Information and Technology
MShumaker 48 Chem 165
Ecovelle 48 Marine Biology- BI260
Miaeschlidt 48 UW1020 M68
Fariha34 48 UW1020 M82
Mathberbi 48 FemiKorea
Ycho410 48 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
SincereScience 48 Planetary Atmospheres
JerichoB 47 Language and Law
Mariabiacortez 47 Principles of Systematic Biology
Dhooks21 47 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Asn34 47 History of Science A
Bhatsls 47 Advanced Legal Research
Jazzmusiek 47 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
Sunnysideup373 47 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Thottdisick 47 Baroque Art
Melissa Borrero 47 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Ajjackson.chem 47 CHEM 409 - Chem Lit Seminar
Aj.ruff 47 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Tddionicio24 47 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Marshaho808 47 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Anhalford 47 Language and Human Experience
Sourjax 47 ENVS 135
MarcosXavier78 47 Race and Incarceration
Jajc1128 47 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Camimitchell35 47 PSY 101 General Psychology
Emilyekane 47 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Serenakana98 47 Women and Medicine
Student 4923 47 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Jahh21 47 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Billyfrederick 47 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
MiMi2424 47 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Haleykolus 47 Global Poverty and Practice
Nwokap15 47 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Seanp7477 47 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Mossmh 47 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Jvane002 47 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Jordy777hatem 47 English Composition 3738
Marilynmijares 47 FemiKorea
Uclawikiuser 47 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Summer Hamdan 46 Language and Law
ShellyG1 46 Principles of Systematic Biology
Agrias aedon 46 Principles of Systematic Biology
Tmolite 46 Invertebrate Zoology
Yuxuan Chen montaaa 46 Language and Technology
Btblomenkamp1 46 History of Science B
Jmiah12 46 Researching Environment and Culture
Ahennes2 46 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Tinm923 46 Writing Wikipedia
Kstein4 46 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Mailangrichardson 46 Chemistry 4558 Mass Spectrometry
Serenenn48 46 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Lostxxjustina 46 Technical Editing
Or1114 46 PSY342 Language Development
Nsaunder 46 CHEM 409 - Chem Lit Seminar
Klee6374 46 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Mmacmillan1 46 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Tommytb05 46 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
CaiNdres 46 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Davidsma mcmaster 46 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Kang1289 46 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Emmablizzard 46 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Rosieconforti 46 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
KingV12 46 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Aeyimo 46 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
LundySpinner 46 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
DomB12 46 English 1102 T Th
PR Course 46 Public Relations and Digital Media
Aaryntaft 46 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
AlyssaMDuran62 46 Women and Medicine
ScienceBuzz 46 Biogeochemical Cycles
Industryman 46 Civil Engineering Economy
Olive00 46 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Ellisonkim99 46 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Yangbr 46 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Shoread0 46 Sacred Arts of Japan
Mlewis30 46 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Ariddic1 46 Black Culture in a Post-Soul Era
Shawn Lavoie 46 Global Issues
TanjaGoker240 46 Global Issues
Kzervosug21 46 Global Issues
Alisson.haywood77 46 Global Issues
S frankfurt 46 Research Methods of Art History
Emilygess 46 Social Movements and Social Media
Btorszag 46 COML 509
Nancyk6 46 Information and Technology
GuppyForce 46 Dinosaur Science
Kaiwenouyang 46 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
1oromo 46 UW1020 M66
Charlieaabrams 46 UW1020 M66
Jaredgoz 46 UW1020 M82
Gabbym9903 46 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
MarinaMueller 45 History of Science A
Davidyang94 45 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
ChiBlue99 45 Researching Environment and Culture
Nester65 45 English 1102
SarahOll 45 African Politics
Gurshaant 45 African Politics
Crespo5 45 African Politics
Jbrichan 45 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
SHRansom 45 COM 563 Relational Communication
SStevens97 45 Baroque Art
Mrsiegel 45 Social Inequality SOC 221
Maxweleb 45 Tropical Fruit Production
Mdnack 45 Psychology Capstone
Jherd25 45 Psychology Capstone
Brandon malone 45 Comp II
Emilie.mcbrayer 45 Comp II
Briandhayes 45 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Erint333 45 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
MeganOBrien97 45 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Armeen.junaid 45 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Juansol93 45 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Gwiggins1 45 Advanced Evolution
Cburrows1996 45 ENVS 135
Adriana.a41 45 ENVS 135
Indybenipal 45 ENVS 10H
Desiraeb 45 Race and Incarceration
Hannah-ortloff 45 Race and Incarceration
NicoleR18 45 Race and Incarceration
Mastroiianni 45 Politics of Italy
Samuham2 45 Molecular and Genome Evolution
Jjjsteed 45 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Lysh.mich 45 SOCS 230 Honors Applied Social Sciences on Death
Nataliej929 45 Public Relations and Digital Media
Msmit70 45 Public Relations and Digital Media
LOliveira0512 45 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
CommanderCanary 45 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Shenshi0603 45 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Ashleyatnyu 45 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Choi.a 45 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Ehardenberger 45 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Amran.aden 45 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Mirandabck 45 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Iammarie1234566 45 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Turquoisetaylor 45 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
MichaelLopez92 45 COML 509
Kgrader 45 LIS 584 - Knowledge Management
Jillsphone1 45 English 2
Steffihelene 45 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Swolfr 45 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
Heppnean 45 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Paul15990 45 Information and Technology
Neil.horne287 45 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
GbrooksPDXStudent 45 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
AlexT64 45 Advanced Legal Research
AYang99 45 Chem 153A Honors
Friyay101 44 Digital Pedagogy with U-M Library
Eespino2 44 Researching Environment and Culture
Maia.Wilson 44 Evolutionary Method and Theory in Anthropology and Archaeology
Marisalobo96 44 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Jhohbein 44 African Politics
Georgia.a.h 44 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jhc2675 44 Technical Editing
Jjami70 44 Psychology Capstone
ScarlettRidley 44 Psychology Capstone
Helena12435 44 ENGL1102 Composition II
Andrew.cunningham14 44 Comp II
Carmela055 44 HSC 355 Bioethics
Adrainveidt 44 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Noah Delgadillo 44 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Mjt74 44 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Rachelabreu1 44 Women and Gender in the Middle East
MHorchak 44 HIST 306 Digital History
Chunhj123 44 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Jlherrera16 44 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Luliberin22 44 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Jmkuba 44 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Vodehnal.1 44 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Arblanchette 44 Journey to Center of Earth
Ruobeiyu 44 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Abbyswope1 44 PSY 101 General Psychology
Ide4749 44 Critical Reading and Writing
Wendy sleep early 44 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Kxr 11 44 Comparative Anatomy
Lamontoscar 44 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Tylerm714 44 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories 44 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Seldon.kwafo 44 Endocrinology
Malix27 44 Islam in America
Matthgw0 44 Sacred Arts of Japan
Jrodriguez6114 44 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Avalon wr303 44 Writing for the Web
Kgt303 44 Writing for the Web
Autumnnsoul 44 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
AliENGL304 44 Shakespeare and Media
Nighbemn 44 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Ratovar 44 Information and Technology
Psvo277 44 Chem 165
Adeitykumar 44 Chem 165
Caranlee 44 UW1020 M66
Lorenaramirezl 44 UW1020 M82
Dariana a 44 Radical Women in Latin American Art
VoidedComplication 44 English Composition II
Yadayadalex 44 FemiKorea
Huynhat2 44 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Luxi Zhang 44 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Ssarnthi 44 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Ttruong96 44 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Stranger062 44 English 1102 053
JCarvalho34 44 English 1102 143
Mcurr 44 Planetary Atmospheres
Zhenzhenchen 43 Language and Law
Bludgeon4U 43 Principles of Systematic Biology
Rlucia98 43 Invertebrate Zoology
MitchKrallinger 43 Invertebrate Zoology
Jbergeron11 43 ASL Structure
Abucklin 43 ASL Structure
Halled 43 ASL Structure
NolanCK 43 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Khuynh96 43 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Jay cub925 43 African Politics
Eotoole415 43 African Politics
Bertbert95 43 Writing Wikipedia
Tbyrd10 43 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Marticards 43 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Ngriepp 43 ENGL1102 Composition II
Diegozavarce3 43 Comp II
Kiralopez13 43 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
RachelXinruHua 43 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Cwichtricks99 43 English Composition II
Rcelestino13 43 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Ee1013 43 THEA 7216X - Global Theater History and Theory III
Chrismccreary 43 THEA 7216X - Global Theater History and Theory III
Vxwei 43 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Jroberson4 43 Advanced Evolution
Lauratoner01 43 Language and Human Experience
Danielnunez 9386 43 ENVS 10H
Tdaetaunm 43 ENVS 10H
Msh8171 43 ECON 4318 Economic Data Analysis Capstone
Mievlsu 43 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Ckushel 43 Journey to Center of Earth
Jroberson1 43 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Vroig001 43 Dynamic Tensions
Jared fraz 43 Foreign Literature in Translation
Bekthewreck 43 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Jkobilca 43 Communication and Culture
Majtenyika 43 The History of Coal
Ob appstate 43 The History of Coal
Madisonrteen 43 ENGL 2000
8023kk 43 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Myafukazawa 43 LIBR 1 Working with Sources
Hdez.jj 43 English 1302
Ethan495 43 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Galiya.C 43 Research Methods of Art History
Thesubtleart 43 Social Movements and Social Media
Lulutao 43 Social Movements and Social Media
Erikay677 43 Social Movements and Social Media
Quietstorm14 43 First-Year Composition
Kriswashere 43 Digital Rhetorics
Hall3jl 43 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Davojann 43 WikiMed Spring 2019 UCSF SOM
TtBU 43 Marine Biology- BI260
Bigfisher101 43 Marine Biology- BI260
ML6126 43 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Samwolff450 43 UW1020 M66
Rafamatalon1234 43 UW1020 M82
EAElizalde 43 Curating Cultures
C1c2c3c4 42 Advanced Legal Research
Nouradnik 42 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Edasi088 42 Government information policy and practice
Jandrie 42 African Politics
Dgarcia376 42 African Politics
Helo008 42 African Politics
MVetter15 42 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Kbh11 42 Chemistry 4558 Mass Spectrometry
Pthesken 42 Tropical Fruit Production
Ski-Doo800 42 Western Civilization I
Cwhitesi 42 Ecological Factors in Design
Caylacrowder 42 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Hsherrard 42 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Jina Lee12 42 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Vgnegrete 42 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Olashes 42 Contemporary Art and Design
Smith.11893 42 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Nnnnney11 42 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Darahok 42 Journey to Center of Earth
Mckinneylexim 42 WR121
NickKimata 42 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Ktanaka6 42 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
BreannaNg 42 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
JayTheDaniels 42 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Odaa7909 42 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Ameenlotfi 42 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Hmonte2 42 ENGL 2000
MackenzieBlackburn1923 42 Women and Medicine
Emmajay23 42 Writing 3225
ZhiZhi Xu 42 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Pamcastell 42 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Caroleeee 42 Black Culture in a Post-Soul Era
Dukee12 42 Global Issues
Davisjd1 42 LIS 584 - Knowledge Management
Crf harraljo 42 Non-Western Art
ConorTrahar 42 HIST 432
Andreamfast 42 HIST 432
She the reader 42 English 2
Nayca 42 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Hookje 42 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
TheHound2019 42 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Oceanegonz 42 Information and Technology
Jabrwalkie 42 Information and Technology
Bokyung0327 42 UW1020 M68
Larainal 42 UW1020 M66
Isabelleshegog 42 UW1020 M82
Morbiusgreen 42 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Korallu 42 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Ecort015 42 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Saulcuddy 42 English Composition II
Itsphuong 42 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Guwenjia 42 MAE 7160
Caroline t04 41 Invertebrate Zoology
Niyati815 41 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Alan Zimmer 41 History of Science B
Gatsparilla 41 ASL Structure
Beast3020 41 Writing Wikipedia
Tgsmith1908 41 COM 563 Relational Communication
Vivekparikh44 41 Social Inequality SOC 221
Cjboley 41 Psychology Capstone
Shelbyw8 41 Psychology Capstone
Jalyngreen11 41 Comp II
Kristenforehand 41 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
Beckyyy Fox 41 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
Binxedits 41 The University, the Museum, and the Middle East
JazminWel 41 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
Brittanylwatson 41 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Esallinger1 41 Advanced Evolution
AishatuSaid 41 Contemporary Art and Design
Jrc05680 41 Contemporary Art and Design
Aguilar.97 41 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Jscaglio 41 Introduction to Policy Analysis
JasmineHutson21 41 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Coadm001 41 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Acostadc 41 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Breid3491 41 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
AmalAlMuftah 41 History of Film
Smmlhck 41 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Leeliz11 41 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
E.828.asu 41 The History of Coal
Ndavi36 41 ENGL 2000
Heatherlcrespo 41 Neuroscience 470
BradV19 41 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Canomnachi 41 Black Culture in a Post-Soul Era
KivaElk 41 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Kdjess 41 Research Methods of Art History
LukeMahaney 41 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Arieleliu 41 Social Movements and Social Media
Mmontana61 41 Introduction to Information Studies
Mjsauer2 41 Israeli Politics and Society
Alulu00 41 WikiMed Spring 2019 UCSF SOM
Mmkillebrew 41 Marine Biology- BI260
Czhu1995 41 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Mtatherton18 41 UW1020 M66
Jalvar042 41 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Scumbagpancake 41 English Composition 3738
Jwlyoung 41 FemiKorea
IdaAng 41 MAE 7160
Ehelgans 41 Basin Studies
Xzhang01 41 Modern Chinese Philosophy
Victoriagonzalez1998 40 Language and Law
Ccm110 40 Language and Law
Lauren ku 40 Invertebrate Zoology
Rjholt24 40 Invertebrate Zoology
Jcr9r2 40 History of Science A
Aubrey29 40 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
LazarusSutton 40 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Haruka Senju 40 African Politics
RosolinoM23 40 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Cnschroeder99 40 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Victoriabrookecarr 40 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Elaina65 40 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Shekcelestine 40 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Carleyg98 40 Genetics
BMitchellAdkins 40 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Bradgaskin98 40 The Qur'an
Emmyminer 40 Global History in a Modern World
Sean Faron 40 Global History in a Modern World
Allycoughlan 40 Global History in a Modern World
Blazingstar24 40 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Jb8527a 40 Language and Human Experience
Ah5234a 40 Language and Human Experience
JamesMichaelC 40 ENVS 135
Fkalrubaiee 40 ENVS 10H
Dannyibarra50c 40 Politics of Italy
Stecklen 40 Journey to Center of Earth
RWJinZhugEo 40 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Confidedbliss 40 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
The editor 2019 40 PSY 101 General Psychology
Mdarrow18 40 PSY 101 General Psychology
Abigaildinius 40 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Sbutz2016 40 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Tichristo 40 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Afv006 40 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Clwang 40 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
TeeKeys 40 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Hiphopca34 40 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
XBrixS 40 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Chaseshea 40 WRIT 015-21- Banned and Challenged Books
Maswitz 40 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
A.Anthony28 40 Women and Medicine
Annazwade 40 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
NatalieMDunn 40 Sacred Arts of Japan
Red2212 40 English 1302
Noahm9 40 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Ashleyhoyt97 40 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Jwfriend 40 Islamic Art and Architecture
Njiter98 40 Biology of Sex and Gender
Afowler143 40 Global Issues
KBrown99 40 Newswriting
Kpotharaju 40 Global Poverty and Practice
Aliciageng1 40 Global Poverty and Practice
Zinger598 40 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
KodiceJames 40 Non-Western Art
Justinguider 40 Marine Microbial Ecology
GanimJ 40 Marine Microbial Ecology
Datong Xu 40 Information and Technology
Ammiechin 40 Information and Technology
NoorAlmutaa 40 Information and Technology
Krogers2 40 Religions of the African Atlantic
Gulgardiner 40 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Dianazh 40 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Victoria1995 40 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Npearso2 40 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Koreaprojsrs1234 40 FemiKorea
Dawnvestaceres 40 Advanced Legal Research
Drangini 39 Invertebrate Zoology
JazzyBre 39 Invertebrate Zoology
Amy2019 39 Advanced Legal Research
Tokyodrift4 39 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
Eldryn T 39 Introduction to International Politics W19
Letimm 39 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Lampthecat 39 African Politics
Dev JLap 39 Writing Wikipedia
AAAHHHHH 39 Writing Wikipedia
Jacksonb8166 39 COM 563 Relational Communication
Rdblakely 39 COM 563 Relational Communication
Iamberry1 39 Baroque Art
AloGamora 39 Baroque Art
Morgantayler15 39 Baroque Art
Pratibha g1 39 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Clab24 39 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
G-melissa1997 39 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Drjoline 39 Early American History Graduate Seminar
Hannah.hayhurst 39 Comp II
18AGutih 39 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Kaylalouwill 39 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Cajjen12 39 HSC 355 Bioethics
Buslak 39 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Tpark1217 39 Ecological Factors in Design
Khrisley 39 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Olivemich98 39 Language and Human Experience
Rds.csus 39 ENVS 135
Marta.tkachuk 39 ENVS 10H
Reic2482 39 Statistical Consulting Practicum
Frazier.385 39 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Nicohall 39 Online Communities
Mpsmith15 39 PSY 101 General Psychology
Sanamrafiq 39 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Ldunn2015 39 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Kxm087 39 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Rayal021 39 Dynamic Tensions
Oraza518 39 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Dbadeye11 39 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
PSarahdactyls 39 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Gabbygrigsby1 39 Popular Culture in America
SgaEtari 39 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Breaguirre 39 Women and Medicine
Nitikashekhar 39 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Julianadinardo 39 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
King JLo 39 English 1302
Gabriela.bell-nunez 39 Latin American Social Theory 2019
Jbalbz 39 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Cluffa 39 Biology of Sex and Gender
Tiaratillis99 39 Black Culture in a Post-Soul Era
DavidNec 39 Global Issues
Willee1938 39 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Justmatko 39 COML 509
Samueltufts 39 New Histories of Chicago Media
Michael S Baird 39 Art of the Global Middle Ages
ZhujunH 39 Art of the Global Middle Ages
Inchpebble 39 Chemistry of Macromolecules
Mich nangca 39 English 1B
Ponzulord 39 English 1B
Carlapicasso 39 UW1020 M68
Abrahamrhoffman 39 IFS201 Information in a Post-Truth World
Adrie1661 39 Curating Cultures
Amelirose 39 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
DoomInstigator 39 English 1102 143
Eunice.Kim2540 39 Advanced Legal Research
Smmeeks 38 Invertebrate Zoology
AWRIGH30 38 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Clandis0217 38 History of Science A
Je7818 38 Advanced Legal Research
504babyshay 38 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Ksongy713 38 Researching Environment and Culture
OliviaSenese1998 38 English 1102
Meganjoss 38 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Pedrosju 38 African Politics
Faithjaylee 38 English 1213 Section 647
Faithjaylee 38 English 1213 Section 670
Whitakeml 38 Social Inequality SOC 221
Jdicke16 38 Capitalism and Democracy
Brian1242 38 ENGL1102 Composition II
CaptainWoody 38 ENGL1102 Composition II
Doreen Padula 38 PSY342 Language Development
Kaitlyn.nielson99 38 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Carmied1 38 PSY342 Language Development
Rsmorehouse17 38 Genetics
Ndamargi 38 HSC 355 Bioethics
Poodle0011 38 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Haleycrews 38 Many Faces of Poverty
Louiseriou 38 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
A8218054 38 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
PstMar23 38 Sexuality and Politics
AnarchistBat'ko 38 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Kayt789 38 English Composition II
Brandonmp5 38 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Valdovp 38 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Tnrud23 38 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Ashleyal 38 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Sophielina16 38 Language and Human Experience
Dutenhaver.2 38 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Scrambleyz 38 Molecular and Genome Evolution
8fries 38 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Mwaldrep20 38 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Elena0100 38 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
MariamKamal2021 38 History of Film
Mennaazzam 38 History of Film
Sarahxlangston 38 ART-340
Jms2gn 38 Foreign Literature in Translation
VM981772 38 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Oceancomediscover 38 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Crispyman20 38 The History of Coal
Sashaver82 38 Introductory Sociology
Coldpressedhoney 38 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
QuestionableInquiry 38 Cold War Science
EmmyKayBee 38 Women and Medicine
Dw2460 38 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Beautiful days111 38 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Sdragich 38 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Ahs86 38 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Jay Laetsch 38 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Masonbissada 38 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Nguyen g 38 Writing for the Web
Mlekmoore 38 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Emfarone42 38 Global Issues
Emarie99 38 Shakespeare and Media
Aileenxgui 38 Social Movements and Social Media
Mqueenan17 38 African American Art
Rodolfo.olivares96 38 Biochemistry Lab 378
Linguard 38 Biochemistry Lab 378
Rordunne 38 Marine Biology- BI260
Terrier2019 38 Marine Biology- BI260
Emcuttsy 38 Organic Geochemistry 2019
Casey518 38 UW1020 M68
Ghurley1 38 UW1020 M66
Wohlina 38 UW1020 M82
Boobiewaffletoosh 38 English Composition II
Februaryfeminist 38 FemiKorea
Alaricx3 38 English 1102 053
Mizkim345 38 English 1102 143
Krs201 37 Language and Law
Piercelogan 37 Language and Law
Sahmofor 37 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Cole bodine 37 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Igct27 37 History of Science A
Eric.setzer 37 ASL Structure
Fallow9Fellow 37 English 1102
Zongjun Jiang 37 Government information policy and practice
Amartey15 37 African Politics
Dhebe48 37 Chemistry 4558 Mass Spectrometry
Scorimes 37 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Earnold97 37 Psychology Capstone
Dawkins B 37 PSY342 Language Development
Seanmoulton 37 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Marenb16 37 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Lucyinthesky17 37 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Puigr88 37 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Clockmaker4030 37 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Mohammedmugallid 37 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Jenny rogers98 37 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Terencewtli 37 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Nolanjc97 37 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Valencia0012 37 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Sb9338 37 Language and Human Experience
Cquaye2 37 Race and Incarceration
TF951497642 37 Race and Incarceration
Rojasmar 37 Journey to Center of Earth
Ttsakoza 37 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
BBriody589 37 ART-340
S.Hoque33 37 Plants and People
Kaveman720 37 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Terrycrewsleftpeck 37 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Sarahwiki99 37 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Allie72399 37 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Omatise12 37 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Mary.p2019 37 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Cswenger88 37 Cold War Science
QualityCabbage 37 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Alexdeger 37 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Mariarrt 37 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Vyanhnguyen 37 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Triaser 37 English 1302
Bear606 37 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Seanjaelee 37 Social Movements and Social Media
SJCribbs 37 New Histories of Chicago Media
Littel16 37 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Selvew15 37 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Cappell0sophia 37 Roots of Feminism
Goldhamm 37 Roots of Feminism
Mckliz 37 Digital Rhetorics
Fikko3107 37 Digital Rhetorics
Strawberysteph 37 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Zarina 6022 37 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Switch94 37 Information and Technology
Lexnicldn 37 Information and Technology
Gingocat 37 Chemistry of Macromolecules
BelindaBlay 37 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Cbettica65 37 UW1020 M68
Sograves 37 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Maximustsou 37 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Sotojoce 37 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Gghanem8 37 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Graceg9 37 English 1102 077
Aureliall 37 Chem 153A Honors
Wilsonbaez 36 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Alassane togola 36 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Ericdalgetty 36 History of Science A
Leeberty84 36 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
Mfarmer26 36 CORE 160-05
Graysonhanson 36 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
ConserveMoore 36 Researching Environment and Culture
Scortes1217 36 Researching Environment and Culture
Ejmg24 36 Introduction to International Politics W19
Njgoldenbear 36 African Politics
Cmallory9 36 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Habeebah001 36 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Baelynnmcg 36 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Zakattak13 36 English 1213 Section 670
Bookerxv 36 Women and US Politics
Arianna Pomares 36 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Arianna Bailey 36 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Jdang2019 36 Early American History Graduate Seminar
Jbanda0351 36 Early American History Graduate Seminar
Andrea.Rogers 36 Comp II
Iryna Karliychuk 36 PSY342 Language Development
Jkgrewal 36 HSC 355 Bioethics
Averyw1086 36 HSC 355 Bioethics
Stacey Harmer 36 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
BTrerice 36 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Nishithasingi 36 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
MelanieACain 36 Sexuality and Politics
AzRashidzada 36 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Axanthou 36 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
Bharrison111 36 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Aiyonna 36 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Jkappss 36 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Cawalker18 36 Global History in a Modern World
Samtree121 36 Global History in a Modern World
Jwiechjacob 36 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Mr0960a 36 Language and Human Experience
Dianadixi 36 ENVS 135
Imanidorsey13 36 Race and Incarceration
Wildofsky.2 36 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Gerdes.21 36 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Krosa5 36 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Sara buhadoud 36 History of Film
Cgome166 36 Dynamic Tensions
Natalie.cross35 36 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Erinboateng 36 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Nno700 36 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Xjam1937x 36 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
AceSher 36 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Carlybasler 36 English 1102 T Th
ESutt 36 SOCS 230 Honors Applied Social Sciences on Death
Andrewmanker 36 US History since 1914
Jennybush 36 Introductory Sociology
Avagle 36 Gender and Identity in Modern Art
Mcco7771 36 Women and Medicine
Yalshara 36 Writing 3225
Elliottewryan 36 Islam in America
Allyfajardo15 36 Islamic Art and Architecture
Smxash39c 36 Academic Inquiry 1215
Jgunasti86 36 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Laylaelq 36 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Jazminsl 36 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Jordangentry 36 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Lifeisgood20 36 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Classikhgirl 36 Social Movements and Social Media
I'llallowit 36 COML 509
Midnightedge 36 Women in the Economy
JingranZhang 36 Women in the Economy
Yulun Li 36 Women in the Economy
IamKoi 36 First-Year Composition
Kellypar 36 Microbial Biotechnology
Yen181 36 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Lweggs 36 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
Anobile96 36 Information and Technology
Shivinsharma1 36 Information and Technology
Mitchell Booth 36 Chem 165
Hunter2714 36 Research as Narrative
Laylaserna 36 UW1020 M68
Fields18x 36 UW1020 M68
Sallyfried 36 UW1020 M66
Samuelzhao000005 36 UW1020 M82
Wnsgur3470 35 Wikipedia - Universally Shared, Edited by Whom
CFiss 35 Invertebrate Zoology
Amaugeri26 35 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Robert Hawkins05 35 History of Science B
Ewardwell 35 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
Mariah McD 35 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Ruggeg22 35 Latino History 2019
Kec30 35 ASL Structure
Conman1717 35 English 1102
Mrscompain 35 Government information policy and practice
Halabazzaz 35 African Politics
Barrrl 35 Baroque Art
Taliazapata 35 English 1213 Section 670
Andrewlisko 35 Social Inequality SOC 221
Bah2019 35 Technical Editing
ZoeLynn11 35 Women and US Politics
BogerVII 35 JMC 305 News Editing
Shifonf 35 Early American History Graduate Seminar
Annikahinman 35 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
EricChau 35 HSC 355 Bioethics
Beedizzle21 35 HSC 355 Bioethics
Bpbassett1 35 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Paulkong 35 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
JPoley99 35 English 202-006
MelissaBaljeet 35 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Akichannann 35 English Composition II
Prizmic 35 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Lsmith126 35 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Milliekirchberg 35 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Jessm1417 35 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Whouse141 35 Advanced Evolution
Jthomasi3 35 Evolution of the Human Brain
Isaachhan 35 Evolution of the Human Brain
Rrb41700 35 Contemporary Art and Design
Sh5272a 35 Language and Human Experience
Mvaba00 35 ENVS 10H
Alekvuozzo 35 ENVS 10H
Ernestina1728 35 Statistical Consulting Practicum
Akbrown21 35 Contemporary Slavery
Gyaredos 35 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Lowthel 35 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Tcowan1996 35 Developmental and Molecular Biology
SarahAlMarri 35 History of Film
Ddj025 35 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Emmybre 35 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Pabadu73 35 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Zd385 35 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
RyanCornell28 35 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Mariarose100 35 English 260
Cj.hanlon96 35 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
CKAbegg 35 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
AKL887 35 US History since 1914
Kylarsmith08 35 ENGL 2000
Danj19 35 Introductory Sociology
Skylar.agnello 35 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
J-bone52 35 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Josealejandro9735 35 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Mariah yates1 35 Women and Medicine
Ian0217 35 Civil Engineering Economy
Rg2493 35 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Charleneguo 35 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Dixiang Yuan 35 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Collinmck 35 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Tkadali 35 Chem 153A Honors
Mjnye19 35 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
KSlove521 35 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
CassieFranks4 35 HIST 358
Marquez94n 35 Social Movements and Social Media
MaddieGenova 35 Social Movements and Social Media
Kc cotton 35 LIS 584 - Knowledge Management
Lpears 35 New Histories of Chicago Media
Slothstuff 35 Contemporary Anthropological Theory
Nehita Star 35 First-Year Composition
SophieBelatrix 35 First-Year Composition
Canrubu 35 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
BostonBiologyM 35 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
Thayermartin 35 WikiMed Spring 2019 UCSF SOM
Haydenmanninen 35 Chem 165
Benitalukose 35 UW1020 M68
Koko413 35 UW1020 M82
Sydneycurrie5 35 UW1020 M82
Amazon2019 35 Amazon A Cultural History
Tensonrom 35 English Composition II
Cglynn62 35 English 1102 077
Tian Tasso 35 English 1102 143
Shpll 35 Advanced Legal Research
Pardeep24 35 Chem 153A Honors
Kfriday22 34 Invertebrate Zoology
EmHSLib13 34 Digital Pedagogy with U-M Library
RandyGreeves 34 History of Science A
Kathychen1 34 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
Saad.Negm 34 Introduction to International Politics W19
Julian Crant 34 Introduction to International Politics W19
Troyal15 34 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Dneverson 34 COM 563 Relational Communication
C0k38irl 34 Baroque Art
Arianaemb 34 Baroque Art
Freshta Akbary 34 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Joeygaig 34 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Kennedyneely 34 Women and US Politics
KaitTip 34 Technical Editing
Albano512 34 Tropical Fruit Production
Rroney18 34 JMC 305 News Editing
Loganschock 34 Western Civilization I
Arasmussen27 34 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Juliefarias 34 HSC 355 Bioethics
Jwisehar 34 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Jregister152 34 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Bradeejo 34 Hearing Conservation
Sam2072976 34 IFS201 - 35284
Juliaasano 34 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Blue993 34 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Chenny1 34 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Jdecker8 34 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Sc4057 34 Language and Human Experience
Dmoral37 34 Language and Human Experience
DecisionTheory 34 Statistical Consulting Practicum
Tarynl 34 Race and Incarceration
Pjreaves 34 Contemporary Slavery
Kirkland99 34 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Nkawada2015 34 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Saria1234 34 Hydrology
Skyeguindon 34 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Zdhenley 34 Foreign Literature in Translation
Ayanna russell 34 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Dmogie 34 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Dsing038 34 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Billiano 34 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Groovykar 34 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
C9music4321 34 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Euge7ve 34 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Leannefogarty 34 Endocrinology
Jackie542 34 Endocrinology
Camisasn28 34 The History of Coal
TroyBo14 34 The History of Coal
NoSeTampoco1 34 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Allisongilliss 34 Women and Medicine
Nve98 34 Civil Engineering Economy
Mcguigan.m 34 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Slimeyboy 34 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Nomaris 34 Islam in America
Lorelairobideaux 34 Islam in America
Morrisal7116 34 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Amandaladucer 34 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Mladen44 34 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Bgleaton8 34 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Jet82 34 English 202-011
Angelacaooo 34 Social Movements and Social Media
Maddyz1415 34 Non-Western Art
Nasiya Tarih 34 First-Year Composition
Jasminecrawford 34 English 2
StudentQ 34 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Tbdusername42 34 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
Neurogal101 34 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
Vnzk9696 34 Information and Technology
GabeJodhan04 34 Information and Technology
Adrianarobertson 34 Information and Technology
Fudymben 34 UW1020 M68
Charlier118 34 UW1020 M82
WavesOfAmur 34 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Swiftkick98 34 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Wherm001 34 Curating Cultures
Byeology 34 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Alexiscastro173 34 English 1102 053
Joezabel 34 Advanced Legal Research
Reggie888 34 Advanced Legal Research
Geolenne12 33 Language and Law
Talkinser 33 Principles of Systematic Biology
Ajtomlin 33 Invertebrate Zoology
Cmhannah202 33 Invertebrate Zoology
Aaron7453 33 Relationships and Digital Media
Cffc77 33 History of Science B
Cml3nc 33 History of Science B
Chaseander 33 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
BLTownsend02 33 CORE 160-05
Anusha Neu 33 CORE 160-05
Deborah jeong 33 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Nom Chompsky 33 Researching Environment and Culture
Akiousis 33 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
Jjpandy 33 Introduction to International Politics W19
Briannariv 33 ASL Structure
Bbeck3 33 ASL Structure
Kanraru 33 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Srosemont 33 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Yaningsun 33 African Politics
Ejplacke 33 COM 563 Relational Communication
Rosedalton 33 Baroque Art
Tdschult 33 Social Inequality SOC 221
LMcCauley2 33 Women and US Politics
Caesarlan1992 33 Standards for Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Gjohnson41 33 JMC 305 News Editing
KayAnn1 33 ENGL1102 Composition II
CalebPhelps99 33 Comp II
BlakeDarrow 33 Comp II
Jderen1 33 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Kdillinger20 33 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Slaib3456 33 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Rmb97 33 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Hanna peterman 33 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Sbidani 33 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
1smithmon 33 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
MollzMayes 33 Sexuality and Politics
DataShepherd 33 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Jmoore31 33 Advanced Evolution
Ylils 33 Language and Human Experience
Erichardson4 33 ENVS 135
Miegodorales 33 ENVS 135
Emmadart 33 ENVS 10H
Lsilvaal 33 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Ronin221 33 Contemporary Slavery
Mjohnson25 33 Contemporary Slavery
ATekatch 33 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Westbrookholly 33 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Lujhs 33 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Jose Angel-Garcia 123 33 Introduction to Human Biology
Mhedelund2017 33 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Kwekuos 33 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Hypnagogic hallucination 33 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Anushka Sah 33 HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Kobenash2413 33 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Ashlei325 33 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Kelmendoza23 33 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Dd9734 33 English 260
AlecMorales 33 English 1102 T Th
Plewi003 33 Communication and Culture
Emiller202 33 Communication and Culture
Toni Ervin 33 SOCS 230 Honors Applied Social Sciences on Death
Mckelviemcmurry 33 SOCS 230 Honors Applied Social Sciences on Death
Milanarya1 33 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Tylerwr1 33 The History of Coal
NFS26 33 The History of Coal
Jul234 33 ENGL 2000
Mmalin21 33 Public Relations and Digital Media
Aavel1 33 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Thompson2688 33 Cold War Science
Snark1234 33 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Rachelahaz 33 Women and Medicine
Congluo819 33 Biogeochemical Cycles
Yasminekhiri 33 Civil Engineering Economy
Ivy.bergstrom 33 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Ecarzon 33 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Ehcho 33 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Fbn.mue 33 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Arfranklin17 33 HIST 358
Bmoffitt24 33 Newswriting
Crusu5130 33 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Kenz2019 33 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Boltlm17 33 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Kaden.Rawson 33 Molecular Motors
CarlyleM2019 33 ART 366
Aashnaps 33 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Iron Wolf 22 33 Information and Technology
Simonedesilva 33 Information and Technology
Shonoac 33 IFS201 Information in a Post Truth World
Tiffanyyu10 33 Chem 165
Vexxed7 33 Marine Biology- BI260
EPMas1 33 Organic Geochemistry 2019
Dmastronardi 33 UW1020 M66
SnarkieGoblin 33 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Friday1999 33 English 1102 053
Acbernardino 33 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Rezarto 33 English 1102 143
Simonaa emily 33 English 1102 143
Emmacarolyn 33 Advanced Legal Research
Acorrive 33 Advanced Legal Research
Kellybo 32 Language and Law
Laura.faraci 32 Language and Law
Cnmiller1 32 Invertebrate Zoology
JiazhenLin000 32 Language and Technology
Mjsv23 32 History of Science B
Smssls 32 Advanced Legal Research
Ifuller 32 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Hannahkosloski 32 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
SpaceFerret 32 Writing Wikipedia
Mseyed.d 32 African Politics
Alex.dzierwa 32 IL 101
Heathers09 32 Baroque Art
LingschLuke 32 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Nlky 32 Composition Theory and Practice
Wlbmont 32 M4 WikiMedicine Elective
Polymoog19 32 Capitalism and Democracy
Liettejk 32 Noise and Hearing
Mreynolds12 32 JMC 305 News Editing
Sbainer 32 JMC 305 News Editing
Jlexiewinn 32 Psychology Capstone
Macallebs 32 Early American History Graduate Seminar
Mooneymagic 32 Comp II
Ds036398 32 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Nancylim511 32 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Joseph Namingha 32 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Rspiek17 32 Genetics
MishaSayenkoCSUEB 32 HSC 355 Bioethics
Beccann6112 32 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Natalieandrewski 32 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Nicole1004 32 English Composition II
Culrich115 32 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
RachelGreene109 32 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Bschaffer 32 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Hopewell Pinstripe 32 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Juliamboe07 32 State and Local Government
Kh3522a 32 Language and Human Experience
Cggmendez 32 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Domixox 32 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Mitchell11998 32 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Izzieclark 32 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Innes.samantha 32 WR121
Calhoun92 32 WR121
Djd348 32 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Eclippard 32 Foreign Literature in Translation
Collegeandcosmos 32 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Troslin 32 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Ms0798 32 English 260
Emerrinette 32 English 1102 T Th
Azartari 32 Cold War Science
Sfolger 32 Women and Medicine
Stevenjean97 32 Women and Medicine
Yliu3089 32 Biogeochemical Cycles
Jsansalo 32 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Kylieleung 32 History of Psychology
Vancegraves 32 History of Psychology
Sgbroberg 32 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
MargaretDuich 32 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Judsonts 32 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Claudiaisabel15 32 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Thumbpin 32 English 1302
Anthony 2466 32 English 1302
VScherrenburgl90 32 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Bshields93 32 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Jcuret 32 Islamic Art and Architecture
Cbizzy2313 32 Global Issues
EmilyFreg19 32 Global Poverty and Practice
Wellcaffeinated109 32 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Clminivini 32 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Mpalm123 32 Social Movements and Social Media
Wamsap17 32 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Selleg17 32 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Kbelsher2 32 HIST 432
Lukemartens 32 HIST 432
TheBoatGuy 32 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Tiffchannnn 32 Information and Technology
Cassmauro11 32 Information and Technology
Liamrebellato 32 Information and Technology
CatherineElba 32 Advanced Genetics
Nganey 32 Marine Biology- BI260
Romycarl 32 English 1B
Barborale 32 UW1020 M66
Ilikesleeping1 32 UW1020 M82
Dripbean123 32 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Saraelakesh 32 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Arjunoza 32 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Ksuacillo 32 English 1102 053
Ironmanrox42 32 English 1102 077
Bulltimmy 32 English 1102 143
MingjieZ 32 MAE 7160
Melewski123 32 Multi-Camera Production
Atmospheric Anna 32 Planetary Atmospheres
Nmr129 31 Language and Law
Annabecker234 31 Principles of Systematic Biology
NattapolMycetes 31 Principles of Systematic Biology
Ted Salad 31 Principles of Systematic Biology
Brookebutterfield 31 Invertebrate Zoology
Willi726 31 Invertebrate Zoology
Paytonfleming 31 Invertebrate Zoology
Penguinsprite 31 Latino History 2019
Joshuabm19 31 Introduction to International Politics W19
Ophmac 31 ASL Structure
Yflores3 31 ASL Structure
Nshanoff 31 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
AMLem 31 Government information policy and practice
Botjanitor 31 Writing Wikipedia
StephBephh 31 African Politics
Csandhu 31 African Politics
Cfowler8 31 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Gojasmin2015 31 Baroque Art
Shellreed 31 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Mckenzie324 31 English 1213 Section 670
Kakurland 31 Social Inequality SOC 221
Meganmoussa 31 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Kefleury 31 Gender and Science 2018-19
Jessicajwu 31 Early American History Graduate Seminar
GrantSmaellie 31 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Uokonkwo 31 PSY342 Language Development
Sarah.Angela97 31 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
JMillett 31 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Zeribe.ezeanuna 31 HSC 355 Bioethics
Rvelez313 31 HSC 355 Bioethics
Smangal06 31 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Bioclocksvision 31 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Hannanettles 31 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
GetanjolyRoy 31 Women and Gender in the Middle East
TrueGoddessHecate 31 English Composition II
Epicharpoon 31 Media Literacy
Crobertson4 31 Hearing Conservation
Melodylo 31 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Tachlis 31 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Sarpedon-of-lycia 31 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Jocelyn Saravia 31 Radical Women in Latin American Art
AngRenzi 31 THEA 7216X - Global Theater History and Theory III
EWLung 31 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Rainbirdmeli 31 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
DominiqueCDooley 31 SPC 1017 Honors
BatmanWallet123 31 Advanced Evolution
Jennyferjjimenez 31 Language and Human Experience
Mburnns 31 Language and Human Experience
Zac386 31 ENVS 135
Kmrosenbauer 31 ENVS 135
Michael W. Morrison 31 Statistical Consulting Practicum
Iivanchentw 31 Race and Incarceration
Schnorrenberg.1 31 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Dondrehuddl12 31 Contemporary Slavery
Austingarza 31 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
FrankTan666 31 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
KarimMcMaster 31 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Liaod18 31 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Cat Ocean 31 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
LeeSwae11 31 Critical Reading and Writing
Katelynpfeuffer 31 WR121
Lyn522 31 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Paigejohnston 31 Social Issues in Sport Management
EGreen697 31 ART-340
Gabrielleshsu 31 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Mblackmon99 31 Foreign Literature in Translation
Catherynbolick 31 Foreign Literature in Translation
VictoriaPT 31 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Rileypalermo 31 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Annatwohey 31 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Theyoungog97 31 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Jkadyszewski 31 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
MorganE1 31 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Tidiane.bakayoko 31 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
518Akillit 31 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
MeyaPuff 31 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Daltonce1 31 The History of Coal
Ksottile 31 US History since 1914
Abbykadabby 22 31 ENGL 2000
TTrriisshaa 31 Public Relations and Digital Media
TinaD123 31 Public Relations and Digital Media
Riim22 31 Public Relations and Digital Media
AndrewCarlevale 31 Gender and Identity in Modern Art
Tdub15 31 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Timmyhuanghe 31 Biogeochemical Cycles
Redbarry 31 Colonialism
KatForbis 31 History of Psychology
Brilelj0 31 Sacred Arts of Japan
Madisondoran1 31 English 1302
DaniloHelber 31 English 1302
Medihahussain 31 Islamic Art and Architecture
Ziz Mann 31 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Vsous1 31 Academic Inquiry 1215
Ecarpe3 31 Academic Inquiry 1215
Jojohanson 31 Global Issues
123teddyme 31 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Hannahdobrott 31 Social Movements and Social Media
Kyra.smith24 31 English 202-011
Henry Guan 31 Social Movements and Social Media
BSII0IX 31 Social Movements and Social Media
ZanderRavet 31 Art of the Global Middle Ages
Verachytilova 31 Roots of Feminism
Helena Que 31 Women in the Economy
Aallencaldwell 31 English 2
Lserrano60 31 FA 104 IK
Samran24 31 Information and Technology
Av244 31 Biochemistry Lab 378
Pengyuli2019 31 Dinosaur Science
Yueyuemia 31 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Maddywright 31 UW1020 M66
ChristalCao 31 UW1020 M82
Fahroooodin 31 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
PBarrington 31 Comp II 70159
Masce002 31 Radical Women in Latin American Art
AFowler004 31 Curating Cultures
Hodie h 31 FemiKorea
LukasJ11 31 English 1102 053
Cbonneville 31 MAE 7160
ReneeChecinski 30 Language and Law
BerberichA 30 Language and Law
Jtholt510 30 Invertebrate Zoology
Srsaff 30 Advanced Legal Research
Jcoll0408 30 Advanced Legal Research
Nick0616 30 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
Kcspice432 30 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Millie.hdz12 30 Latino History 2019
Daisy prg 30 Latino History 2019
Xli337 30 Government information policy and practice
Glassknott 30 Writing Wikipedia
Harvdarv 30 IL 101
Theodore8 30 African Politics
Hrd24 30 Baroque Art
Natalie.silver1 30 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jbracale 30 Capitalism and Democracy
Karobotham 30 Gender and Science 2018-19
Mliao2 30 Standards for Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Hklegacy 30 Early American History Graduate Seminar
Jcsalguero 30 Early American History Graduate Seminar
MeganRMulholland 30 ENGL1102 Composition II
Lebaugh 30 Comp II
Abansah 30 PSY342 Language Development
Catherinethai 30 PSY342 Language Development
Gdorazio 30 PSY342 Language Development
MilkisWack1065 30 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
Asclements88 30 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Jessicavandiver 30 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Circadian Time 30 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Carorojasdd 30 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Carovinc2 30 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Shayla Ann3614 30 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Mferrell104 30 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Holdynmarin 30 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Kainoasa 30 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Chaddayj 30 ENVS 135
Darianrose 30 ENVS 135
Iles27 30 ENVS 10H
Mzkoya26 30 ENVS 10H
Melissaglvn 30 Race and Incarceration
NansiReyes 30 Race and Incarceration
JohnnyUCSD 30 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Cfurrer 30 Journey to Center of Earth
Englishclassal 30 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Raelago 30 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Butte College Student 30 Introduction to Human Biology
Tlacie 30 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Fraserdavies 30 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Amna-alh 30 History of Film
Sgutierrez29 30 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Surfbased 30 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Robin Andrews23 30 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Jules945 30 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Sabine.carolissen 30 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Yeahjuss 30 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Ewadmangoetsch 30 Languages and Language Attitudes in USA
Ronavia McMillan 30 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Missyoukaii 30 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Zendzianm 30 English 1102 T Th
Isabellewoods 30 Introductory Sociology
Nicolas Rage 30 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Aphillips979 30 Women and Medicine
R.a.sender95 30 Writing 3225
Glenngrace7 30 Civil Engineering Economy
Alexisirish 30 History of Psychology
Aapro24 30 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Situ.k 30 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Chang.sar 30 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
J.S.Hirsh 30 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Thecivilswar 30 Sacred Arts of Japan
Megmcpherson 30 English 1302
Ohitsnich 30 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Romymacari 30 Introduction to Islamic Art
Squid31 30 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Dominador495 30 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
EmilyReNew 30 IFS201-35293
JenelleClark 30 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Egresham 30 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
TBEclipz 30 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Colormaster1 30 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Jdrooff 30 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Tmendo26 30 COML 509
Omarcum 30 Art of the Global Middle Ages
Tasmia333 j 30 Women in the Economy
Terrancekctang 30 Women in the Economy
Ashleydotjpg 30 Microbial Biotechnology
Carolineqjones2 30 African American Art
Michellemorosin 30 Art 200 33256
Fsanchez18 30 FA 104 IK
Jonahgarcia 30 Information and Technology
Morenaa x 30 Information and Technology
Jenniferputri 30 Information and Technology
Yuhan19 30 Chem 165
Xinruib 30 Chem 165
Mtang19 30 Chem 165
Liaog2022 30 Chem 165
Rose.r.wang22 30 Chem 165
Laschv 30 Chem 165
IamArtVandelay21 30 Research as Narrative
Ekgomez 30 Marine Biology- BI260
Ashleydavidsongwu 30 UW1020 M82
Kp06geor 30 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Somb001 30 Radical Women in Latin American Art
KW arthistory 30 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Osajjh93 30 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Rosalesa474 30 English 1102 143
Rscudi 29 Language and Law
Marorzek 29 Language and Law
Claudia Paez 29 Principles of Systematic Biology
Mziemba 29 Invertebrate Zoology
Conn renn 29 Invertebrate Zoology
Henrykate 29 Relationships and Digital Media
Ccb8r8 29 History of Science B
Ziyangwang2019 29 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Elagabalus123 29 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Yashwenee Selvaraju 29 Introduction to International Politics W19
Yutuzi 29 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Hopeb99 29 IST 141 Library Research
Chloeluh 29 African Politics
Ccroninv ucb 29 African Politics
LJGriffin98 29 African Politics
Palalka 29 IL 101
Chrisdarcy1 29 African Politics
Olufunke~Liz 29 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Alirhein 29 English 1213 Section 647
Kierstennihart 29 English 1213 Section 647
Sijoonryu 29 Social Inequality SOC 221
Cmelanson12 29 Gender and Science 2018-19
IKlu1gg1 29 ENGL1102 Composition II
Lukemcclain 29 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Justin.brown08 29 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
RubeusTheHagrid 29 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Leah22 29 ENGL 121
Lwest192 29 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Madmann16 29 Hearing Conservation
Alshalash1 29 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Katherinegrace0 29 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Knc459 29 State and Local Government
Mei Kaneko 29 State and Local Government
Joabeper 29 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Megan keim 29 Contemporary Art and Design
LSislen 29 Language and Human Experience
Ss2776a 29 Language and Human Experience
Zaid0rtiz 29 ENVS 135
ThomasDunker 29 ENVS 135
Aicjulial 29 Race and Incarceration
Blackhawk128716 29 Race and Incarceration
SeyeongMin 29 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Rkuppach 29 Introduction to Information Studies
Ellshay 29 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Chihhhhyuuuu 29 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Akhatan2016 29 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Rjhart1 29 Introduction to Mass Communication
Jrain21 29 Introduction to Mass Communication
GordonTonde 29 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Guada0409 29 First Year Experience Seminar
Alicia.Pedrera001 29 First Year Experience Seminar
Svila010 29 Dynamic Tensions
Olsontimothy203 29 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Branson22 29 BIOL 4970-18
Bryanna nicole8 29 Women's and Gender Issues
Ariana.jh 29 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Catherine.duncan 29 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Meenameen 29 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Vivenso 29 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Jgarvin9 29 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Sabbatai Sevi 29 English 260
Cr999999999 29 Communication and Culture
Gabrielasgarcia 29 Endocrinology
Waynekm1 29 The History of Coal
Ladysofa 29 ENGL 2000
Spier319 29 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Group2Guy 29 Cold War Science
CornLord Icarus 29 Cold War Science
SirNightHawk 29 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Zjli0415 29 Biogeochemical Cycles
Wanbiao 29 Biogeochemical Cycles
Dniprostar 29 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Ky4649 29 English 1302
Torres.stephaniem824 29 English 1302
Dhepburn634 29 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Emilynicole0224 29 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Jessica.jeffers84 29 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
M.Monjezi 29 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
AndrewBrown 880 29 Global Issues
Cchou19 29 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Samburger7 29 Shakespeare and Media
Mayakrause7 29 Contemporary Anthropological Theory
Win2121 29 Contemporary Anthropological Theory
Elfear17 29 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Blink.19 29 Taking the Archives Public
Muzi Yan 29 Art of the Global Middle Ages
Simron2 29 Women in the Economy
Clairebaire01 29 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
LoCo Wiki 1 29 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Emlilburn 29 ART 366
Briannepalmer 29 Teaching Biogeography
Shukrioam 29 Information and Technology
UCBun 1996 29 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Snlyons 29 Chem 165
Pedrofm00 29 Chem 165
Tgb005 29 Chem 165
SeraCordero 29 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Ddurandisse 29 UW1020 M68
SocksOfDeath 29 UW1020 M82
Dijonaipress 29 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Atonkin1517 29 Christianities in Antiquity
Nancyhernandezz 29 Radical Women in Latin American Art
JessBlack94 29 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Christina.Weiseman 29 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Rene Rangel 29 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Jhern117 29 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Juliachen1 29 FemiKorea
Nehamakwana 28 Language and Law
Ayress97 28 Principles of Systematic Biology
Dingjie Chen 28 Language and Technology
Alh266 28 History of Science A
Austincross44 28 History of Science B
ElliotNestor 28 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
Gwilliams06 28 CORE 160-05
Biancapad5295 28 English 1102
Jchitala 28 African Politics
Kaylak23 28 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Justinpond76 28 COM 563 Relational Communication
Brett790 28 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Colemancaden 28 English 1213 Section 670
Calebdb01 28 English 1213 Section 670
AArcher1998 28 Women and US Politics
Simont43 28 Tropical Fruit Production
Kioane 28 Tropical Fruit Production
Lcgamble 28 Gender and Science 2018-19
Gotham Rejex 28 JMC 305 News Editing
Tre Flagg 28 ENGL1102 Composition II
GregNog2 28 Understanding Iran
Etriplec 28 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Duffyap2019 28 Many Faces of Poverty
Willnm2020 28 Many Faces of Poverty
PranjalAgr 28 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Mostasi10 28 ENGL 121
Cooperc123 28 Sexuality and Politics
Logan520 28 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Bblakesmith 28 Sexuality and Politics
Reuben S Fortushniak 28 English 202-006
Dunlapco 28 English 202-006
I do not have any idea 28 English Composition II
Nsoufraji 28 The Qur'an
Mguio115 28 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Jjjjang 28 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Katesequeira 28 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Chamberschris24 28 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Sophie.cobo 28 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Liz betht 28 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Karakirchner 28 ENGLISH-COMP101
VictoriaA91 28 Contemporary Art and Design
Pato247 28 Race and Incarceration
Isma4318 28 ECON 4318 Economic Data Analysis Capstone
Flintrop.1 28 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Ddt003 28 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Jzovnsg 28 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Zayy 24 28 Contemporary Slavery
Fuzzypenguin1998 28 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
VictMira 28 Critical Reading and Writing
Jiwanaka 28 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Kzanganeh 28 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Jeanne188 28 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Nimumachtiani 28 ART-340
Saj037 28 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Ddp024 28 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
JCY007 28 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Janaje16 28 Women's and Gender Issues
Jjtsch16 28 Women's and Gender Issues
EthanCoD 28 English 1102 T Th
Tcervi 28 Communication and Culture
Areisdematos 28 Endocrinology
Juliebrooks1 28 The History of Coal
Glotay 28 US History since 1914
RoseChampagne 28 Public Relations and Digital Media
Ocarpenter 28 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Lilycoyl 28 Gender and Identity in Modern Art
FactsFirstAlways 28 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Neilarora1 28 Women and Medicine
Beharrison99 28 Women and Medicine
Annikaj3 28 Biogeochemical Cycles
WumboWaffles 28 Civil Engineering Economy
Ccedric2.0 28 Civil Engineering Economy
Luojiefu 28 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Tgs847 28 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 1 2019
Nbailey96 28 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Jlim266 28 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Kristine2016 28 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
At1106 28 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Neil7575 28 English 1302
Listihe 28 English 1302
Matthew Posada 28 English 1302
Snowfox4365 28 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Sjt0238 28 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Hayleypierpont 28 Introduction to Islamic Art
Meganshask 28 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Albrechtb 28 Biology of Sex and Gender
Hxnx 28 English 202-011
FCNX 28 English 202-011
DaniiB1 28 Introduction to Biology II
Sophiakauf 28 Digital Media Literacy
Peterson.Tess 28 COML 509
Mollymwilkins 28 COML 509
Shizip 28 New Histories of Chicago Media
Rachael.bos 28 New Histories of Chicago Media
Eumenade 28 Contemporary Anthropological Theory
MKoepp 28 Introduction to Information Studies
Erika.manzo 28 Art of the Global Middle Ages
Aliaaleali 28 HIST 432
Zoezynzhu 28 Women in the Economy
Msidhu16 28 Women in the Economy
Ht0926 28 Women in the Economy
Icechrome 28 First-Year Composition
Amygross 28 English 2
DiosXMachina 28 Digital Rhetorics
BPAL21 28 Bilingualism in the Spanish-speaking world
Jamir1234 28 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Phoebefilanji 28 Information and Technology
CatherineElba 28 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
Nkinsella 28 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Eliza778 28 Biochemistry Lab 378
CatherineElba 28 Community Journalism
TT in NYU 28 Research Process and Methodology - RPM SP 2 2019
Amayarz 28 UW1020 M66
Jasonkung22 28 UW1020 M82
Escheit2 28 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Farel004 28 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Angela Perez-Gomez 28 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Poproctica19 28 English Composition II
Rebeccaloew 28 FemiKorea
Chaychay0131 28 FemiKorea
Acslater12 28 English 1102 077
Metra Train 28 English 1102 077
HeatherB814 27 Language and Law
Xela262 27 Language and Law
Dtadelhelm 27 Principles of Systematic Biology
Shamilton510 27 Invertebrate Zoology
Dwylrcbc 27 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Minabinett 27 Relationships and Digital Media
Robert Haake 27 Relationships and Digital Media
Mtj522 27 History of Science B
OlamideG 27 Researching Environment and Culture
Kaitlin Molden 27 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Itzeldamota 27 English 1102
Isabellekd 27 African Politics
Johnny Merkley 27 African Politics
Davon0828 27 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Bcmac550 27 COM 563 Relational Communication
Camdthom 27 ENG 102
Travistheartwizard 27 Baroque Art
Emilybalfour 27 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Ieesharoberts 27 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Bednariknicole 27 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Frich25 27 English 1213 Section 670
Alyssab2473 27 English 1213 Section 670
Dodarm 27 M4 WikiMedicine Elective
Mikailalshaw 27 Gender and Science 2018-19
Ktaylor35 27 JMC 305 News Editing
Aliyahz 27 Psychology Capstone
RodellPearson 27 ENGL1102 Composition II
Jelani.Wiltshire 27 PSY342 Language Development
Jameschem 27 CHEM 409 - Chem Lit Seminar
SassyScott 27 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Mlrich13 27 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Cpkelsey 27 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
ARCooper6 27 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Mr917 27 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Lablabz 27 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Brittle89 27 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
IrisChin 27 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Sstauffer21 27 English 202-006
Samanthaaramos 27 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Brickmania12 27 English Composition II
Mary C Godwin 27 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Rtimm7 27 Hearing Conservation
Moskosol 27 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Jhmignacio 27 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Cbkerr 27 Global History in a Modern World
TeaGirl004 27 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
ChristieBirdsong 27 Advanced Evolution
Cmf00690 27 Contemporary Art and Design
Lc6032b 27 Language and Human Experience
Fs0244a 27 Language and Human Experience
Meredithsierra 27 ENVS 135
Bentatree 27 ENVS 135
Chewbakka117 27 ENVS 135
PleaseGiveMeAnA 27 ENVS 10H
B4brady 27 ECON 4318 Economic Data Analysis Capstone
Calebsb3 27 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Mikeman23 27 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Nhawkins16 27 SW 3402H
Bgtsadik 27 Critical Reading and Writing
Elliefrog 27 Critical Reading and Writing
Dillon davidson 27 WR121
Wogundele 27 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Jmgilley1 27 Introduction to Mass Communication
BW Yuan 27 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Nooraalkhalifa 27 History of Film
Carolineadele 27 ART-340
Amanda.Interian 27 First Year Experience Seminar
Clp064 27 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Jennifert02 27 Dynamic Tensions
Nakb01 27 Introduction to Global Climate Change
MarioHuezoYan 27 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Christopherlopezzz 27 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Ncoff004 27 Communication and Culture
Connoranderson0905 27 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Lippardcc 27 The History of Coal
Tperei1 27 ENGL 2000
LilyPash2020 27 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Rfera2 27 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
L8er21 27 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Justdacia 27 Women and Medicine
Juliet-Agadagba 27 Women and Medicine
Edevlin7 27 Writing 3225
Omkhulu 27 Civil Engineering Economy
Dl346 27 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Kyliebeck 27 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Singhk260 27 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Jackiegarcia0212 27 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Lydiason1468 27 English 1302
Favoured01 27 English 1302
Aclark6461 27 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Mikeclevenger 27 Latin American Social Theory 2019
Bradley0618 27 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Testierellano 27 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Kemilykayy 27 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
ChadFazio31 27 Global Issues
Bluesyre28 27 Newswriting
Naitib 27 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Mkabbara12 27 Shakespeare and Media
Loulou 1010 27 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Birkssachdev 27 Social Movements and Social Media
Jwienszag 27 COML 509
Cblauc1 27 New Histories of Chicago Media
Scjenk 27 New Histories of Chicago Media
Panchond 27 Introduction to Information Studies
Sylipen 27 Non-Western Art
Simmonar 27 Roots of Feminism
Graceweinberg 27 Roots of Feminism
Hoiching.janis 27 Women in the Economy
12345sirhc 27 Women in the Economy
Radosaka 27 Microbial Biotechnology
AmberMBedore 27 Microbial Biotechnology
Shahida916 27 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Kaylawright23 27 Digital Rhetorics
Sirenofspace 27 ART 366
Rg-bean 27 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Osaprocky 27 Information and Technology
Aliaj21 27 Chem 165
Xinyi Zhang0218 27 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Etnrod 27 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Messiaht13 27 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Anig12000 27 Research as Narrative
Devries.r 27 Dinosaur Science
EGilbert99 27 Marine Biology- BI260
Raziel1991 27 Marine Biology- BI260
Okaswad 27 Marine Biology- BI260
Brad Caswell 27 Marine Biology- BI260
Rebxlee 27 UW1020 M66
Dougsitt 27 UW1020 M66
Mackenzie1010 27 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Beckstellez 27 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Lissy321 27 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Hitterperez 27 Curating Cultures
Jandice246 27 FemiKorea
ElleMendelson 27 FemiKorea
Parkys3 27 English 1102 077
Egruener 27 Advanced Legal Research
Deepti129 26 Language and Law
L&ljd 26 Language and Law
Student332019 26 Language and Law
KristinDunn 26 Principles of Systematic Biology
Amberaed16 26 Invertebrate Zoology
JeremyDalglish 26 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Naiwen Xu 26 Language and Technology
Natecham 26 History of Science B
Tyoo2 26 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
Sebastian55tang 26 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
Asiaaw03 26 CORE 160-05
Lulinana 26 Introduction to International Politics W19
Jlbehar 26 ASL Structure
Kimcastillo 26 ASL Structure
CJWilliams1 26 IST 141 Library Research
Rickdog1130 26 English 1102
Probfor engl101 26 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Hannah171501 26 English 1213 Section 670
Acuza 26 Social Inequality SOC 221
Alyamanim 26 Social Inequality SOC 221
Matthewdrago 26 Capitalism and Democracy
Mojoad33 26 Psychology Capstone
Libbyann1620 26 Comp II
Kbailey63 26 Comp II
Jlkeagle12 26 PSY342 Language Development
Rianavincent 26 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Sabon Johnson 26 PSY342 Language Development
Bo0404 26 CHEM 409 - Chem Lit Seminar
Amsmiley16 26 Genetics
Freeman9690 26 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Joker56652 26 English Composition 3738
Savannabruno 26 English Composition II
Tgclemons7 26 The Qur'an
Cjames120 26 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Mayacaps 26 Global History in a Modern World
Cassandraortiz 26 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Asbenn 26 THEA 7216X - Global Theater History and Theory III
Antonellasemaan 26 IFS201 - 35284
DragonDale 26 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Nalthani 26 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
Jmosbey17 26 Advanced Evolution
Bmg89 26 Computer Science Principles
BG0129 26 Contemporary Art and Design
JAP09940 26 Contemporary Art and Design
LoanKieuT 26 Contemporary Art and Design
Dannytbui 26 ECON 4318 Economic Data Analysis Capstone
Napaul 26 Contemporary Slavery
Luluanonymous 26 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
JessicaRipley 26 WR121
Snethaleth 26 WR121
Kevinyesu 26 Social Issues in Sport Management
Mbenn786 26 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Nalthani 26 History of Film
Yanayp 26 First Year Experience Seminar
Shaysel 26 First Year Experience Seminar
Jb3746 26 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Alli Moon 26 Hydrology
JonathanHanahan 26 Hydrology
Fkh26 26 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Abwalz 26 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Saucyb123 26 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Jad8z 26 Foreign Literature in Translation
Willwhite4 26 Plants and People
Nicosmooth 26 English 1102 T Th
Emmymorri98 26 Endocrinology
Ellisba 26 The History of Coal
LizVel 26 US History since 1914
Btaylor1724 26 US History since 1914
Ellagrace25 26 ENGL 2000
YCortijo1 26 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Cala971 26 Cold War Science
NickyRugnath 26 Women and Medicine
Cassie.Scott 26 Women and Medicine
Musick2 26 Women and Medicine
Athenabantis 26 Writing 3225
Maddyross7797 26 Remote Sensing 2019
Gacentenari 26 History of Psychology
Unambiguously problematic 26 Practical Botany
Kjmms1 26 IFS201-35293
Girnusb 26 Islamic Art and Architecture
Annabrev 26 Islamic Art and Architecture
Tnkastens 26 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Yuan2019 26 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Rhawley10 26 Biology of Sex and Gender
Kiarabhiro 26 Academic Inquiry 1215
Mszos1 26 Academic Inquiry 0430
EuphoricMouse 26 History of East Asian Costume
Surato1996 26 Global Issues
Rscribnerug 26 Global Issues
Vdur80400 26 Newswriting
Fallon Ugidali 26 Later Indigenous Literatures
Destinyandarc 26 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Aahammer99 26 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Aizhan Myrzabekova 26 HIST 432
G. Du Laney 26 Baroque and Rococo Art
Allison Cummings 26 Women in the Economy
Garrett77hall 26 Digital Rhetorics
Csnblue 26 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
Howarddog 26 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Brendimo 26 Information and Technology
Kimorah 26 Information and Technology
Eng101040 26 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Wiki485921 26 Biochemistry Lab 378
OCE1772 26 Community Journalism
Njakkam20 26 Marine Biology- BI260
Jcharlton19 26 A History of Native America
OCE1772 26 Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership
Tommyremory 26 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Jamiemcphaul 26 Comp II 70010
K.Winemiller002 26 Radical Women in Latin American Art
CatCas96 26 Curating Cultures
Sophia Reynolds 26 Curating Cultures
Aenoel 26 English 1102 053
Al.ph18 26 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Mikeschellhorn34 26 English 1102 077
Sakyerozita 26 International Communication
Sophiascott00 26 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Npaulino 25 Language and Law
Antitheto 25 Invertebrate Zoology
Nhusc 25 Invertebrate Zoology
Zhitong Su 25 Language and Technology
Kguth 25 Advanced Legal Research
Jeffrey Montano 25 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
TaMAGLE 25 Technical Writing and Communication in Chemical Engineering
Mewebb 25 Latino History 2019
Qjhua 25 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Kennyyluc 25 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Monicaoh 25 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Hrgoodtree 25 Researching Environment and Culture
Lunahom 25 Researching Environment and Culture
Catnolan12 25 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
Bsnow2014 25 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
Schalhoub 25 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
Ivojeda 25 Introduction to International Politics W19
CCameron24 25 Senior Seminar Biology - TR
Emmanhudson99 25 Introduction to International Politics W19
Cknutso6 25 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Cali317 25 English 1102
Leah.devi 25 Government information policy and practice
Vpresseault 25 Government information policy and practice
Nishaa19 25 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Erika813 25 African Politics
KosherSalt21 25 Writing Wikipedia
WWSP19 25 Writing Wikipedia
Eferenb 25 ENG 102
Alexx119 25 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Bensonflow 25 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Emhenry27 25 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Tasilver 25 Social Inequality SOC 221
Rodumosu 25 Social Inequality SOC 221
CampyLane2019 25 Women and US Politics
Alexyoung339 25 Psychology Capstone
AlyssaRRipley 25 Black Sexual Politics
Kaitlyn Esquer 25 Comp II
Caryndarmoni 25 PSY342 Language Development
Sammccauley3 25 Genetics
Shermasd202054 25 Many Faces of Poverty
Hilarynwilson 25 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Zhongnan Mao 25 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
GnFar 25 ENGL 121
Amani.ahmat 25 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Samday24 25 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Jasresendiz24 25 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Christopheruiz 25 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Katelynpolenik 25 English 101
Kamryn Kenner 25 English 101, Section 2
Jring333 25 THEA 7216X - Global Theater History and Theory III
Cleo120 25 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Jcook1400 25 Advanced Evolution
Xvb1998 25 Contemporary Art and Design
Sjparker279 25 ENVS 135
WillKanz 25 ENVS 135
Tfigueroa1 25 ENVS 135
Brunette2k16 25 ENVS 10H
Pdizaiy 25 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Llelora 25 Introduction to Information Studies
Ffrau8110 25 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
TonyMacZ 25 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Jlee4199 25 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Emp48 25 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
ChandlerBoyd42 25 PSY 101 General Psychology
Ebrandlabarge 25 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Gegill16 25 Women's and Gender Issues
Danibooth17 25 Comparative Anatomy
Daniellapetralito 25 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Macboy518 25 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Erinhorne 25 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Mvanb003 25 Communication and Culture
Kingpatron32 25 Communication and Culture
Juhis2309 25 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Milsteadsr 25 The History of Coal
Mick8484 25 Cold War Science
Crysta97 25 Women and Medicine
KLMerry 25 Women and Medicine
M maraviglia 25 Biogeochemical Cycles
Beeturk 25 Neuroscience 470
Tristan LG 25 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Annkeke 25 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Fanchi.wu.1 25 English 1302
AnnieAbey01 25 English 1302
Bam100 25 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Ryanlg 25 Islamic Art and Architecture
Gvacaliuc 25 Human Development in Local and Global Communities
Fbooker1 25 Black Culture in a Post-Soul Era
EAaron21 25 Global Issues
Brandon713 25 Newswriting
Lwinsp2019 25 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
JenniferMGA 25 Writing in Digital Environments
Mappel18 25 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Jbennett45 25 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Gracemccauleyy 25 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Gracemccauleyy 25 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
BennettKnows 25 COML 509
Vicky12244 25 Social Protests of the 1960s
Tommlc15 25 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Hilbad16 25 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Adam Kimble 25 Introduction to Information Studies
Lo3748 25 Introduction to Information Studies
HIST432.L1D.Moy 25 HIST 432
RachelleCastillo98 25 Women in the Economy
Awful.sound.17 25 Digital Rhetorics
Cbaughan 25 Marine Microbial Ecology
Shalomalaykum 25 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
OyindamolaE 25 Information and Technology
Jfrag92 25 Information and Technology
Zgyherrera1 25 Information and Technology
MJBinSF 25 WikiMed Spring 2019 UCSF SOM
Qingran Lei 25 Chem 165
Nbaraz 25 Chem 165
1,1,2,3,5,8-BelaC 25 Chem 165
Megsig27 25 Public History
Kurtcastro11 25 Marine Biology- BI260
A blinka 25 A History of Native America
Srsammy25 25 Organic Geochemistry 2019
Bnstewart0604 25 IFS201 Information in a Post-Truth World
Alex Friedman00 25 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
HaaniaQ 25 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
EmilyPulido 25 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Jagui075 25 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Jsori015 25 Curating Cultures
Genivee930 25 Curating Cultures
Barisen 25 English Composition II
Moonudotmp3 25 English 1102 143
D2as1ln 25 Advanced Legal Research
Mayra278 25 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Ss264 25 Planetary Atmospheres
Zj56 24 Language and Law
Jcovault 24 Relationships and Digital Media
Jenkrebs 24 Relationships and Digital Media
Squatch BH 1117 24 History of Science B
Gbrianna 24 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Clarkekent19 24 CORE 160-05
Foodnapk 24 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Allychun27 24 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Huz080 24 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
CaesarinAmerica 24 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Nyellamb 24 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
Codycolbert11 24 Introduction to International Politics W19
SwanV98 24 English 1102
Sophiafossali 24 African Politics
Herry23 24 African Politics
Diego.Pa28 24 African Politics
LanaBethC 24 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Aantwins 24 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kcallahan01 24 English 1213 Section 647
Josie Hoffman 24 English 1213 Section 647
SamJsl 24 Crises and Confederation - 2019
Moneal3 24 Women and US Politics
Danielstevenson 24 Western Civilization I
Fariba14 24 Psychology Capstone
EmilyNorwood 24 Psychology Capstone
Buddy8973 24 Comp II
MavZPhillips 24 Comp II
ScottsdalePrincess 24 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
KKlim1996 24 Understanding Iran
Kpaullus320 24 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Leigh.pfeiffer 24 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
ClocksWikiEditor 24 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
VictoriaARCH447 24 Ecological Factors in Design
Logan-James2835 24 English 202-006
Peppapig567 24 English Composition II
Chickels84 24 Media Literacy
Jvsamuelsson 24 Nonverbal Communication
Alaney123 24 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Ashleybeteta 24 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Lvolzke2 24 Hearing Conservation
MBooth7 24 Hearing Conservation
Jgula 24 English 101, Section 2
Hzikria 24 Evolution of the Human Brain
Shalviya 24 ECON 4318 Economic Data Analysis Capstone
Nelson.1319 24 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
CodyCanepa 24 Politics of Italy
TcooneyUCSD 24 Politics of Italy
Saagnifilo 24 Contemporary Slavery
WyattHoudeN 24 Contemporary Slavery
Kyliejanelle 24 Contemporary Slavery
RonnyChen 24 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Cramsden-usf 24 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Amaldo8263 24 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Mjgribbins 24 Introduction to Mass Communication
Marti11v 24 Social Issues in Sport Management
Balkees Al-Jaafari 24 History of Film
Zucelcasanova 24 First Year Experience Seminar
Rsavage4394 24 Foreign Literature in Translation
HillNiall 24 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
BitterLilyz 24 Languages and Language Attitudes in USA
MarlonJ177 24 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Figueroa1234$ 24 English 260
Lexiholroyd 24 Endocrinology
Romeefarber 24 The History of Coal
Leifpotvin 24 The History of Coal
Kitaferd 24 US History since 1914
Jesse Dinnat 24 ENGL 2000
Mrader9 24 ENGL 2000
Eringrigsby1 24 Popular Culture in America
Ace2650 24 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Chloe.c.evans 24 Women and Medicine
Bhightower1 24 Women and Medicine
Gracescorsone 24 Women and Medicine
Bszymanski10 24 Women and Medicine
BeccaMGM 24 Biogeochemical Cycles
Katelyn.inch 24 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Solimanderradjiaouat 24 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Chung.esther 24 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Jak3Evans04 24 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Sailorbo 24 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
MLSchiffler 24 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Hillskay 24 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Alex4wood 24 Contemporary Queer American Literature
TDoncovio51 24 IFS201-35293
Phereinyx006 24 IFS201-35293
TERaphael 24 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Seecharan0522 24 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Evan.sack 24 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Kking1110 24 Biology of Sex and Gender
Quang Dam 1126 24 ENG 122_02L
Pfb55 24 Black Culture in a Post-Soul Era
Rayn00 24 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
KatieLeim305 24 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Sblum24 24 Shakespeare and Media
M labarbera 24 English 202-011
Samwilson123 24 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Floo2019 24 Introduction to Biology II
Edavidson1220 24 Digital Media Literacy
Veeyva 24 COML 509
Muymuy.86 24 Women in the Economy
DonRNguyen 24 Microbial Biotechnology
TStarkey11 24 English 2
Springwinter19 24 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Genpietrusinski 24 African American Art
Ackrajewski19 24 African American Art
Frshi 24 Marine Microbial Ecology
Claudiacheung3 24 Information and Technology
DeeplyTangent 24 WikiMed Spring 2019 UCSF SOM
Sydykim8 24 Chem 165
Kanethecat 24 Chem 165
Yanxu0914 24 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Arwaa98 24 Biochemistry Lab 378
Jessimelo56 24 Biochemistry Lab 378
Kevyeung55 24 Biochemistry Lab 378
Turneremily 24 Marine Biology- BI260
Ndee11 24 Marine Biology- BI260
Caitlyn Harman 24 Comp II 70159
Erodela 24 Comp II 70159
Javi1117 23 Relationships and Digital Media
JAnderson381 23 Relationships and Digital Media
Zesgf4 23 History of Science B
Kamari Bell 23 CORE 160-05
Samonesloan 23 CORE 160-05
Yal256 23 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Donchabot 23 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Hollynelson8 23 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
ChuyaoChristy 23 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Aguabreadlizard 23 Researching Environment and Culture
Indiedixon 23 Introduction to International Politics W19
Maren Connell 23 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Elaaveg 23 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Burgerj1512 23 English 1102
ItsMizo 23 English 1102
Espinozaa65 23 English 1102
Kristiephsham 23 African Politics
Lmullins19 23 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
PatWiki749 23 Baroque Art
Jennapro 23 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
MassimoCup 23 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Lmwick 23 Composition Theory and Practice
Caymansimpson11 23 English 1213 Section 670
Skdobson 23 Gender and Science 2018-19
Reidster12 23 Psychology Capstone
Dhrunil9 23 Psychology Capstone
Lettmags 23 ENGL1102 Composition II
TOzz1962 23 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
GriffinG338 23 Understanding Iran
Rlenoci 23 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Bwalle21 23 Many Faces of Poverty
ReemRabiah 23 The University, the Museum, and the Middle East
Joshkadish 23 The University, the Museum, and the Middle East
Emilyrath 23 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Taylorcdhunt 23 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
LGoldl 23 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Jtalmeida 23 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Sader94 23 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Auti9587 23 World Language Policies
Alyssamyers 23 English 202-006
TeeRenTee 23 English 202-006
TylerManko 23 English 202-006
Mukandoli1 23 English 202-006
Cxchey 23 English Composition 3738
Arusher109 23 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Carissa12aud 23 Hearing Conservation
Khotovy 23 Hearing Conservation
MohibUMirza 23 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Lil.sichen 23 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
TaofeeqRasaki 23 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Drywall mix 23 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Miyu Morishita 23 Global History in a Modern World
Mirandalillian 23 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Pawilsong 23 THEA 7216X - Global Theater History and Theory III
Michael Galluzzi 23 State and Local Government
IPres10 23 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
GGarcia2019 23 Evolution of the Human Brain
Triscuit003 23 Contemporary Art and Design
Katiewasko97 23 Contemporary Art and Design
Gd6505a 23 Language and Human Experience
Jc1058b 23 Language and Human Experience
Lloyd.249 23 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Apartha 23 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Roshawnk 23 Contemporary Slavery
PrionMan 23 Molecular and Genome Evolution
Greenham22 23 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Hoorelbj 23 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
CMaskrey15 23 PSY 101 General Psychology
Danny Velazquez 23 Introduction to Human Biology
Emacmillan 23 SW 3402H
CrossFit117 23 Critical Reading and Writing
Gchoi12 23 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Cdean2017 23 Developmental and Molecular Biology
MahaThAl 23 History of Film
Karlaramos14 23 First Year Experience Seminar
Kmw096 23 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Gd.camacho94 23 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Gashar823 23 Women's and Gender Issues
Jjdani15 23 Women's and Gender Issues
Jmklug16 23 Women's and Gender Issues
TheRealAristotle 23 Foreign Literature in Translation
Iakosman 23 Plants and People
Ianfernandes13 23 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Courtgio 23 English 1102 T Th
Rebeca dom 23 SOCS 230 Honors Applied Social Sciences on Death
Erin.s.hall 23 SOCS 230 Honors Applied Social Sciences on Death
Faughtpw 23 The History of Coal
Ekayeanders 23 US History since 1914
Llecoq1 23 ENGL 2000
Sbake37 23 ENGL 2000
Elizabethrastalt 23 Public Relations and Digital Media
CharlottePovey 23 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Ekrop1 23 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Cowboy1492 23 Cold War Science
JHLC8 23 Cold War Science
Dosskitty 23 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
CMacraer 23 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Funnyguy127 23 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
PokeyCowboys 23 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Chantaldperez 23 Women and Medicine
Gramos382 23 Neuroscience 470
Meeraoaldhaheri 23 Islam in America
Laf78 23 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Uynguyen912 23 English 1302
Rrobak3139 23 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Astro theSpaceCadet 23 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Nics547 23 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Zaydent1 23 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Callystahansen 23 Biology of Sex and Gender
Kiesners 23 Biology of Sex and Gender
Scbloom 23 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Cgw212 23 Later Indigenous Literatures
SalvatorePal 23 Research Methods of Art History
Iseeanebe 23 Shakespeare and Media
Z0egrand 23 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
NDelga425 23 Digital Media Literacy
JamesZD online 23 Contemporary Anthropological Theory
Patricia.alexander 23 Art of the Global Middle Ages
Username1731627 23 Roots of Feminism
Kzzzhu 23 Women in the Economy
SVonW 23 English 2
HeathV 23 Digital Rhetorics
Iseeanebe 23 Digital Rhetorics
Westmoreland20 23 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Elizathornberrie 23 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Lee Pilnick 23 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Sishika 23 ART 366
Aconnal 23 African American Art
Shookzj 23 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Starapple101 23 Information and Technology
Laurenfasth 23 Advanced Genetics
Haydenandemma 23 Chem 165
Tez17001 23 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Kgn12 23 Biochemistry Lab 378
Darknight7 23 Foundations of Academic and Professional Writing--ELS
Golden DT 23 Research as Narrative
Ari1407 23 Research as Narrative
HartsnSoles 23 Research as Narrative
Jeanflow 23 Dinosaur Science
Gracebeery 23 Marine Biology- BI260
Nathanfaynzilberg 23 Marine Biology- BI260
Allisonnalepka 23 Marine Biology- BI260
Jistsumgai 23 English 1B
Mschemel 23 Organic Geochemistry 2019
Madelinebru 23 IFS201 Information in a Post-Truth World
Katelynm127 23 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Taniuh 23 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Makbryant 23 Comp II 70159
Acord017 23 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Mayra10 23 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Paulruddfan 23 English Composition II
Btautalafua 23 FemiKorea
Nickgrecco 23 English 1102 143
DontFeedSQUID 23 English 1102 143
Cjpier13 23 Plant Behavior
DubitoErgoCogito 22 Language and Law
Por2 22 Language and Law
Stepcorr 22 Language and Law
Safa11998 22 Language and Law
Whatthefaulk 22 Invertebrate Zoology
Camriddick 22 Invertebrate Zoology
Li oneill 22 COMM 7260
Zoldroyd 22 COMM 7260
Hkkawasaki 22 Language and Technology
Brute55 22 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
Aejones2nd18 22 CORE 160-05
Aimua4me 22 Introduction to International Politics W19
Stanleycan8668 22 Evolutionary Method and Theory in Anthropology and Archaeology
Carolinesmith556 22 Evolutionary Method and Theory in Anthropology and Archaeology
Rochonelijah 22 English 1102
Trgeorge6 22 Employment Law for Business
Hcutler 22 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Kgreen50 22 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Bckyfern 22 Baroque Art
Ejkhurana 22 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Plumsac 22 English 1213 Section 647
Destinyspangler 22 English 1213 Section 647
Treefrog18 22 BIO 495 Capstone
Nyckyashiro 22 Tropical Fruit Production
Herrmaac 22 Noise and Hearing
Kim678 22 Research Methods in Music for Performers
Camilap4500 22 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Sockton 22 Black Sexual Politics
Paigewilson2020 22 Comp II
Austinsimon316 22 PSY342 Language Development
Donpalmtree 22 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
Eunacorn 22 HSC 355 Bioethics
Jlee ED 22 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Allieboschini 22 Many Faces of Poverty
Alli.weske 22 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Timothy McC. 22 English 202-006
Anastasiagolev 22 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Arthursamuel48 22 Women and Gender in the Middle East
MelissaDerrick 22 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Sallie.croissant 22 Hearing Conservation
Prissy114 22 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Ashleegraham 22 English 101
Tobymsinger 22 THEA 7216X - Global Theater History and Theory III
Skalaola 22 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
AlHitmi 22 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
Majedalnaimi 22 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
Abisio24 22 Computer Science Principles
RaganGish 22 Contemporary Art and Design
Cassadin 22 Race and Incarceration
Piazza.55 22 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Rmuckerm 22 Introduction to Policy Analysis
MatX525 22 Politics of Italy
Amtubbs 22 Contemporary Slavery
Jgiuliani1990 22 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Bgadis 22 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Krichey5 22 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Vanilla27 22 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Willcros 22 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Rmorrell18 22 PSY 101 General Psychology
KarmP77 22 Introduction to Mass Communication
Xry0125 22 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
KayElleKay 22 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
MLepak 22 ART-340
Maddi8399 22 ART-340
ClaireMarr 22 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
LuzRaudales 22 Dynamic Tensions
Michellewolford 22 Hydrology
Robin.grathwohl 22 Hydrology
EHartshorn 22 Hydrology
Ejneurohr 22 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Jessb0722 22 Foreign Literature in Translation
Haypon 22 Communication Technology and Organizations
JahniaK 22 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Tolaniabraham 22 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Danaaboucharaf 22 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
JayyLo 22 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Kailey Edwards 22 English 260
BDCalvin22 22 SOCS 230 Honors Applied Social Sciences on Death
Joyneran 22 The History of Coal
Emilyhymes 22 The History of Coal
Melisoabby 22 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
GTR34S 22 Cold War Science
Swat9967 22 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Bnmx97 22 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
POLS3893 22 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Basket8ball 22 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
PatriotWarHero 22 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
AkanshaC 22 Women and Medicine
Tcmongo 22 Women and Medicine
Lhoward15 22 Women and Medicine
Nkieu 22 Women and Medicine
Croche30 22 Women and Medicine
Milaschneider 22 Writing 3225
Annaleeleonard 22 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Taylor.leal 22 LIBR 1 Working with Sources
J morgan28 22 English 1302
Tabarak 57 22 English 1302
Mnelson0 22 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
SienaSwift 22 Introduction to Islamic Art
Vquez1 22 Academic Inquiry 1215
Mmandigo 22 Newswriting
Jsuar99 22 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Deeceebake 22 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Logan Snyder 22 Global Poverty and Practice
VHinojosa786 22 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Jeannieschryer 22 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Sstephanie0 22 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
MaddyDesASU 22 Digital Media Literacy
Cturbeville71 22 Digital Media Literacy
Jmatthewross 22 COML 509
Pollje15 22 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Jahlanijo 22 Introduction to Information Studies
Paula.armitage 22 Art of the Global Middle Ages
Lourdes Knowles 22 English 2
Godown1 22 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Afarnaus 22 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Hmsparks123 22 Digital Rhetorics 22 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Tscalligas 22 ART 366
Padams2217 22 African American Art
Vanetemel 22 Information and Technology
Joannehanna 22 Information and Technology
MoniqueHinds 22 Information and Technology
Chemdartmouth115 22 Chemistry of Macromolecules
Kylerfedko 22 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Maftuna96 22 Biochemistry Lab 378
Sophia.capalbo 22 Marine Biology- BI260
Gschneider97 22 Marine Biology- BI260
Rickyderas 22 UW1020 M68
Leroy James Miller 22 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Gowerms 22 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Soniaschoneich 22 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
1evi1ong 22 Comp II 70010
Payt16 22 Comp II 70010
Cnavarrette 22 Curating Cultures
Cornelas 22 Curating Cultures
Mayrahdez15 22 Curating Cultures
Cptmike12 22 English Composition II
Meelissatapia77 22 FemiKorea
Wisteriah 22 FemiKorea
Mahmica 22 English 1102 053
Always Tardy 22 English 1102 053
Laurengraeme 22 English 1102 077
Akolody 22 English 1102 077
JakeKumiega15 22 HIS 101
RuchenCAI 22 Chem 153A Honors
Emilysoulias 21 Language and Law
Marinaekladious 21 Language and Law
Estefanym177 21 Language and Law
Lbrensk 21 Principles of Systematic Biology
Mkelly3856 21 Invertebrate Zoology
Sqian95 21 COMM 7260
Tiangggu 21 Language and Technology
LenWosniak 21 Advanced Legal Research
RavenRiley 21 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Liangchengyao 21 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Oalynch 21 Introduction to International Politics W19
Tcobbs 21 IST 141 Library Research
FinalDestination23 21 African Politics
Ahammann22 21 ENG 102
Grconno 21 ENG 102
Yuliya.senechyn 21 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Andreavirginiag 21 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
TaliaSweet1999 21 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Aaron Callahan 21 English 1213 Section 647
Gracelyn 36 21 English 1213 Section 670
Lcu5848 21 Women and US Politics
GilsaMorlote 21 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Stephacosta 21 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Adduhsun 21 JMC 305 News Editing
Tschrank00 21 Western Civilization I
Eacc68 21 Black Sexual Politics
Kasherz.d.nomder 21 Black Sexual Politics
Marybagwell 21 ENGL1102 Composition II
J.O'Kelley 21 ENGL1102 Composition II
Morganrebeccalittle 21 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Austin spencer2 21 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Thehav17 21 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Brisaseibert 21 Many Faces of Poverty
Mcguirbt2020 21 Many Faces of Poverty
Rileyp2019 21 Many Faces of Poverty
Keatsbeats 21 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Inquisitive Siren 21 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Dasharn5 21 ENGL 121
Iclement 21 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Jixu9328 21 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Petitepommerouge 21 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Jw2379 21 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Kpolt 21 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Flynn.namala 21 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Montalvc 21 SPC 1017 Honors
Danaalshamlan 21 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
AmnaMF 21 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
Mmantovani 21 Evolution of the Human Brain
Osaobento 21 Evolution of the Human Brain
Harmonyskye 21 Contemporary Art and Design
Janiegoheen 21 Language and Human Experience
SandrineUTA 21 ECON 4318 Economic Data Analysis Capstone
Deliduets 21 Politics of Italy
Cschloem 21 BTNY111
Js1006 21 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Calebworkinger 21 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Murphym330 21 SW 3402H
Warchal.2 21 SW 3402H
Salazaej 21 Critical Reading and Writing
CJFee 21 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
AshleyRZ123 21 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Khschroder1 21 Introduction to Mass Communication
YassineNUQ 21 History of Film
Kburrows765 21 ART-340
Kortiee 21 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Biancafrancisantunez 21 Dynamic Tensions
Ceschoeller 21 Hydrology
Carolinep1 21 Hydrology
Makayla.mcdevitt 21 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Hanrun1 21 Introduction to Global Climate Change
NotJimHenson 21 Languages and Language Attitudes in USA
Mckaylajones 21 English 260
Km4637desales 21 English 260
Mdiez4 21 ENGL 2000
Hbara2 21 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
AustinD73 21 Cold War Science
Mcplanedude 21 Cold War Science
Amillionlittlethings 21 Cold War Science
PokesNpolsci 21 Terrorism and Counterterrorism 21 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
GTDExpert 21 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Murrayj257 21 Women and Medicine
Eander73 21 Writing 3225
Elizabethlam 21 Writing 3225
RichRome 21 Civil Engineering Economy
MPhillips8980 21 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Hayneac0 21 Sacred Arts of Japan
Rajivk937 21 LIBR 1 Working with Sources
Basirmansoor 21 English 1302
Isaramirez0020 21 English 1302
A Lyons MK6 21 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Bfranklin8437 21 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Alaysia.freetly 21 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Paigewatson143 21 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Dfmoler 21 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
KusztybS 21 Biology of Sex and Gender
Cdebo3 21 Academic Inquiry 1215
Zhoudi ye 21 History of East Asian Costume
Kmckenn3 21 Black Culture in a Post-Soul Era
Roger C. Byrd 21 Writing in Digital Environments
Samshakusky 21 Later Indigenous Literatures
Emmampeake 21 Shakespeare and Media
Dallas2019 21 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
SkylarSmith 21 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Lyniewong 21 Social Movements and Social Media
Hemeepatel4 21 Introduction to Biology II
Thejustinw 21 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
E.A Holmes 21 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
HamiltonRonald99 21 Digital Media Literacy
Jchristensen4 21 COML 509
Lauragribble 21 COML 509
Grace raper 21 COML 509
Gvictor85422 21 Non-Western Art
Shenstep 21 T325
Marnaj1217 21 Baroque and Rococo Art
Jz2888 21 Women in the Economy
Wong.sams 21 Women in the Economy
Cjhtoronto 21 Women in the Economy
KellyBarrett95 21 English 2
Butlerc 21 English 2
AmandaLBritt 21 English 2
Evolkert 21 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Mk8959 21 African American Art
Smazurk 21 FA 104 IK
Aquintana29 21 FA 104 IK2
Threestefanalong 21 FA 104 IK2
Shira.brianne 21 Information and Technology
Henrym18 21 Information and Technology
BrankM8 21 Information and Technology
Ame.1772 21 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
Jiayi Lai 21 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
SalemDev 21 Political Science and Public Policy Wikipedia Workshop
Jordan.Gugliotta18 21 Biochemistry Lab 378
Fadybotros123 21 Biochemistry Lab 378
Ame.1772 21 Celebrity Culture
Abrady0830 21 Celebrity Culture
Becowart 21 Marine Biology- BI260
Irishspringsoap 21 Marine Biology- BI260
Jake.peebles 21 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Agold009 21 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Oneidasegura01 21 Radical Women in Latin American Art
DAlexPiña 21 FemiKorea
Atrinh6 21 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Ayamarie231 21 English 1102 143
Davidwh2019 21 Advanced Legal Research
AWJ040819 21 Advanced Legal Research
Mlozonschi 21 International Communication
Dlane01 21 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
KJinah 21 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Kquincy 20 Principles of Systematic Biology
Ldavenport14 20 Invertebrate Zoology
Lisandra24 20 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Jordandoyle1 20 Relationships and Digital Media
Sahabia kamal 20 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Livxforever 20 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
EVO52500 20 CORE 160-05
Docinmaking 20 CORE 160-05
Jeffzzy97 20 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Umdenviro 20 Researching Environment and Culture
Inovak 20 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Gmorales10 20 English 1102
Liujiahui 20 Government information policy and practice
Kmumpha 20 ENG 102
Angelicamed 20 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Briannaerika 20 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Dmiranda89 20 Composition Theory and Practice
Jwweiss 20 Composition Theory and Practice
Bakheet5 20 Composition Theory and Practice
Narhari71 20 Composition Theory and Practice
Kaitlyn Kasha 20 Crises and Confederation - 2019
Nepeta68 20 BIO 495 Capstone
Lbmchenry 20 Women and US Politics
HoneyMango5 20 Tropical Fruit Production
Jlmarti13 20 Noise and Hearing
GusCooke 20 Biology 102
Laurenmacias 20 Early American History Graduate Seminar
DanielsB674 20 ENGL1102 Composition II
Jtbarker18 20 Comp II
Bmb.05 20 Comp II
Aoliva1421 20 PSY342 Language Development
Cmando23 20 PSY342 Language Development
Javel.mcfarlane 20 PSY342 Language Development
Sethreese12 20 Understanding Iran
Ytutu 20 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Engelde 20 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Yuxiwan 20 Ecological Factors in Design
Bojie888 20 Ecological Factors in Design
Jkpollom 20 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Lukegriffin737 20 English Composition 3738
Aveanna15 20 English Composition 3738
SdhakimUA 20 Nonverbal Communication
Tasiamochernak 20 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Blue Little Boxes 20 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Jayaarnold99 20 State and Local Government
ZachStinnett 20 State and Local Government
Kbbb223 20 State and Local Government
NickiM00 20 State and Local Government
Cierratibbs 20 ENGLISH-COMP101
PierceJ2020 20 Contemporary Art and Design
WBurgess72 20 Contemporary Art and Design
UwakCrow 20 Contemporary Art and Design
Joshuamaddox 20 ENVS 135
IamCorleone34 20 Race and Incarceration
Cateeeee 20 Race and Incarceration
Mivasyuk 20 Introduction to Policy Analysis
ErikaInfanzon 20 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Azacaria 20 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Caroline Siegel 20 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Council ahn 20 Politics of Italy
Ssreepat 20 Politics of Italy
NicoleB1188 20 Contemporary Slavery
Barackdrea 20 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Yerfavourite3369 20 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Shifflet.18 20 SW 3402H
Zookeeper6 20 Critical Reading and Writing
Tsnow03 20 WR121
Mavinstar 20 Social Issues in Sport Management
CynthiaCola 20 ART-340
Kayleemmartinez 20 First Year Experience Seminar
Hfi3632 20 First Year Experience Seminar
Nrs035 20 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
O dunn 20 Hydrology
D hall0504 20 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Mbrzycki333 20 Women's and Gender Issues
Sharkafter17 20 Communication Technology and Organizations
Colinrung 20 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Ogedukuye 20 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Krista Georgette Holder 20 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Unarmedtitan 20 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Moxie5000 20 English 260
Quack101 20 English 1102 T Th
Blackce2 20 The History of Coal
Rose17776 20 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
GerardoGordillo 20 Gender and Identity in Modern Art
Ferinczl 20 Gender and Identity in Modern Art
Orte9905 20 Cold War Science
Carlajoan00 20 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Aggcmr 20 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Rurso 20 Women and Medicine
LinHeidi0002 20 Women and Medicine
Jamesj320 20 Civil Engineering Economy
Trevor Koglin 20 Remote Sensing 2019
Taylorseifert 20 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Melynda.t 20 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Edwarchng 20 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Verityrose 20 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Zephyrbob 20 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
AleenakhanE7 20 Islam in America
Eouzts 20 Sacred Arts of Japan
Kitkatchen19 20 English 1302
HHornbrook 20 English 1302
Hovavnoah 20 English 1302
Koorik2 20 English 1302
Skyguythor 20 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
DalexanderS550 20 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Ericamkan 20 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
AndreaGooding 20 Writing for the Web
NiLyna 20 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Ctgibson 20 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Vaesoj 09 20 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Lemieuxa 20 Biology of Sex and Gender
Oimoenm 20 Biology of Sex and Gender
Pdavi1 20 Academic Inquiry 1215
Agard6 20 Academic Inquiry 0430
Ccurley224 20 Global Issues
Mmassare3 20 Newswriting
SandackerStrasse 20 Newswriting
Jordanhawkins 20 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Jbwick 20 Later Indigenous Literatures
Rachelad 20 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Ajadmcb 20 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Bgerstein4 20 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Heyoreo 20 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Yangxinxin0407 20 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Mgeheren asu 20 Digital Media Literacy
Jconard 20 COML 509
Peach Taffy 20 Social Protests of the 1960s
RonaldInniss 20 Composition 101
Ez44536167 20 Women in the Economy
Munibmustafa 20 Women in the Economy
Kennico2 20 Microbial Biotechnology
Jashton1985 20 English 2
Seadays2 20 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Studentletterb 20 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Anniekw 20 African American Art
EricaTweed 20 African American Art
Oskarcoulter 20 African American Art
Nsien167 20 Marine Microbial Ecology
Ejhurtado8 20 FA 104 IK
TonyPJs 20 FA 104 IK
JustRaffy 20 FA 104 IK2
Bilybt 20 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Hopetonbailey 20 Information and Technology
Lynda Nourani 20 Information and Technology
Chriissannn 20 Information and Technology
Jesicatairoski 20 Information and Technology
Eléna267 20 Advanced Genetics
Nathan 0328 20 Chem 165
Steve gao 98 20 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Janis Wong 20 Biochemistry Lab 378
Felicity10324 20 Marine Biology- BI260
Ioannakarageorge 20 Marine Biology- BI260
IsabelCrowther 20 Marine Biology- BI260
Sarahhou2020 20 Organic Geochemistry 2019
Marcescent 20 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Kradmall 20 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Tmmart4 20 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Abbymaz 20 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Selaise 20 Comp II 70010
Cornelas 20 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Mlibz936 20 Morphological Analysis
AHS-189E Student Andria,Soraya 20 Curating Cultures
Sabrinafinke 20 Curating Cultures
Bruiz011 20 Curating Cultures
JacksonDoe 20 English Composition II
OctopusMoustache 20 English Composition 3738
Kamzadi 20 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Irakim 20 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Schwartzmichael 20 English 1102 077
Pokornyr 20 English 1102 077
Vivigooch21112 20 English 1102 143
Kaitlyn.kerr 20 HIS 101
Legotwin 20 Multi-Camera Production
Abiroa 20 International Communication
AsyaVitko 20 Modern Chinese Philosophy
Meganfink177 19 Language and Law
Zihao Wu 19 Language and Technology
Asmharle 19 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
MakenzieSylvia 19 Senior Seminar Biology - TR
Mhamilton007 19 IST 141 Library Research
Sidneykeyes 19 IST 141 Library Research
Amolina02 19 Employment Law for Business
Xcai011 19 Government information policy and practice
Reinako 19 COM 482 Interpersonal Media - Online Communities
Jeremydavison 19 COM 563 Relational Communication
Audfost 19 ENG 102
TJ2829 19 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Mitchell.cobbett 19 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Akua o 19 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
NannaBM 19 Astro482 Spring 2019
Maddydembowski 19 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Kyle.long098 19 English 1213 Section 670
GreatSmokyMountains 19 BIO 495 Capstone
Colligse 19 Noise and Hearing
Sayetti 19 Gender and Science 2018-19
Miguellee15 19 Psychology Capstone
Ayegerardo 19 Comp II
SilverSaturn15739 19 Comp II
Moorediamond98 19 PSY342 Language Development
Steph.Smallridge 19 PSY342 Language Development
MakaylaAiello 19 PSY342 Language Development
Noadia04 19 PSY342 Language Development
Chan Mattice 19 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Andrew Halford 19 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Dw616612 19 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Zbg935 19 The University, the Museum, and the Middle East
Soph159 19 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
WUclocks 19 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Kam.peyton 19 Sexuality and Politics
Jonahx11! 19 Sexuality and Politics
Karissaurbanek 19 World Language Policies
Kunga.Dhondup 19 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Marleej47 19 The Qur'an
History925818 19 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
PeytonMitchell77 19 English 101
William Jeck 19 State and Local Government
Kpark6897 19 Evolution of the Human Brain
Mmk327 19 Computer Science Principles
Jameyjackson45 19 Contemporary Art and Design
T.rabjam12 19 Language and Human Experience
Otkri 19 Language and Human Experience
Keelinjohn 19 Introduction to Policy Analysis
SophieMag20 19 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Turn gar 19 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Aalmubia 19 Politics of Italy
Bhl041 19 Politics of Italy
DingotheDon 19 Introduction to Information Studies
PhatWabbit 19 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Brycelog 19 PSY 101 General Psychology
Amarburger18 19 PSY 101 General Psychology
Stina0814 19 Introduction to Human Biology
Broccoliear 19 Critical Reading and Writing
Gglegg 19 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
GabrielJankowski 19 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Satvikreddyvoladri 19 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Elizabeth.Perez068 19 First Year Experience Seminar
Melissa.Bermudez1993 19 First Year Experience Seminar
Brookeparkerx 19 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Lovejourdan93 19 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Giingerjoy 19 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Mariahj252 19 Women in Art
Turtlethatroars 19 Women in Art
Bobert750 19 English 1102 T Th
Valxoxo48 19 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
SandersJR 19 The History of Coal
Jacob Pras. 19 The History of Coal
KMSavage319 19 US History since 1914
Gabbyxkay 19 Public Relations and Digital Media
Mdecory18 19 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
ChingTsuLin 19 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Jhh2019 19 Public Relations and Digital Media
Csoda1 19 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Skrewylewy91 19 Popular Culture in America
Silverspoonster 19 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
BLP1988 19 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Nataliepages 19 Women and Medicine
Warn5152 19 Women and Medicine
Kelseyfloyd18 19 Women and Medicine
Smartl3ydi 19 Women and Medicine
Emartinez3100 19 Women and Medicine
Pengxiao Xu 19 Biogeochemical Cycles
Toubizac 19 Civil Engineering Economy
Cnelso 19 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Mdoherty44 19 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Virga808 19 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Efilemoni 19 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Pk628 19 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Ggodbold 19 Sacred Arts of Japan
Alyssaakomer 19 English 1302
Gabrielle.vangruber 19 English 1302
Dexteraccount 19 English 1302
Oguerrero98 19 Latin American Social Theory 2019
MGRauls 19 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
18jrgodfrey 19 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Cmid9797 19 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Jcremm 19 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Sstan6UNH 19 Academic Inquiry 0430
Emmiheath04 19 Global Issues
Hughes6778 19 SOC 350
Lilhope1 19 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
MatthewLangsdale 19 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
SmarmyMantis920 19 Shakespeare and Media
Bh029 19 Introduction to Information Science
BurningPathos 19 Introduction to Information Science
Bear102938 19 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Coenglish 19 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Kafshar17 19 Social Movements and Social Media
Hopejanice22 19 Digital Media Literacy
Sbarret03 19 Digital Media Literacy
Eurasia18 19 COML 509
Nithompson 19 Introduction to Information Studies
Crf cherryrd 19 Non-Western Art
Laurenkearns98 19 HIST 432
Shoshanacooper 19 HIST 432
Jlu23 19 Women in the Economy
Elise.bed 19 Women in the Economy
Jeilani Chante 19 First-Year Composition
Scottmak 19 Microbial Biotechnology
Sher010 19 English 2
Bitterwater4 19 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
OH2MI 19 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Sjschnitzer 19 ART 366
Hwatson020 19 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
NickRaihala 19 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
D2theM 19 Information and Technology
Feimoonchoy 19 Information and Technology
Ranya22 19 Information and Technology
Kchansiyi10307 19 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
WikiSpri 19 Advanced Genetics
Vaw1772 19 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
Carw1772 19 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
Chloeschiu 19 Chem 165
Nikkivartuli 19 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Tab16116 19 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Nicomui 19 Biochemistry Lab 378
Andrewsz.hc 19 Biochemistry Lab 378
Riana.khan39 19 Biochemistry Lab 378
Vaw1772 19 Celebrity Culture
Laurenchristie00 19 Marine Biology- BI260
Kelseymrrs 19 Marine Biology- BI260
Aeph 99 19 Marine Biology- BI260
Juliasmithing 19 Marine Biology- BI260
Cdemeo 19 English 1B
Patrick Braid 19 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Brett K Eng 101 19 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Perrij 19 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Justinecedeno 19 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Alberttlaww 19 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Sgarc050 19 Curating Cultures
Maya Moreno 19 Curating Cultures
Deestinyy 19 Curating Cultures
Maezo24 19 English Composition II
Keykeypotato 19 FemiKorea
Santaman29 19 English 1102 053
ShanwenY 19 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Wascheese 19 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Ithordarson 19 English 1102 077
Razlozo 19 English 1102 143
PaulineRyan 19 Advanced Legal Research
Eloquentelephant 19 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
JunwenLai 19 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Jgrzywacz 18 Invertebrate Zoology
KrysJ123 18 Invertebrate Zoology
Jpplatt11 18 Invertebrate Zoology
Dmille18 18 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Lcannadyxula 18 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Anhia 18 Latino History 2019
Kathleenni 18 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Chanbinlee001 18 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Rpentz 18 ASL Structure
MayaIniguez 18 African Politics
Tmccallum98 18 IL 101
Aarnold15 18 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Sydneylowen 18 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Natalyagunther 18 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Aeawall 18 Astro482 Spring 2019
Polystation12 18 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Insert.clout 18 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Justin Inbody 18 English 1213 Section 647
Harjaap 18 Crises and Confederation - 2019
Addisongroe 18 Social Inequality SOC 221
Brookepujols 18 Social Inequality SOC 221
TrashPanda7 18 BIO 495 Capstone
Amandamarino 18 Digital History
Ssanc173 18 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Taylorpeters 18 Gender and Science 2018-19
AaronNeumeyer2 18 Western Civilization I
Haleighj 18 Comp II
Kamren.evans 18 Comp II
Eric.Buremi 18 PSY342 Language Development
WilmarisD 18 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
Kaitmeade 18 Genetics
Powers865 18 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Hallja2019 18 Many Faces of Poverty
Mschallr 18 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Victor2395 18 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Drewbarrie 18 Ecological Factors in Design
Ecar1539 18 Ecological Factors in Design
Luisricardodelarosa 18 Ecological Factors in Design
Lgeorge1203 18 Sexuality and Politics
Ldnelson7 18 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Jwei4928 18 Women and Gender in the Middle East
MiaMayhemm 18 English Composition 3738
Woratcli 18 Global History in a Modern World
Bryannasky98 18 English 101
Anagutierrez28 18 English 101, Section 2
Hifft 18 IFS201 - 35284
Kimberlyguzman23 18 SPC 1017 Honors
Kileytimmons 18 Evolution of the Human Brain
Sonydalapati 18 Evolution of the Human Brain
Awesomecowbell 18 Evolution of the Human Brain
Fanwar5150 18 Evolution of the Human Brain
GavTink 18 Contemporary Art and Design
Michey0829 18 Language and Human Experience
Ew6848a 18 Language and Human Experience
Cw6857a 18 Language and Human Experience
Mfoster3 18 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
Emilycalvin 18 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Raymo m123 18 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Pbl935 18 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Bq.rhet295 18 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Billyroberson 18 Introduction to Human Biology
Seanmks106 18 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Hswyant 18 Introduction to Mass Communication
Peasant revolts 18 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Madrut16 18 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Claudiopinero 18 Dynamic Tensions
Momeara99 18 Hydrology
Noah.Hirshorn30 18 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Yxurbi13 18 Women's and Gender Issues
Andreagrajedap 18 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Prototype-A 18 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Mumf1234 18 Women in Art
Annabeau55 18 English 260
MintyQuinn 18 English 1102 T Th
Bjsull1 18 English 1102 T Th
Brandynblakely 18 Communication and Culture
Griggsam 18 The History of Coal
Lowderea 18 The History of Coal
Samanthastone12 18 The History of Coal
Simonjr22 18 The History of Coal
Duffinp1 18 The History of Coal
Nathanmconel 18 ENGL 2000
Jessw0405 18 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Mack272 18 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
CaC9 18 Public Relations and Digital Media
Mck24 18 Public Relations and Digital Media
Carahenderson3 18 Introductory Sociology
Lilbambam55 18 Cold War Science
Wintersoldat 18 Cold War Science
NormalSpongebob 18 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Rmd 928 18 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
MikeVinneyPauly 18 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
KJH20 18 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
40pokes 18 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
LaceyN 18 Women and Medicine
Faeryghost 18 Writing 3225
CCVul 18 Writing 3225
Bransonjlok 18 Writing 3225
BriJefferson 18 Neuroscience 470
Breflournoy 18 Neuroscience 470
Itobah 18 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Tbhatia543655 18 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Kp51590 18 Islam in America
Hcrand 18 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Rkr24 18 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
AquaSodaBubbles 18 Sacred Arts of Japan
Kimbadonic 18 English 1302
Mbellamy4849 18 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Meghancondas 18 Introduction to Islamic Art
Josephineking 18 Introduction to Islamic Art
Rosh1627 18 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Rebabecky 18 Writing for the Web
Mscarr1 18 Islamic Art and Architecture
Chardonnier 18 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
JsansoUNH 18 Academic Inquiry 1215
Kmcin3 18 Academic Inquiry 0430
Cburton2355 18 Medical City Weatherford WikiMed Project
Maia.bomar 18 SOC 350
Ljg321 18 Newswriting
Florenciav17 18 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
ChartreuseGoose 18 Later Indigenous Literatures
Spartandgc 18 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Tairah Teneil 18 Independent Study in African American Women Writers
Abbyybakerr 18 English 202-011
Mgadayev 18 Introduction to Biology II
Gdiemoz 18 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Gdiemoz 18 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Stephanieannb5 18 Digital Media Literacy
Cmariscal011 18 COML 509
Lopez0124 18 Non-Western Art
Pdenchev 18 Women in the Economy
DenizEcon351 18 Women in the Economy
Asargana96 18 Women in the Economy
Phillcollins101 18 First-Year Composition
Irfan Haniff 18 Microbial Biotechnology
Mamibear77 18 English 2
Hannah.Gammons 18 English 2
Cindaye g 18 English 2
19fanwar 18 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Sharksa99 18 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
ImaniM489j 18 Digital Rhetorics
Jagomez22 18 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
U1133272 18 Molecular Motors
1221Bambino 18 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Gman802 18 FA 104 IK
ToltecShaman 18 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Kingwood77 18 Information and Technology
Stephee2 18 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
DanielRiches 18 Information and Technology
Silsilab 18 Information and Technology
Chocobunny39 18 Information and Technology
Kasmed 18 Information and Technology
Sonbebe 18 Information and Technology
Autumn.weifenbach 18 Advanced Genetics
Kcoyan 18 Advanced Genetics
Lazzaro798 18 IFS201 Information in a Post Truth World
Jasminenwee 18 Chem 165
Saadr1600 18 Biochemistry Lab 378
Luishermanson 18 Biochemistry Lab 378
Kperdomo531 18 Biochemistry Lab 378
Sindy.ferreiras32 18 Biochemistry Lab 378
Mshium 18 Biochemistry Lab 378
ChiefQ2000 18 Research as Narrative 18 Research as Narrative
Marinemaster 18 Marine Biology- BI260
Ryangriff56 18 Marine Biology- BI260
Agrecco 18 Conservation Genetics
LotsofHappy 18 IFS201 Information in a Post-Truth World
Reillyboule 18 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Marcelladeangelis 18 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Kylerini 18 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Emilybenson 18 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Matthewnails 18 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
LilaBauman19 18 Christianities in Antiquity
Bmkeaty 18 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Athenaxs 18 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Yazareth R 18 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Yesenixa 18 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Yessalazar 18 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Josholivier9 18 Curating Cultures
Aruyf 18 Curating Cultures
Jessm1417 18 FemiKorea
323watts 18 FemiKorea
Pgmou 18 Basin Studies
Jacky031128 18 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Kiararev 17 Language and Law
Sk10001 17 Invertebrate Zoology
Ztelford 17 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Lebigcheez 17 Society, Ethics, and Technology
KATZ27 17 COMM 7260
Sloths2 17 Advanced Legal Research
Savierr 17 CORE 160-05
Ny2019 17 Latino History 2019
Shivd55 17 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Cdstewar 17 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
JoseVasquez42 17 Introduction to International Politics W19
Ekeatts 17 IST 141 Library Research
Sophiegoldberg 17 English 1102
Dzhen082 17 Government information policy and practice
Zara.and 17 African Politics
Emkate77 17 IL 101
Caleb Osborn 17 IL 101
Janethomas13 17 IL 101
Amanda akles 17 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
NJaworski 17 CRM447W Senior Seminar in Criminology
Jegentr 17 ENG 102
VitoBroleone 17 Baroque Art
I.barone 17 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Manleen.g 17 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
WittyUofCstudent 17 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
JarrettKind 17 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kayrey18 17 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Rstookes 17 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Gillianohara 17 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Adammccartney1026 17 English 1213 Section 647
Seena Semsar 17 Composition Theory and Practice
Nikkikng 17 Composition Theory and Practice
Tedlers11 17 Crises and Confederation - 2019
Nairdivy 17 Social Inequality SOC 221
Jenevah 17 Tropical Fruit Production
Jaconnolly 17 Gender and Science 2018-19
RonnellPerkins 17 Black Sexual Politics
Ymcmcco 17 ENGL1102 Composition II
Foulks.D 17 ENGL1102 Composition II
Maddiwooten 17 ENGL1102 Composition II
AnniePJordan 17 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
Shannonrr 17 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
Mgcrutch 17 Genetics
Aholiman 17 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Hannah lieb 17 Many Faces of Poverty
Meganhaynam 17 Many Faces of Poverty
Epichola 17 Many Faces of Poverty
JoSchmollinger 17 The University, the Museum, and the Middle East
Alisa yoshi 17 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Lucytian828 17 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Dvefang 17 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Mbmogan 17 Sexuality and Politics
Jakescheese 17 Sexuality and Politics
Jessicajoplin 17 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
PK pols 17 Sexuality and Politics
Coza8917 17 World Language Policies
LinayaBradford 17 English 202-006
JessicaNHunt 17 English 202-006
Sirhay 17 English Composition II
Fiestymuffins 17 English Composition II
Barrettbaugh 17 The Qur'an
Malcolmka 17 Hearing Conservation
Deannawiki 17 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Bicarden 17 Global History in a Modern World
Jlmohn 17 Global History in a Modern World
Alexibelice 17 English 101
Jeanne1525 17 IFS201 - 35284
ZBD339 17 State and Local Government
Korrynlom 17 State and Local Government
Anhn4971 17 ENGLISH-COMP101
Katalthani 17 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
Blerd 17 Computer Science Principles
CSextonGWU 17 Evolution of the Human Brain
Hull1893 17 Statistical Consulting Practicum
Saniabenie 17 ECON 4318 Economic Data Analysis Capstone
Smorph0u0 17 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Josemgonz95 17 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Hquesada22 17 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Krsullivan 17 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Jasolon 17 Politics of Italy
ConnorWeaver 17 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Tneal18 17 PSY 101 General Psychology
Kmantell18 17 PSY 101 General Psychology
Soukenik.3 17 SW 3402H
Warcrow 17 Critical Reading and Writing
Brendan954 17 Critical Reading and Writing
AlexLalik 17 English 101
DiemCarpe123 17 English 101
Jhinojosa21 17 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Jendsley2015 17 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Hannah Geer 17 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Heolberdin 17 Introduction to Mass Communication
Mengru0088 17 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Betty.galban 17 First Year Experience Seminar
Claudiamt00 17 First Year Experience Seminar
Aisteinberg99 17 Hydrology
Margotflynn 17 Hydrology
Brandonewert 17 Hydrology
Oscar289 17 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Cctigers001 17 Introduction to Global Climate Change
CalYael11 17 Women's and Gender Issues
Omp2c 17 Foreign Literature in Translation
Athleticnerd31 17 ENG121-108
SueWon 17 Communication Technology and Organizations
Corve1994 17 Communication Technology and Organizations
Ellahead27 17 Plants and People
Delska 7 17 Languages and Language Attitudes in USA
Mryoung2020 17 Women in Art
KeraKulp 17 English 260
MJMarch 17 English 260
Tylerszmydt 17 English 1102 T Th
TylerCresser50 17 Communication and Culture
Jperry98 17 US History since 1914
BP988 17 ENGL 2000
Philipmarr 17 ENGL 2000
Eri-Dan-Lau 17 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Rae816 17 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Cmcco3 17 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
PlasticRub 17 Cold War Science
MadisonVerge 17 Women and Medicine
Taneshiaj1 17 Neuroscience 470
Trca5114 17 Remote Sensing 2019
Melida18 17 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Anguyen7123 17 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Skyler Lib100 17 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
18drualexande 17 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Obianama 17 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Juliawren 17 Sacred Arts of Japan
Sharmingaziani 17 English 1302
Christian861 17 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Kkuffelroy1 17 IFS201-35293
Sauerkrautrock 17 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Katherinemplatt 17 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Zelizimm 17 Biology of Sex and Gender
Mindiolam 17 Biology of Sex and Gender
AubreighZ 17 Biology of Sex and Gender
Feldmanfortlewis1998 17 SOC 350
DanxLay 17 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Jwwhsu27 17 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Alidiack 17 Shakespeare and Media
Aleighob2 17 English 202-011
Bradley graul 17 English 202-011
LoganW501 17 English 202-011
E.frazin 17 Social Movements and Social Media
Robertasmar 17 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Cfarahani 17 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Kaynat08 17 Introduction to Biology II
Cfarahani 17 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Artmin405 17 Social Protests of the 1960s
Jeni Emery 17 New Histories of Chicago Media
Jflohr12 17 Taking the Archives Public
Cassidyklein00 17 Composition 101
Cottoncandy2ne1 17 Women in the Economy
Rileycorreia05 17 Women in the Economy
Laurengregor 17 Microbial Biotechnology
CharHobbs 17 English 2
MasterOfCider 17 Digital Rhetorics
Ravenator52 17 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Maddiebd 17 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Jramtahal 17 African American Art
DanSchwartzapfel 17 African American Art
GroundedDuckling 17 Art 200 33256
Lcerone 17 FA 104 IK
Nszypulinski 17 FA 104 IK
Sebago247 17 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Alexj447 17 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Sarimhsn 17 Information and Technology
Annodla 17 Information and Technology
Kryssy12 17 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
AlexHa165 17 Chem 165
Bessiewyl 17 Chem 165
MichelleChou18 17 Chem 165
Kasey Prevette 17 Public History
Eliseomosso 17 Biochemistry Lab 378
Shopondude 17 Biochemistry Lab 378
Vaynerjv 17 Biochemistry Lab 378
Gabyai 17 Celebrity Culture
HerreraJules 17 Celebrity Culture
Gabyai 17 Community Journalism
Mpacaro 17 Marine Biology- BI260
Stefaobando 17 Marine Biology- BI260
Marieldls 17 Marine Biology- BI260
Harri97 17 Marine Biology- BI260
Halliekn 17 Marine Biology- BI260
The explorer56 17 Marine Biology- BI260
Jordan0501 17 Marine Biology- BI260
Regan nick 17 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Marianavrodela 17 Curating Cultures
Jctheartist 17 Curating Cultures
MDECK003 17 Curating Cultures
Aspoonfullofcoffee 17 English Composition 3738
Tmuribe 17 FemiKorea
Pokemxh 17 FemiKorea
Hnguyc 17 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Inconspicuoustoast 17 English 1102 053
JJJMAX 17 English 1102 053
Debmalya Ghosh 17 MAE 7160
UWPlants 17 Plant Behavior
Krisxing 17 Plant Behavior
Cmangerian18 17 HIS 101
SARZ86 17 International Communication
Jocie143 17 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Taylinleib 16 Language and Law
Dmcortes 16 Invertebrate Zoology
Hanahaag 16 Invertebrate Zoology
Autumnabennett 16 Invertebrate Zoology
Mike schoettler 16 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Yansong Bai 16 Language and Technology
Chelsearatcliff 16 COMM 7260
Cclancy471 16 Relationships and Digital Media
Summerawall 16 Advanced Legal Research
Aajones12 16 CORE 160-05
JKinsey05 16 CORE 160-05
Amya18 16 CORE 160-05
Hbush2000 16 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Gamachch 16 Researching Environment and Culture
Jumana97 16 Introduction to International Politics W19
FarhanAnjumHaque 16 Introduction to International Politics W19
Emily Van Ravenswaay 16 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Hyn1993 16 IST 141 Library Research
Ak0714509 16 IL 101
Bella.henderson 16 ENG 102
Jorlitt 16 ENG 102
Niya99 16 ENG 102
Thornberrye 16 Baroque Art
Mehakrocks 16 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Serenag2000 16 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
AlitaLaurie 16 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kmccameron 16 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kendra.unterberger 16 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
NarrandoNicholson 16 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Abrown8201 16 English 1213 Section 647
Alliedixon 16 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Julcohn 16 Social Inequality SOC 221
Juniperusvirginiana 16 BIO 495 Capstone
Kseaton3 16 Tropical Fruit Production
Airivs 16 Digital History
JohnWick'sDogIII 16 Digital History
Mthawkes 16 Gender and Science 2018-19
JaCrosby97 16 JMC 305 News Editing
JordanStamann 16 Western Civilization I
Kayceemoergeli 16 Western Civilization I
MattCRiley 16 Black Sexual Politics
TFrench1985 16 Black Sexual Politics
Dawofson 16 Comp II
Brookelefevre 16 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Kristinyoon 16 HSC 355 Bioethics
Cpellis17 16 Genetics
Hnfrye17 16 Genetics
AntiMemo 16 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
DRogers86 16 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Petitemio 16 Many Faces of Poverty
Fjora123 16 The University, the Museum, and the Middle East
Clocksck1 16 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Anaber123 16 Sexuality and Politics
Psych intensive 16 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Xandrabouray 16 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Caticoatl 16 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Dylin stoen 16 English Composition II
VolleyballLia 16 English Composition II
Twomey.shannon 16 Media Literacy
Minsw01 16 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Rbvp2000 16 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Vargasdg 16 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Ruperto323 16 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Bmwilliams11 16 English 101
Alisa Ayn Rosenbaum 16 IFS201 - 35284
Carsoncoulter 16 ENGLISH-COMP101
Raksha H 16 SPC 1017 Honors
ShaikhaF 16 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
MonicaCespedes 16 SPC 1017 Honors
Eas50930 16 Contemporary Art and Design
Destroyer300 16 ENVS 135
Jayhinge1502 16 ECON 4318 Economic Data Analysis Capstone
Ljprice9398 16 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Syazouri 16 Politics of Italy
Saxkat 16 Politics of Italy
Jkrockwell318 16 Contemporary Slavery
DanMattondo 16 Introduction to Information Studies
Hlucham 16 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Jjthakid23 16 PSY 101 General Psychology
Ealee5 16 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Smtraylor 16 Introduction to Mass Communication
Srarb012 16 Introduction to Mass Communication
Daina.Lopez001 16 First Year Experience Seminar
Cultofjunior 16 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Ymarq013 16 Dynamic Tensions
Lgonz498 16 Dynamic Tensions
Luciklmn 16 Hydrology
Bondurantc 16 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Jwein16 16 Women's and Gender Issues
Sxbrow13 16 Women's and Gender Issues
ZackMeru 16 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Thebowies9590 16 Languages and Language Attitudes in USA
Hzsearcy 16 Women in Art
Bmbradley 16 Women in Art
Havetopass 16 English 260
Lsiegel2257 16 English 260
Mia.figueroa26 16 English 1102 T Th
Ihavequestion 16 Communication and Culture
SHAGI001 16 Communication and Culture
PuffyFloof 16 The History of Coal
Danielledeluca 16 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Numbah9 16 Public Relations and Digital Media
Leedlele 16 Cold War Science
Xcelsor 16 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Lauren015 16 Women and Medicine
Rebaschultz 16 Women and Medicine
Ealeonard 16 Women and Medicine
Iamadoggie 16 Writing 3225
Gillianpulfer 16 Writing 3225
Corionr19 16 Neuroscience 470
Tati-spice 16 ENG121-110
Mohd hilmi halim 16 Remote Sensing 2019
Leldred1999 16 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Prietolaura 16 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Chaceb123 16 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Brockpaquin 16 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Propagandhi1 16 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
HarrisHar 16 Islam in America
Rothkg0 16 Sacred Arts of Japan
Avakieser 16 English 1302
Emilystolle 16 English 1302
Brianlimon11 16 English 1302
KeyiraWalker 16 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
DJ40PLATT 16 Writing for the Web
Simrans97 16 Islamic Art and Architecture
Dgary0202 16 Chem4011
Freeshavocado 16 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Miyeak 16 Biology of Sex and Gender
Sgabo1 16 Academic Inquiry 1215
Tsonn1 16 Academic Inquiry 0430
GothicTeaBunny 16 History of East Asian Costume
Hungp94 16 History of East Asian Costume
Naythan doan 16 History of East Asian Costume
Kandorstal 16 History of East Asian Costume
Daniellelm 16 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Ynnybyl 16 Shakespeare and Media
Andysmith 2019 16 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
EliDays 16 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
RafiqWalker24 16 English 202-011
TribalDragon1 16 English 202-011
Tpsx 16 English 202-011
Oliviamorin 16 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Tregala1 16 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Rdroble2 16 Digital Media Literacy
Emma.wollenweber 16 Social Protests of the 1960s
Mengyangwiki 16 Social Protests of the 1960s
Mcaljj15 16 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
JacoreyJ4 16 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
JCXFX 16 Introduction to Information Studies
Cozzia234 16 Non-Western Art
Sk302 16 Baroque and Rococo Art
KlimtFan1996 16 Roots of Feminism
Lolli 1020 pop 16 Women in the Economy
Yara Rafeh 16 Women in the Economy
Centeotl777 16 Modern and Contemporary Art
Centeotl777 16 Renaissance to Modern Art
Gnujnuyh 16 Renaissance to Modern Art
Omackraz 16 Microbial Biotechnology
Hurtall1 16 Microbial Biotechnology
Mein3d4u 16 Microbial Biotechnology
Bro2023 16 English 2
Dgreene89 16 Digital Rhetorics
Lilypad406 16 Digital Rhetorics
Coffeeandyoga245 16 Digital Rhetorics
Jroshco 16 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
MozartEile 16 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Swyellow 16 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Ferrellb 16 Marine Microbial Ecology
Mchaud11-18-94 16 FA 104 IK2
Priyankapanjwani 16 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33144
Tiortiz 16 Information and Technology
Venessaxw 16 Information and Technology
VB-03 16 Information and Technology
Ssinop13 16 Information and Technology
ShervinEtemad 16 WikiMed Spring 2019 UCSF SOM
BrookEdwards96 16 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
Pasangpakhrin 16 Biochemistry Lab 378
Puneetsg 16 Biochemistry Lab 378
Panastacip 16 Biochemistry Lab 378
Zorrixmk 16 Research as Narrative
BrookEdwards96 16 Celebrity Culture
Lutheral 16 Marine Biology- BI260
Xge0409 16 Marine Biology- BI260
Cecegerstenbacher 16 Marine Biology- BI260
Olivia-bible 16 Marine Biology- BI260
Jwbuzzell 16 Marine Biology- BI260
Akhorton 16 Marine Biology- BI260
Kellan taylor 16 English 1B
Szeichner 16 Organic Geochemistry 2019
Alxesi 16 UW1020 M68
Alzith 16 IFS201 Information in a Post-Truth World
Brittlindner 16 IFS201 Information in a Post-Truth World
Abbybemory 16 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Resolute Bewilderment 16 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Andrea.lc00 16 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Antoinette.i1212 16 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Samdia503 16 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Cieramoore 16 Morphological Analysis
Bhhoov 16 Curating Cultures
Jermennn H 16 Curating Cultures
Louie3000 16 English Composition 3738
NicoleNourian 16 FemiKorea
DMir663 16 FemiKorea
Frankej12 16 English 1102 053
Gogertya 16 English 1102 053
Alessa33 16 English 1102 077
SBLCebry 16 MAE 7160
JRIE97 16 CEE105
Mridgway801 16 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Vlozano 16 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Aspceo 15 Language and Law
Brinkwol 15 Invertebrate Zoology
Sahil kaneria2 15 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Singhsimranjit071294 15 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Bhavya10 15 Language and Technology
Mtopf96 15 Language and Technology
Emaleefx 15 Relationships and Digital Media
Mattwass12 15 Relationships and Digital Media
Mborodii 15 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Jesseniaortiz3157 15 CORE 160-05
Clicata99 15 Latino History 2019
Erc036 15 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Yuweizhou997 15 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Arnout97 15 Introduction to International Politics W19
TierneyM 15 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
Crystalvolk 15 ASL Structure
Mayu Yamada 15 ASL Structure
Mahockenberry 15 IST 141 Library Research
Jlwood118 15 Employment Law for Business
Smosmores 15 Technology and Ethics in Society
Wantingma 15 Government information policy and practice
Ceg2 15 Government information policy and practice
RaphaelPlamondon 15 Government information policy and practice
Joelbishop12 15 ENG 102
Haydengratias1 15 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
John.nguyen2 15 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Lucasdroho 15 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
BrooklynIsaak 15 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Rabi.Tahir 15 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Isabella.Cutten.926 15 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
SVanCamp 15 Composition Theory and Practice
ElizabethPedder 15 Composition Theory and Practice
Ryankerr918 15 English 1213 Section 647
BradenLG2000 15 English 1213 Section 670
Taylorjharper 15 English 1213 Section 670
Katherine p66 15 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Dbattis3 15 Capitalism and Democracy
Mullencj 15 Noise and Hearing
Clldg3 15 Black Sexual Politics
Emily BLSTU3230 15 Black Sexual Politics
HunterYates2400 15 ENGL1102 Composition II
Ay-austin32 15 ENGL1102 Composition II
Madison.comeau 15 ENGL1102 Composition II
Miguel.a.Fern 15 PSY342 Language Development
Jeff.Lee29 15 PSY342 Language Development
Beansie813 15 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
JakeSturg 15 Genetics
Mckennam hist338 15 Understanding Iran
Trash peasant 15 Understanding Iran
BlackwatchRHR 15 Understanding Iran
Chris.thomas11 15 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Marvgarc 15 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Iancelermatas 15 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Abeerhajiegeh 15 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Bantwi1356 15 ENGL 121
Tanaysha52 15 ENGL 121
Obliviblob 15 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Lawats2 15 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Stmc6816 15 World Language Policies
Catiebaisley 15 World Language Policies
Alyssa giffin 15 English 202-006
Alielia313 15 English Composition 3738
Gxroh 15 English Composition 3738
Mvcortes 15 English Composition II
Beingapotatoboy 15 English Composition II
Hoangphan750 15 English Composition II
J lucciano 15 Media Literacy
Mabate01 15 Media Literacy
RaeCorrigan23 15 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
AUTestStudent 15 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Gnzn15 15 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Leonardcisneros 15 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Jschmerler 15 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
NikW10 15 Hearing Conservation
Jessiekoral 15 Hearing Conservation
Vihan Krishnan 15 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Mart875 15 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Bvwrigle 15 Global History in a Modern World
Arigoldman 15 IFS201 - 35284
Kcarter10 15 SPC 1017 Honors
YulissaAD99 15 SPC 1017 Honors
Carlossanchezgil 15 SPC 1017 Honors
Aripastore 15 Evolution of the Human Brain
KZarabian 15 Evolution of the Human Brain
Ucmartstudent 15 Contemporary Art and Design
Noahkinney9 15 Contemporary Art and Design
Wkim456 15 Language and Human Experience 15 Language and Human Experience
Hanamengesha 15 Language and Human Experience
Shannonnancysw 15 ENVS 10H
Teclis High Loremaster of Hoeth 15 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Chrishargrove10 15 Politics of Italy
Darnold2019 15 Contemporary Slavery
Kelslmorgan 15 Contemporary Slavery
Xiaochi960924 15 Introduction to Information Studies
Ecstaticreader 15 Molecular and Genome Evolution
Cwbusby 15 Molecular and Genome Evolution
Braydendbulloch 15 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Carovanilla16 15 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Renniss2 15 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Oameadows 15 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Hledbetter 15 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Marisoltorres026 15 Introduction to Human Biology
Rileemorrell 15 Introduction to Human Biology
Brayan1110 15 Introduction to Human Biology
Gleydura.2 15 SW 3402H
Devynnan 15 SW 3402H
Jgoode5470 15 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Viavia xu 15 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Obrod665 15 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Katy8i8 15 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Sheila251 15 First Year Experience Seminar
Reinier.napoles001 15 First Year Experience Seminar
Elerod96 15 Introduction to Global Climate Change
HannahStalker 15 WGST 484
Kl currey 15 WGST 484
Sgrunion 15 WGST 484
Bpp16 15 Communication Technology and Organizations
Wyatt1315 15 Plants and People
Jessicahoward 15 English 260
Emily.kathryn7 15 English 260
Hoganeg2000 15 The History of Coal
ADumestre 15 ENGL 2000
Srampuria 15 Introductory Sociology
Peytynrl 15 Introductory Sociology
Ckick66 15 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Shawster12 15 Popular Culture in America
IllmasterHyperSnyper 15 Cold War Science
Meandmui 15 Cold War Science
Kaylariley3 15 Women and Medicine
Sabrinapham4 15 Women and Medicine
Sidinho26 15 Civil Engineering Economy
Melahh 15 Neuroscience 470
FelicityWright 15 Neuroscience 470
Nicolefuqua5830 15 ENG121-110
Kwilson1223 15 ENG121-113
Hahe1912 15 Remote Sensing 2019
Chocolate1622 15 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Malikrugege 15 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Abgonzalez95 15 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Kcologna 15 Islam in America
Oliviaretz 15 Islam in America
Lucycurr 15 Sacred Arts of Japan
Sharksfan26 15 LIBR 1 Working with Sources
Lyaq11 15 English 1302
Dtamilmani1 15 English 1302
Kylieweiss 15 English 1302
Bordonez1 15 English 1302
Sdesai90 15 English 1302
Jovaris Coleman 15 English 1302
Trex63 15 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Nathanb831 15 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Diana.quintero18 15 Latin American Social Theory 2019
Sophiecozencaaa 15 Writing for the Web
Jaypeemac 15 IFS201-35293
Ewong2188191 15 IFS201-35293
Aphi123 15 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Vohraa 15 Biology of Sex and Gender
Nbona2 15 Academic Inquiry 1215
Aalve1 15 Academic Inquiry 0430
Wentz.kyle 15 Medical City Weatherford WikiMed Project
ConnorJPrince 15 Global Issues
Nali12 15 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Alghartman 15 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
G Snoddy123 15 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Sherline1995 15 Introduction to Biology II
Gbonill6 15 Introduction to Biology II
Agordo1108 15 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Nicoledibi 15 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Ashleycavss 15 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Dtran200 15 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
Watsoncaktus 15 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
Nevesko21 15 Digital Media Literacy
Rhusmann 15 Digital Media Literacy
Rct97 15 Taking the Archives Public
ZaidenSowle 15 Roots of Feminism
Caitlynv 15 Women in the Economy
JusticeTone' 15 First-Year Composition
MagpieSorger 15 English 2
Shellyleeable1 15 English 2
Rodrigueza518 15 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Friedman77 15 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
ChinaRider 15 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Raazzberry 15 Information and Technology
Brandoml 15 Information and Technology
Mwakita 15 Information and Technology
Justin.r.lad 15 Information and Technology
Krystalye 15 Information and Technology
TheOnlyAussy 15 Information and Technology 15 Information and Technology
AlexhendersonSCC 15 IFS201 Information in a Post Truth World
SatyaHB 15 IFS201 Information in a Post Truth World
Msbosley 15 Chem 165
Alia Jiaying Li 15 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Tracykong1128 15 Biochemistry Lab 378
Dajanareci97 15 Biochemistry Lab 378
Gillotam 15 Biochemistry Lab 378
Shaque1228 15 Biochemistry Lab 378
Zunarasultan 15 Biochemistry Lab 378
Samgeorge57 15 Biochemistry Lab 378
Gabriella A Russo 15 Marine Biology- BI260
Peipeiliu 15 English 1B
Nokuds 15 Conservation Genetics
Lavinj2 15 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Divine971017 15 Comp II 70010
Sfisher3 15 Christianities in Antiquity
Nkwok001 15 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Sumarli001 15 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Laurenwonn 15 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Fangtom 15 Curating Cultures
MikeySanchez 15 Curating Cultures
Kmela001 15 Curating Cultures
Bmitc004 15 Curating Cultures
Veronica Lievano-Lima 15 Curating Cultures
Jbeeks11 15 Curating Cultures
Mha101 15 FemiKorea
Honggglee 15 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Albarrana509 15 English 1102 053
Emiko18 15 Plant Behavior
Yachen001 15 Plant Behavior
Alexisdibartolo 15 HIS 101
Twitman 15 Multi-Camera Production
Jackiedvu 15 International Communication
Kharishmachang 15 International Communication
ShuyuanoliviA 15 International Communication
Jamedin3 15 International Communication
ChristianRomeroMendoza 15 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Jennahackett72199 14 Invertebrate Zoology
Tpz191 14 Society, Ethics, and Technology
XiaoxinGan 14 Language and Technology
Yanhanxu 14 Language and Technology
JeremyBraggs123 14 Relationships and Digital Media
More2472 14 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
Kander19 14 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
HalanniC 14 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Garrettelewis 14 CORE 160-05
Kcl048 14 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Itsellali 14 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Yuj004 14 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Prabh1899 14 Introduction to International Politics W19
Madelynking98 14 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
Fanders1 14 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Spott087 14 Government information policy and practice
Dalvarado98 14 African Politics
Iameenan 14 IL 101
Sarahk838 14 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Siennasage 14 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Af34966 14 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Mbuterbaugh 14 Composition Theory and Practice
Zanthos434 14 English 1213 Section 670
Ashton01 14 English 1213 Section 670
Gaby b1012 14 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Ajindalt 14 Social Inequality SOC 221
Soc221 belo 14 Social Inequality SOC 221
Vancombs 14 Women and US Politics
Eli808 14 Tropical Fruit Production
CharlesReynolds1 14 Digital History
Waderachel 14 Noise and Hearing
Copapianist 14 Research Methods in Music for Performers
Aturner32 14 JMC 305 News Editing
Jaynahess 14 Western Civilization I
Madelynccooper 14 Black Sexual Politics
Ewade225 14 Black Sexual Politics
LaShaeDavis 14 Psychology Capstone
Starship123 14 ENGL1102 Composition II
Bailee sharp16 14 Comp II
Slaw27 14 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
Ariyont19 14 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
Spspriggs17 14 Genetics
Atrkula 14 Understanding Iran
Crobin06 14 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Obartulovic 14 Many Faces of Poverty
Rappacvp2020 14 Many Faces of Poverty
Eriseyas2020 14 Many Faces of Poverty
Josephineu 14 Ecological Factors in Design
Iah13 14 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Grgarcia5 14 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Gsmiller2 14 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
DzDylan 14 English 202-006 14 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Xwboy123 14 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Nikkigrover 14 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Laaaa777 14 English Composition II
Kodamehalba 14 Media Literacy
Jgratt21 14 Media Literacy
Xmf137roman 14 The Qur'an
Baekjw0403 14 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Tanguangyao88 14 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Nswanson24 14 Hearing Conservation
Laurenmcdowell 14 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
KennyBarrera 14 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Wikiswami1 14 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
MilquetoastTimes 14 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Jenbernal 14 English 101, Section 2
Younesmourad 14 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
Ejk76 14 Computer Science Principles
Smorong 14 Evolution of the Human Brain
Eg0264a 14 Language and Human Experience
AmanBhardwaj25 14 ECON 4318 Economic Data Analysis Capstone
Serenaluna9 14 Politics of Italy
Jmhines 14 Politics of Italy
UMD Edit 14 Introduction to Information Studies
Liumengyun1221 14 Introduction to Information Studies
Willn143 14 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Mrmattrunner 14 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Nemsev9 14 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Rbarth23 14 PSY 101 General Psychology
DrewECC 14 PSY 101 General Psychology
Nandrews2 14 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Angellgarciia 14 Introduction to Human Biology
Menewhard 14 Introduction to Mass Communication
Mbdurchhol 14 Introduction to Mass Communication
KittyAsif 14 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Kari0518 14 First Year Experience Seminar
Dianamary1970 14 First Year Experience Seminar
CBloise 14 First Year Experience Seminar
Sofi rromero 14 Dynamic Tensions
Charlotteblum 14 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Valentinaaaaal 14 Communication Technology and Organizations
Fiumechescorre 14 Plants and People
Jf6511 14 English 260
Jmine009 14 Communication and Culture
TheStory07 14 US History since 1914
Ari2019 14 Public Relations and Digital Media
Jml1996 14 Public Relations and Digital Media
Teodoramarinescu 14 Public Relations and Digital Media
AnOnYmOuS c206 14 Public Relations and Digital Media
Ipatriotis 14 Introductory Sociology
Abrueckner 14 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Byrneed 14 Gender and Identity in Modern Art
Joyuese 14 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Mgmoyer1998 14 Popular Culture in America
Starr3932 14 Cold War Science
BeeSeahawk 14 Cold War Science
Areyoucreative? 14 Cold War Science
Sreuss98 14 Cold War Science
AbidingTruth 14 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Arikay 14 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
SethRoganfan389 14 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Linalietuv 14 Women and Medicine
Anniemccommon 14 Neuroscience 470
Anlo9803 14 Remote Sensing 2019
Stefansuar 14 Remote Sensing 2019
Farmdawgg 14 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Calebjunichi maritime 14 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
NathanielGorman 14 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Kamryncrossley1 14 English 1302
Graceselner 14 English 1302
NP12-05-2000 14 English 1302
Janiseg1031 14 English 1302
Ramirezgalilea 14 English 1302
Mariabarrera2 14 English 1302
Traywebb 14 English 1302
DairaZapata17 14 English 1302
Basseywilson3 14 English 1302
Mohammad.Mahboob 14 English 1302
CourtneyLe'rose 14 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Tirza morales 14 Latin American Social Theory 2019
Tiffanyzhang98 14 Introduction to Islamic Art
Ceastburn20 14 Introduction to Islamic Art
EKCarleton 14 Introduction to Islamic Art
Megan.rodgers6 14 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Tyweak28 14 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Jonerile 14 Writing for the Web
Meast2 14 Academic Inquiry 0430
Cox Marguerite 14 Human Development in Local and Global Communities
Abigailo15037 14 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Seantrada 14 Shakespeare and Media
Statwiki4you 14 Introduction to Information Science
Cshel1020 14 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Yzhyjysm 14 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Jackjbc1997 14 English 202-011
KatieBracken2021 14 English 202-011
Jlongini 14 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Zain1k99 14 Introduction to Biology II
Molliewilliams4 14 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Vfranco2 14 Introduction to Biology II
Aweingar 14 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Kwiki29 14 Digital Media Literacy
Smelland 14 Digital Media Literacy
Coltallred 14 Digital Media Literacy
Dylanregina 14 Digital Media Literacy
St. Hypnos 14 Social Protests of the 1960s
Westnilebaptsit 14 New Histories of Chicago Media
Yezimo 14 New Histories of Chicago Media
Dicaks17 14 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Wendyvega28 14 Non-Western Art
Cassidy27 14 Composition 101
Raissa-silva1810 14 Roots of Feminism
Vera8513 14 Women in the Economy
Zmizzix 14 Women in the Economy
Gstebbins1 14 Modern and Contemporary Art
Sams19 14 Microbial Biotechnology
Harr1335 14 Microbial Biotechnology
Aleenacarton 14 English 2
Hualo98 14 English 2
Ajg666 14 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
N.merchant1999 14 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Dhedmark0 14 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Sahasd 14 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Sgro208 14 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Lnvanderb 14 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
MarisaAsadian 14 Molecular Motors
Phthalate-esther22 14 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
YuanfeiZhang 14 African American Art
Cavan.geyer 14 ART 366
Maddiebossidy 14 African American Art
Leasaliba 14 Art 200 33256
Lreyes933 14 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Anahmurphy 14 FA 104 IK2
Jsantos93 14 FA 104 IK2
Meg bak1922 14 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Amnahusain 14 Information and Technology
Billiebobjones 14 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Megladon777 14 Information and Technology
Akwasi Osei-tutu 14 Information and Technology
Miaa1004 14 Information and Technology
Maumau888 14 Information and Technology
Stephyb14 14 Information and Technology
Chey1399 14 Advanced Genetics
Jbailey2020 14 Advanced Genetics
Jackzz99 14 Chem 165
Areeb227 14 Chem 165
Andreiuconn 14 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Abdullah.junayed43 14 Biochemistry Lab 378
LatoyaNB 14 Biochemistry Lab 378
Sdrenis 14 Biochemistry Lab 378
Tasfiq.Ullah09 14 Biochemistry Lab 378
Mnbarrie97 14 Biochemistry Lab 378
GerenWijaya 14 Biochemistry Lab 378
Elsambrenner 14 Marine Biology- BI260
Simonyu0 14 English 1B
Amelialath123 14 American Government 120
Epothering 14 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Granto uw 14 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Alexialibretti12 14 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Kirsten burr 14 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Mlamarre 14 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Swopnilb 14 Comp II 70159
Nnguy156 14 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Shellsea.m 14 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Dmose006 14 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Ibarraernesto8 14 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Revelesisa 14 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Abunc001 14 Curating Cultures
Roysius 14 Curating Cultures
Chloelogan 14 Curating Cultures
Jabohlin 14 English Composition II
Txnguyen35 14 English Composition II
Kissakyake Mbwilo 14 English Composition 3738
Asiry 14 English Composition 3738
Cebuscapucinus 14 Honors Topics Bio Sci
Dkcharlie 14 English 1102 053
ChienMingWang 14 English 1102 077
Bshpall 14 Advanced Legal Research
Ryanmccombs 14 Multi-Camera Production
Matthewp9 14 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Chall98 13 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Dessiahc97 13 Society, Ethics, and Technology
WillBurt15 13 Society, Ethics, and Technology
LMMarn13 13 Relationships and Digital Media
Mnguye60 13 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Acousin1 13 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Dongruo Jiang 13 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Yinghao Li 13 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Ehartz01 13 ASL Structure
Alips100 13 Government information policy and practice
Mnico031 13 Government information policy and practice
Jjdavison 13 COM 563 Relational Communication
Kamarwi 13 ENG 102
Anaachebe 13 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
ShaeenK 13 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Clairefrezell 13 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kaylee wrig 13 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Engyabdelkader 13 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Walkeralongthemanifoldpaths 13 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Cartermcamis 13 English 1213 Section 647
LLUCZEK 13 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Tcanna 13 Social Inequality SOC 221
Anmingee 13 Social Inequality SOC 221
Cuphea 13 BIO 495 Capstone
Glued2Headphones 13 BIO 495 Capstone
QuinnCraig2075 13 Women and US Politics
Rasulda 13 Noise and Hearing
Audeditor 1 13 Noise and Hearing
Bwuen001 13 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
KristenValliere 13 Western Civilization I
Clrhoades 13 Biology 102
Mvaine 13 Biology 102
Mcclendond 13 Black Sexual Politics
Raven.dickerson 13 ENGL1102 Composition II
J.franklin59764 13 ENGL1102 Composition II
Ansley1102 13 ENGL1102 Composition II
Hannahrd17 13 Comp II
Sheneehugee96 13 PSY342 Language Development
DominicScotti 13 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
RBrockhaus 13 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Rvle222 13 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
Blankebl2019 13 Many Faces of Poverty
Nathanyee44 13 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
HannahCS 13 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Dabr2307 13 World Language Policies
NyjaMcCleese 13 English 202-006
Kceira 13 English 202-006
Fixinginformation 13 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Quinn.Jones22 13 Women and Gender in the Middle East
LuckyNumberThree 13 English Composition 3738
Sofiastone 13 English Composition II
Tony2227 13 Media Literacy
Pmangahis 13 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
ShaiHuludKitty 13 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
Malbo19 13 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Lamjoshu 13 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Citlalynunez 13 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Sienao21 13 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Kaylinhoward 13 IFS201 - 35284
Emilyjcaperton 13 State and Local Government
Morganausbrooks 13 State and Local Government
Ylevin2020 13 Evolution of the Human Brain
Sm7315a 13 Language and Human Experience
Sage.70 13 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
Echausow 13 Politics of Italy
Lhkelleher 13 Contemporary Slavery
Solitaryumbreon 13 Introduction to Information Studies
Rianaes 13 Introduction to Information Studies
Abensen1 13 Introduction to Information Studies
Yzhou19 13 Introduction to Information Studies
Matthewmuccio 13 Introduction to Information Studies
Lpjohns4 13 Molecular and Genome Evolution
Avernon011280 13 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
Gerplex96 13 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Travdude5548 13 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Awest355 13 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Keili123 13 WR121
Mnstephens 13 Introduction to Mass Communication
HemyanAlHardan 13 History of Film
Miguel.santos006 13 First Year Experience Seminar
L.anny.C 13 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Q.yawger 13 Hydrology
Cobypetau 13 Hydrology
C herdic 13 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Lordandsaviormemelordjesus 13 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Graciaseeley 13 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Vvgarz16 13 Women's and Gender Issues
Regan87 13 WGST 484
JDTudor789 13 Foreign Literature in Translation
Allisonwuduke 13 Plants and People
Morganbl 13 Plants and People
Nesscook8 13 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Portiamontoy 13 Languages and Language Attitudes in USA
Emilyanderson7 13 Women in Art
Lp4862 13 English 260
Nvining 13 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Emely.cruz24 13 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Washabaughbm 13 The History of Coal
Ashmay1999 13 ENGL 2000
Hgauthreaux 13 ENGL 2000
Mchristiana12 13 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Ekarns2 13 Public Relations and Digital Media
Kristinaapratt 13 Introductory Sociology
Deepagvt 13 Introductory Sociology
Victoriachafian 13 Introductory Sociology
Hunterhamilton109 13 Popular Culture in America
Coldwargracie 13 Cold War Science
Osustudent1869 13 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Jkklepper 13 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Taylorcurtis19 13 Women and Medicine
Ariannatrapp 13 Colonialism
Mr.Brannon 13 Civil Engineering Economy
Cr corona 13 Remote Sensing 2019
Justinvmaher 13 Remote Sensing 2019
Kphipps2 13 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Jennidlee 13 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Dsutton7082 13 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
PARKERC11 13 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Gbe16 13 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Jaredhill8 13 English 1302
Toasty hombre 13 English 1302
Kbickham00 13 English 1302
Saragatur 13 English 1302
Hamza.azeez22 13 English 1302
Alondruh 13 English 1302
Kerimartinez 13 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Knesekm213 13 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
NatashaR79 13 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Oliviapert 13 Latin American Social Theory 2019
Muwang988 13 Introduction to Islamic Art
HannibalB216 13 Introduction to Islamic Art
Doomchin 13 Islamic Art and Architecture
Indentityunkown 13 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Rylie-Troika 13 HIST 358
Brubes2 13 Academic Inquiry 0430
Isresnick 13 SOC 350
Dylan4398 13 Shakespeare and Media
Diyachau 13 Global Poverty and Practice
Sgagan1996 13 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Ivonnejuraidini 13 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Samd97 13 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Jake 5851 13 English 202-011
Marven215 13 English 202-011
Sfung28 13 Social Movements and Social Media
Brian5740 13 English 202-011
Mlancas6 13 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Kagiyurt 13 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Grecino1 13 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Mkhalid95s 13 Introduction to Biology II
Annabeckmann727 13 Introduction to Biology II
Carterhowe 13 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Gflores13 13 Introduction to Biology II
WOOHYUN JUNG (Harry) 13 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Cmflana1 13 Digital Media Literacy
Afaz123 13 Digital Media Literacy
Jordanlong95 13 Digital Media Literacy
Meganmarples 13 Digital Media Literacy
Nic.seaman 13 COML 509
KathrynPeters 13 Contemporary Anthropological Theory
Earl.Bondoc 13 Non-Western Art
Nastolgiic 13 Composition 101
GeyerART237 13 Baroque and Rococo Art
Wwwkitty 13 Women in the Economy
Kruthika shah 13 Women in the Economy
Brittneynhi1 13 Renaissance to Modern Art
Agm.godar 13 Microbial Biotechnology
Kegerre3 13 Microbial Biotechnology
Caffrey9 13 Microbial Biotechnology
Tylermaci12 13 English 2
Bhumes001 13 English 2
Agould614 13 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Michael Vaughan Johnson 13 Molecular Motors
Stephtimm 13 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Miriamlupovitch 13 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Emilyperea 13 ART 366
TK6085 13 African American Art
Deryk Trujillo 13 ART 366
NotAryaStark 13 ART 366
Sheridonahue 13 Art 200 33256
Tridley4 13 FA 104 IK
WritingStudentJ 13 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
Watsoct 13 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Jasraj08 13 Information and Technology
Cfrutti 13 Information and Technology
Txcxlxaxrxkxe 13 Information and Technology
Itsjmcc 13 Information and Technology
DanIRL1996 13 Information and Technology
Rachelsmith238 13 Advanced Genetics
Tap2it 13 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
Petertinker 13 Chem 165
Judkins267 13 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Gbelfiglio5 13 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Maxmoss11 13 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Ulawan5 13 Public History
Bp111213 13 Political Science and Public Policy Wikipedia Workshop
WilliamJBZ 13 Biochemistry Lab 378
Bcollazos 13 Biochemistry Lab 378
Ap674 13 Biochemistry Lab 378
Jackyye46 13 Biochemistry Lab 378
Fengj0 13 Biochemistry Lab 378
Kleung3808 13 Biochemistry Lab 378
Adriana.Espinoza66 13 Biochemistry Lab 378
Memmet17 13 Research as Narrative
Ironclad12 13 Research as Narrative
Kwuhua 13 Dinosaur Science
Kelsie Garretson 13 Marine Biology- BI260
Ellyrundqwist 13 Marine Biology- BI260
TabbyRut 13 Marine Biology- BI260
Egbe Imariagbe 13 UW1020 M68
Daniellepellino 13 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Bd06bake 13 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Nmann2020 13 Christianities in Antiquity
Mzgatpdxdotedu 13 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Marissadiaz071 13 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Bcast014 13 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Yvlizzle 13 Curating Cultures
Bmoli004 13 Curating Cultures
Monserod 13 Curating Cultures
Allierose17 13 Curating Cultures
Nervousnelly 13 Curating Cultures
MajesticWoods 13 English Composition II
Googlegubble 13 English Composition II
Oceanground 13 English Composition 3738
Ripsych16 13 English Composition 3738
Ivannapg 13 FemiKorea
LyraKim 13 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Lexibellaoscar 13 English 1102 077
Bmauren 13 HIS 101
Dltn115 13 International Communication
Brandoc4 13 International Communication
Khix15 12 Invertebrate Zoology
Clairec28 12 Relationships and Digital Media
Rayhamsa 12 CORE 160-05
Shi Shuyang 12 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Jrr023 12 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Thebest91688 12 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Eliza Wu-UCSD 12 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Mbutenho 12 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Unformedpluto 12 English 1102
Sarah Goldensoph 12 IL 101
Santino2332 12 IL 101
BigDogConspiricaies 12 ENG 102 12 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Rhunjan1 12 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Sarakhaug 12 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Julien.bergeron 12 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Techwritstudent19 12 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Alex Waterwall 12 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Morozok7 12 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Jacksonnewbern 12 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
MiseMatt942 12 Crises and Confederation - 2019
Clairesweeney 12 Social Inequality SOC 221
Shafiulalam417 12 Social Inequality SOC 221
Dylan Boilen 12 Social Inequality SOC 221
Vanfaroc 12 BIO 495 Capstone
JacksonRouse 12 Women and US Politics
Lmotas 12 Tropical Fruit Production
Royo322 12 Capitalism and Democracy
Dtaylo78 12 Capitalism and Democracy
Isabellemoria 12 Gender and Science 2018-19
Sadiehentschel 12 Biology 102
Amjgkd 12 Black Sexual Politics
Awmccann 12 Comp II
CaptianStraggler 12 Comp II
Amber.vancleaf 12 PSY342 Language Development
Albarbee17 12 Genetics
Mfparrott16 12 Genetics
Lmlaws 12 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
MinkaO 12 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Janiciabonney 12 Many Faces of Poverty
Nicole maiolino 12 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Evpjones 12 Sexuality and Politics
Kyoungp 12 Sexuality and Politics
POLS4000Student 12 Sexuality and Politics
Rubend64 12 World Language Policies
Montivagant970 12 World Language Policies
Vanachorn 12 World Language Policies
Myamb0321 12 English 202-006
Ajwills1204 12 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Lennendetrick 12 English Composition II
Katiria96 12 Nonverbal Communication
CobraKaiFan13 12 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Mbmcginn 12 Global History in a Modern World
Memungai 12 Global History in a Modern World
Esocool 12 English 101
Kaylagrove 12 English 101
Courtneyrobbins 12 IFS201 - 35284
Beingjordan 12 SPC 1017 Honors
Aboodalemadi23 12 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
KatLese 12 Evolution of the Human Brain
Shri8799 12 Computer Science Principles
Faisha S 12 Evolution of the Human Brain
Autumn.cunningham 12 Contemporary Art and Design
Wj4265a 12 Language and Human Experience
WikiMaxPeyraGrau 12 Language and Human Experience
Baker0990 12 Language and Human Experience
Jbohey 12 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Tianzeliu 12 Journey to Center of Earth
Shahv98 12 Introduction to Information Studies
Mnmarkland 12 Introduction to Information Studies
Bhornstein 12 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
Hexicero 12 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Alyknapp 12 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Chaynie7 12 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Jmahasi13 12 PSY 101 General Psychology
DeanMoir 12 PSY 101 General Psychology
Nharlan18 12 PSY 101 General Psychology
JTR124 12 PSY 101 General Psychology
PGNagarsheth 12 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Aliyahcastillo 12 Introduction to Human Biology
Daysiaamariee 12 Introduction to Human Biology
Mnangel 12 Introduction to Mass Communication
Andis3582 12 Introduction to Mass Communication
Collin Culiver 12 Introduction to Mass Communication
Kwayku91 12 ENGL 3353 North American Indigenous Literatures
Johnt.roberts.97 12 ART-340
Rdjanddw 12 First Year Experience Seminar
IsabelYoung11 12 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Hydrologymaddie 12 Hydrology
Lindalinn 12 Communication Technology and Organizations
MarcM722 12 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
DCarlson338 12 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Zh2810 12 English 260
Onedance20 12 English 260
Tyschubert 12 English 260
Rej77 12 English 1102 T Th
IRock9515 12 English 1102 T Th
Abigailgal14 12 The History of Coal
Almondro 12 The History of Coal
Zallen13 12 US History since 1914
Socklover64 12 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Balbiek19 12 Cold War Science
Emrose1401 12 Women and Medicine
Carlsthompson 12 Writing 3225
Ancl9826 12 Remote Sensing 2019
Zehracheatham 12 Remote Sensing 2019
Juliaacollins 12 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Kpouget 12 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Tianle Zhai 12 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Jennykatz 12 English 1302
Carenafay 12 English 1302
Alb0rtC 12 English 1302
Prestonw21 12 English 1302
Ellekathryn 12 English 1302
Cooperadams13 12 English 1302
Jasmynmele 12 English 1302
TheComicalENFP 12 English 1302
Speakyyy 12 English 1302
Gerald Walton RCHS 12 English 1302
CTC96 12 Writing for the Web
L0newolf42e 12 Writing for the Web
Grace Peabody 12 Writing for the Web
Agrsantos 12 Islamic Art and Architecture
Schroneos 12 Islamic Art and Architecture
Yericyoav 12 Islamic Art and Architecture
Uluna3 12 Chem4011
Librarian Elsewhere 12 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
MarkFlores X'O 12 ENG 122_02L
Lwmcgee 12 HIST 358
Elisehill3 12 HIST 358
Jdhuntley 12 SOC 350
Abbey298 12 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
KyleAgnew 12 English 202-011
Deepksaha 12 Introduction to Biology II
Tkella47 12 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Kkkm118101 12 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
Kdai11830 12 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
HeatherJohnson1968 12 Digital Media Literacy
Szofcik 12 Digital Media Literacy
Scbow 12 LIS 584 - Knowledge Management
Milipede7 12 New Histories of Chicago Media
Martkm17 12 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
AllisonSmith21 12 Taking the Archives Public
Tjhigh 12 Introduction to Information Studies
Greentree21 12 HIST 432
Saron18 12 Composition 101
Lshea19 12 Composition 101
BeckyJH 12 Composition 101
Truckey1 12 T325
Jenn563 12 Women in the Economy
75trhkkk 12 Women in the Economy
ChenYang351 12 Women in the Economy
Onthatnote421 12 Modern and Contemporary Art
MMaguin 12 Renaissance to Modern Art
Oliviaflies06 12 Renaissance to Modern Art
Olivialayhee 12 Renaissance to Modern Art
Melissaschott 12 Microbial Biotechnology
Allthelex 12 English 2
Raymarkussen24 12 English 2
DanDupontP 12 Molecular Motors
Faithe0406 12 African American Art
Artsyfartsy33 12 Art 200 33256
Allieprocek 12 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
PinkieKitty33 12 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Cyazuero 12 FA 104 IK
Imthinking101 12 FA 104 IK2
Scarito 12 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
Vincentvanstopp 12 Information and Technology
Anushkasomanayake 12 Information and Technology
Taustin2 12 Information and Technology
Maz1995 12 Information and Technology
DaveD577 12 History 304, Medieval Europe
AbigailKGreene 12 Advanced Genetics
MN1772 12 Advanced Genetics
Manuvenkat 12 WikiMed Spring 2019 UCSF SOM
Sgmathis583 12 IFS201 Information in a Post Truth World
AbigailKGreene 12 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
17Paola72 12 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
Elizabethian1772 12 Political Science and Public Policy Wikipedia Workshop
EllesaNaito 12 Biochemistry Lab 378
Leslydiaz11 12 Biochemistry Lab 378
Nicoler98 12 Biochemistry Lab 378
Jennyganay 12 Biochemistry Lab 378
Xl0909 12 Biochemistry Lab 378
BasmaG 12 Biochemistry Lab 378
Sevy345 12 Biochemistry Lab 378
AZUL&Blue1 12 Research as Narrative
Elizabethian1772 12 Celebrity Culture
Guarinoj 12 Dinosaur Science
SofiaIzunza 12 Marine Biology- BI260
Mstain1 12 English 1B
Hkszzz 12 English 1B
Sarahifs 12 IFS201 Information in a Post-Truth World
Jfilt95 12 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Chnguy5 12 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Danielagonzalezo8 12 Comp II 70010
Nathan.petrie 12 Comp II 70159
Caela mcgee 12 Comp II 70159
Jrsacco 12 Morphological Analysis
Megburnard 12 Morphological Analysis
Mpeter12 12 Amazon A Cultural History
Emilyespinosa 12 Curating Cultures
Mmwilb 12 Curating Cultures
Dmcki002 12 Curating Cultures
Tonywangraiden 12 Curating Cultures
87beesinaboot 12 English Composition II
CATHERINevO 12 English Composition 3738
Caitcunni97 12 FemiKorea
Jessica.saldana 12 FemiKorea
Elizabethp990 12 FemiKorea
Jiahpark 12 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Ryan-collins12 12 HIS 101
Amberchenners 12 International Communication
Callmestrawberry 12 International Communication
Stuttgart1995 12 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Domfortune 11 Relationships and Digital Media
Tcryan1 11 Relationships and Digital Media
NorahDawshi 11 Relationships and Digital Media
Megangrenke98 11 Relationships and Digital Media
Patrick272896 11 Relationships and Digital Media
Cello daddy 11 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Baines.Kevona 11 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Marcmerriman13 11 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
AlexaDzubak 11 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
DenatureOrDie 11 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
Asbowes2000 11 Introduction to International Politics W19
Laceydalton 11 Introduction to International Politics W19
IcelandicLights 11 Introduction to International Politics W19
RotcVG 11 ASL Structure
Josiahkopp 11 ART 365 Renaissance and Baroque Art
Jennyeroll 11 Technology and Ethics in Society
Ksparikh17 11 African Politics
CherryBlossom918 11 Writing Wikipedia
Nolhare1300 11 IL 101
Carlyreno1 11 IL 101
QuincyWalker 11 IL 101
J.T.Sturdivant 11 ENG 102
Jennaelmquist 11 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Brdn.wrmn 11 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Carmen.mclean 11 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Qu14533 11 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Michailaolbey 11 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Mk.boehm 11 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kaitie.k3 11 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
BigManMax420 11 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Brewebb 11 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Bonbonthecat 11 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kenzieselinger97 11 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Susan Vaughey 11 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Nathanmoskal 11 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Ashleyhomolka7312 11 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Tyjhuff 11 English 1213 Section 670
Malloryalysse 11 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
SmoothE27 11 Crises and Confederation - 2019
Sydmalkin 11 Social Inequality SOC 221
Georgnic 11 Social Inequality SOC 221
Dogfishbennet 11 BIO 495 Capstone
Eyoung7 11 Women and US Politics
Emorale9 11 Capitalism and Democracy
Roalndcp 11 Noise and Hearing
Aminah Simmons 11 Gender and Science 2018-19
Ahowe123 11 Biology 102
Mgregory611 11 Biology 102
Mayanicolevalentine 11 Black Sexual Politics
Rcheever689 11 Black Sexual Politics
Sarahperez05 11 ENGL1102 Composition II
Shakenbakegod11 11 ENGL1102 Composition II
Zaire Francis115 11 PSY342 Language Development
PSwenson28 11 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
MicLengel 11 Understanding Iran
Loganmass 11 Understanding Iran
Coleh43 11 Understanding Iran
Cjacobites 11 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Waddelvn2021 11 Many Faces of Poverty
Bartleac2020 11 Many Faces of Poverty
Preservationluvr 11 The University, the Museum, and the Middle East
Anjejordan 11 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Ryancorona2 11 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Nazwick 11 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Hvmoolani 11 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Charismaislam 11 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
G galavizchavez 11 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Ddeskin98 11 World Language Policies
Magl5099 11 World Language Policies
Brittanyvictor188 11 English 202-006
Zeeba94 11 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Cristine Chen 11 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Khandrius0824 11 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Audre.wheeler80 11 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Mae.blossom 11 English Composition 3738
Mathew carr 11 Media Literacy
Joy590 11 Media Literacy
Leslie boudreau 11 Media Literacy
Mallorym1414 11 Media Literacy
Ntmcfadden 11 Nonverbal Communication
Olivianissalke 11 Nonverbal Communication
Sta113 11 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
Jaiden.rhi.dembo 11 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
Qjc498 11 The Qur'an
Mel Eliasyan 11 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
JBUSC 11 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Marymadn13 11 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Wenjia0826 11 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Lvcongo 11 Global History in a Modern World
Daeaujate 11 English 101
Ommena149 11 English 101, Section 2
Kinsholland 11 State and Local Government
Sneakgeek2 11 State and Local Government
Mjenna05 11 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Alanoudk 11 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
SAutumnUCM 11 Contemporary Art and Design
Amberulinger 11 ENVS 135
Not Overit 11 Race and Incarceration
Johnson.6159 11 WE7406 Welding of Plastics and Composites
J7lynch 11 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Kbrigman 11 Politics of Italy
Kamiles0502 11 Contemporary Slavery
Anne.329 11 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Despaindallin 11 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Jwinch17 11 PSY 101 General Psychology
Cbaumgarten18 11 PSY 101 General Psychology
JRSEchelon 11 Introduction to Human Biology
Hrflamion 11 Introduction to Mass Communication
Drtaylor1 11 Introduction to Mass Communication
Shaynasurvil 11 Introduction to Mass Communication
Zhen-Yu Ben 11 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Yasiratriana 11 First Year Experience Seminar
Sandrafrancisco20 11 First Year Experience Seminar
Maria.Bryson002 11 First Year Experience Seminar
Jessy.andion 11 First Year Experience Seminar
Madelinesnoke 11 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
History LaBuff 11 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Rolls42 11 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Allyemreads 11 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
AaNo9901 11 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
MossbergBoyG19 11 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
ColeS777 11 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Hotdog.exe 11 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Cmitchell224 11 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Craigcullen 11 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Moneybags10 11 Women's and Gender Issues
Ehshapir 11 Women in Art
Niccotine 11 English 260
Roselyng31 11 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Glassi12 11 ENGL 2000
ShauRamen2 11 Public Relations and Digital Media
Caravolpee 11 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Galpert3! 11 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Noahmaitland 11 Introductory Sociology
Arturnamian 11 Introductory Sociology
Cact09 11 Public Relations and Digital Media
MaxinePhil 11 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Erikalengemann 11 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Tbeau12 11 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Miavspangler 11 Popular Culture in America
TracyTyler919 11 Popular Culture in America
Malbrook1 11 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Gsquared1139 11 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Amr1246 11 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Okstudent12 11 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Bcraney 11 Women and Medicine
Emily a23 11 Women and Medicine
Yche733 11 Writing 3225
Ksainte 11 Neuroscience 470
LieseG 11 Neuroscience 470
Jaylynkozlowksi 11 ENG121-110
Paulsen.GEOL4093 11 Remote Sensing 2019
Smity81435 11 Remote Sensing 2019
Dogdaddyfrate 11 Remote Sensing 2019
Angela928 11 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Bwandino 11 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Reom826 11 Islam in America
Randheli 11 Islam in America
Alexander Kummerfeld Brinitzer 11 Islam in America
VMX5599 11 English 1302
Sa18ma 11 English 1302
Adamgilanii 11 English 1302
Ir32620 11 English 1302
Colewilschetz 11 English 1302
Lizetvelasquez 11 English 1302
KA295 11 English 1302 11 Introduction to Islamic Art
Ss27 ss 11 Writing for the Web
Trevyu97 11 Writing for the Web
Rogesara 11 Writing for the Web
Mlesko1999 11 Islamic Art and Architecture
Amy Bonnevier 11 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Awmclaughlin 11 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Mjeff2 11 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Wurtzp 11 Biology of Sex and Gender
Asant12 11 Academic Inquiry 1215
Allison jung 11 History of East Asian Costume
Vesseys 11 History of East Asian Costume
Kyramaye 11 SOC 350
Ecperault 11 SOC 350
TeststudentLIL 11 Later Indigenous Literatures
Kylerd11 11 FREC 4454
Vtpurp 11 FREC 4454
Samatson21 11 FREC 4454
K2allen 11 FREC 4454
Taylordove 11 Introduction to Information Science
Gtrilling 11 Introduction to Information Science
MackGee 11 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Styer74 11 English 202-011
Oliver.gill8 11 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Epaulin7 11 Introduction to Biology II
Ctootlerose 11 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Samscorp55244444 11 Introduction to Biology II
Lawless7 11 Introduction to Biology II
Ctootlerose 11 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Eliotmelamed 11 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Julienbarrere 11 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
Phongphongphong 11 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
CDimkich4 11 Digital Media Literacy
Oneconfusedegg 11 Digital Media Literacy
Tdrasnic 11 Digital Media Literacy
Pugpov 11 Digital Media Literacy
Sdiaz17 11 Digital Media Literacy
Chambersbrand 11 Digital Media Literacy
Chrisvhayton 11 Digital Media Literacy
Leynathvo 11 Digital Media Literacy
Sarro17 11 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Daisyp 2019 11 Taking the Archives Public
Samanthahouser 11 Non-Western Art
Meredithwickenheiser 11 Art of the Global Middle Ages
Nmjoseph225 11 Composition 101
TMioskie320 11 Composition 101
Tumpak12 11 Composition 101
Cedes677 11 T325
Mhayes2019 11 T325
A ye-rayo12 11 Renaissance to Modern Art
Monikamikulova 11 Microbial Biotechnology
Myang030 11 English 2
Smugnaya 11 English 2
Lyncha12 11 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
AndyKangaroo 11 Molecular Motors
Stevengparkin 11 Molecular Motors
Edooster 11 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
SER1999 11 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Hopefullee123 11 African American Art
Legend20560 11 ART 366
Elena.Lapadula 11 African American Art
Lcfreedle 11 ART 366
Connor swanson33 11 ART 366
Aengel19 11 ART 366
PaintedHallways 11 ART 366
TL6497 11 African American Art
Deathdoodle 11 Art 200 33256
Lopeters12 11 Art 200 33256
Aflores28 11 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
AnnaRBechtel 11 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Rpalacios27 11 FA 104 IK2
Kroman18 11 FA 104 IK2
Erxxka 11 Information and Technology
Evy1209 11 Information and Technology
Belacanada 11 Information and Technology
Justinbs1998 11 Information and Technology
Samqtrmain 11 Information and Technology
Dougie Omega 11 Information and Technology
MelRel 11 History 304, Medieval Europe
Danielaa3806 11 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
Karareese19 11 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
Chelsea B23 11 Advanced Genetics
Salem.slima 11 Advanced Genetics
Possiblyrecognized 11 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
NCVirgo 11 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
Colbyproutyiv 11 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Possiblyrecognized 11 Political Science and Public Policy Wikipedia Workshop
Aqsa07 11 Biochemistry Lab 378
Mkimmi 11 Biochemistry Lab 378
Dyakoby 11 Biochemistry Lab 378
Vlamazur9 11 Biochemistry Lab 378
Priscilla.tran48 11 Biochemistry Lab 378
Rickyklepacz 11 Research as Narrative
Nsabatino14 11 Marine Biology- BI260
Rguthrie99 11 Marine Biology- BI260
Willkim17 11 Marine Biology- BI260
Vlaunh 11 Marine Biology- BI260
Tchidsey17 11 Marine Biology- BI260
Corettag.bu 11 Marine Biology- BI260
Arnold415 11 English 1B
Andres Arguijo 11 English 1B
Petert98 11 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Cordector 11 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Dj26hesl 11 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
AdelineER 11 English Composition 3738
StrawberryBoba 11 English Composition 3738
Mmpoulson 11 English Composition 3738
Debbyerazo 11 FemiKorea
Rjl1995 11 FemiKorea
Kellyzz98 11 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Mrb289 11 MAE 7160
Bailey2387 11 Plant Behavior
Uwsom4ever 11 Plant Behavior
Mwill22 11 HIS 101
JacksonnZ 09 11 International Communication
Hmalik189 11 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Rachel57Lynne 11 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
ColeHamlin00 10 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Kimberlygsatt 10 HNRS 2200 Reflection and Responsibility
Collkm.lb5 10 HNRS 2200 Reflection and Responsibility
Paytonvetter 10 Relationships and Digital Media
Sf3530 10 History of Science B
BMSmith01 10 CORE 160-05
Wtrandal 10 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Mingkzhang 10 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Jwmckinney 10 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
Ashleyeier5 10 English 1102
Emotola 10 IL 101
MaxMurph1 10 IL 101
Agrube 10 ENG 102
Bfinlayson 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Isabelle.spiess 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Eveeeeeeee 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Taylor.Morrison1 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
DorranAbbott 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Shafferface 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kthorne20 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Caitlynkwong 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Al981ex 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Mdewaal 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Candicemayes 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Cindy.xia001 10 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Mikemlinarcik 10 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Elenalicious 10 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Leeltermias 10 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Ssmalleyuwoca 10 Crises and Confederation - 2019
Rachgord 10 Social Inequality SOC 221
Qcarr20 10 Social Inequality SOC 221
Erbjake1 10 Social Inequality SOC 221
Wtomokic 10 Social Inequality SOC 221
Hsontag 10 Social Inequality SOC 221
Adele1212 10 BIO 495 Capstone
Sir Barnham 10 BIO 495 Capstone
Valciufo 10 Digital History
EvanMurphy92 10 Noise and Hearing
Cmart503 10 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
BDAtriangle 10 Gender and Science 2018-19
Luke2639 10 Western Civilization I
Valbun 10 ENGL1102 Composition II
KobeBracey 10 Comp II
Alyssa Colvin 10 Comp II
Lorenaramos1231 10 PSY342 Language Development
RichardFoster056 10 Understanding Iran
JesseBrown12 10 Understanding Iran
Ohjeezohman 10 ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia
Matt.trenkler 10 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Kim21h 10 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Brcall 10 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Kype5088 10 World Language Policies
Avillaortega 10 World Language Policies
Colmsted1832 10 World Language Policies
Anni1382 10 World Language Policies
Erica.lucks 10 English 202-006
Kylemalik20 10 English 202-006
Khanriza 10 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Whitneyf97! 10 Women and Gender in the Middle East
SYL1030 10 English Composition 3738
EmpressKeys 10 English Composition II
ChasterMTNskiier 10 English Composition II
Shan24680 10 Media Literacy
Kewestbrook1 10 Nonverbal Communication
Gigithescholar 10 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Jaylenelopez 10 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Keatonnolan 10 English 101
Mnicoll123 10 State and Local Government
Cgil0121 10 SPC 1017 Honors
Maralia p 10 Evolution of the Human Brain
Sonali.gupta814 10 Evolution of the Human Brain
Jrmalleck 10 Evolution of the Human Brain
FHSarr 10 Evolution of the Human Brain
Debzshin 10 Politics of Italy
Maxwell Cody Sharp 10 Politics of Italy
Wmiller306 10 Introduction to Information Studies
JesShaker9 10 Introduction to Information Studies
Shivpatt 10 Introduction to Information Studies
Alliek25 10 Introduction to Information Studies
Lukeolenberg 10 Introduction to Information Studies
Carlee.hanson 10 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Synthesis77 10 PSY 101 General Psychology
Victoria a490 10 PSY 101 General Psychology
M.l.bess 10 PSY 101 General Psychology
Balam13 10 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Ainaharmony 10 Introduction to Human Biology
Troymike96 10 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Mkganka 10 Introduction to Mass Communication
Artrent1 10 Introduction to Mass Communication
Mrbaugh1 10 Introduction to Mass Communication
Hannahpatrick01 10 ART-340
MaryDomi96 10 First Year Experience Seminar
Edelarosa19 10 First Year Experience Seminar
Alejandra.garcia009 10 First Year Experience Seminar
Watchoutcarol 10 First Year Experience Seminar
Sbehr22 10 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Raimes59 10 Communication Technology and Organizations
Sampynchon 10 Women in Art
Mwoods97 10 English 260
Al4461 10 English 260
Hf4111 10 English 260
Cr5507 10 English 260
IsabellaForth 10 Communication and Culture
Salehaminhas 10 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Bbarb14 10 ENGL 2000
Aburke1919 10 Public Relations and Digital Media
Graytrini 10 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Lrobnett21 10 Introductory Sociology
Rusalka87594 10 Cold War Science
Midnight Hail 10 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Bgwaldi 10 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Shacshoca 10 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Fakey mcstudent 10 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Bkeys97 10 Women and Medicine
Sedwar83 10 Writing 3225
Skhan1999 10 ENG121-110
Leorprice 10 Remote Sensing 2019
Kamc6221 10 Remote Sensing 2019
CUgeologym 10 Remote Sensing 2019
IFjelstrom 10 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Chynacass 10 Islam in America
Zxp09 10 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Fleetwoodmaac 10 Sacred Arts of Japan
Jackregan1 10 English 1302
Javier.avila.6 10 English 1302
Sarahyousuf17 10 English 1302
RudyB04 10 English 1302
Claire.newberg17 10 Latin American Social Theory 2019
Costaf03 10 Islamic Art and Architecture
BoomSoom 10 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
ArchLover0000 10 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Abutalib23 10 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
MicheleRose97 10 Biology of Sex and Gender
Ocheck05 10 Biology of Sex and Gender
Helendang26 10 History of East Asian Costume
JIAWEN HOU 10 History of East Asian Costume
1996rads 10 Medical City Weatherford WikiMed Project
Kanieves97 10 SOC 350
KMBell95 10 SOC 350
Msoots 10 SOC 350
Lyssasick 10 Newswriting
Hwaterrw 10 FREC 4454
Annietranspo 10 Shakespeare and Media
Dqlegatron 10 Shakespeare and Media
Compsci2022 10 Introduction to Information Science
Colin Weinell 10 English 202-011
Rameen215 10 English 202-011
Emevangelisto 10 English 202-011
Mag maho4 10 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Sboyella 10 Social Movements and Social Media
Ahenry19 10 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Annabellacooley 10 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Kingleo1800 10 Introduction to Biology II
MiaJL122 10 Introduction to Biology II
Trianamitsanas 10 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Sofiahathorn 10 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Ktoyama18 10 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Connor55632 10 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Kelizajo 10 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
Kmckee6 10 Digital Media Literacy
Lil.marbar 10 Digital Media Literacy
Roschkekj 10 Digital Media Literacy
Lareira 10 Contemporary Anthropological Theory
Industriousvirgin 10 Taking the Archives Public
Bejones4 10 Baroque and Rococo Art
Ealvarez28 10 Modern and Contemporary Art
Ealvarez28 10 Renaissance to Modern Art
Cody the Spartan 10 Microbial Biotechnology
Jessielmorgan 10 English 2
Noahgold 10 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
J262626 10 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
StCharlesGilbert 10 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Alyssaford 10 ART 366
Cmaebee 10 ART 366
Makcoop 10 ART 366
Griffinregan 10 African American Art
Fiestyysam 10 Art 200 33256
Gbrooker2 10 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Jessegallagher1 10 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Ahouston11 10 FA 104 IK
Iwantmyps2 10 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Cathyb14 10 Information and Technology
Thomp3aj 10 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Dyvictor 10 Information and Technology
NikkiGrant 10 Information and Technology
Sihanahm 10 Information and Technology
Yakta Malhotra 10 Information and Technology
CathyLi98 10 Information and Technology
Snd317 10 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
Sierra.hawkins 10 Advanced Genetics
Kkellogg123 10 Advanced Genetics
Kenna2870 10 Advanced Genetics
YelloSunshineLover 10 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
David LaVoy 10 Chem 165
Frankgrod 10 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
TaronUConn2022 10 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Mohammed.rahman99 10 Biochemistry Lab 378
Tonywu31 10 Biochemistry Lab 378
Samantha.rider 10 Biochemistry Lab 378
C.chiang98 10 Biochemistry Lab 378
Micmillan1998 10 Biochemistry Lab 378
Davidnemirovsky 10 Biochemistry Lab 378
Appreciateeverymoment 10 Biochemistry Lab 378
Javasapote 10 Biochemistry Lab 378
Lukie24 10 Biochemistry Lab 378
Jonathanfabian09 10 Biochemistry Lab 378
Nrwillougby28 10 Dinosaur Science
Apiaseck 10 Marine Biology- BI260
Haydendu 10 Marine Biology- BI260
Atortolero 10 English 1B
Lilbabyducky32 10 American Government 120
M02odel 10 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
GabrielleHL 10 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
F29gall 10 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Tbogert 10 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Kedhejah 10 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Great Value Library of Alexandria 10 Comp II 70010
ShahA430 10 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Titan013 10 Comp II 70010
Lorgarlar02 10 Comp II 70159
Averilallen34 10 Comp II 70159
Mcros005 10 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Ceanna D 10 Curating Cultures
Major097 10 English Composition 3738
Thaonguyen127 10 English Composition 3738
Atareen 10 FemiKorea 10 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Coltici 10 Plant Behavior
Calliez97 10 Plant Behavior
Noahmsantos 10 Plant Behavior
Emilylam37 10 International Communication
Meiyingli 10 International Communication
Morganhandy 10 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Rcbcjs 9 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Asa daniels1998 9 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Fabian119 9 Language and Technology
Parthbhatia305 9 Language and Technology
Ryanpolson21 9 Relationships and Digital Media
Gcjohnson7 9 Relationships and Digital Media
KiraCurrie 9 CORE 160-05
Rurbina1 9 Latino History 2019
Zachary Thell 9 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Wuzijin6 9 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Gilwhite123 9 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
McKaylaD 9 Senior Seminar Biology - TR
Gabepanza 9 IL 101
Reedemmi 9 IL 101
Selenajgomez 9 African Politics
Kenml9 9 IL 101
Ejzabel 9 IL 101
Cgorzny 9 IL 101
Jasmine.cheema1 9 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
MatsonTulloch 9 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Fatima kale 9 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
S.amoyen 9 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Scmoore19 9 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Zoe.urness 9 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Sherenesarout 9 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Claire.pangborn 9 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Faithgrenier 9 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Cote Charles 9 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Krzysztof.Ponicki 9 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Kaitsass 9 Composition Theory and Practice
Cliohancock 9 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Eldan11 9 Crises and Confederation - 2019
Mvansch 9 Social Inequality SOC 221
Riabazaz 9 Social Inequality SOC 221
Machaij 9 Social Inequality SOC 221
Kzhang7 9 Social Inequality SOC 221
Tihnaeb 9 Social Inequality SOC 221
Meghana.ra 9 Social Inequality SOC 221
Yzhang571 9 Digital History
Audreyfrederick 9 Noise and Hearing
Gilbbn 9 Noise and Hearing
Cmdyson 9 Gender and Science 2018-19
Rohdee 330 9 Western Civilization I
DOOMmarine2000 9 ENGL1102 Composition II
ShyNeshia 9 ENGL1102 Composition II
Jeremyhasmilk 9 Understanding Iran
JoeCacese 9 Understanding Iran
Mebethey 9 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Amccarthy13 9 WikiProject Medicine Winter 2018 UCF COM
NNigro2020 9 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
D ramirez22 9 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
BRodehorst 9 World Language Policies
Evan1731 9 English 202-006
Danielamoralesz210 9 English 202-006
DeonJWebb 9 English 202-006
Zoeyzhou824 9 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Trose2216 9 Women and Gender in the Middle East
MECLASS429 9 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Swilson24 9 English Composition 3738
LaLunaNina 9 English Composition 3738
Zachlaird1 9 Media Literacy
Nolan.rodgers11 9 Media Literacy
Shrimpmiao 9 Nonverbal Communication
Yeehawman 9 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Malapate 9 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Matthew R Perry 9 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Mtaylo15 9 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Nsaffran 9 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Harrison11 9 Global History in a Modern World
Alexisgoldye 9 English 101, Section 2
PJT217 9 State and Local Government
Parkerhi 9 Introduction to World Mythology to 1500 CE
Asmaabenkermi 9 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
MauriceEPBSC 9 SPC 1017 Honors
Nlubin12 9 Evolution of the Human Brain
CMackender19 9 Contemporary Art and Design
TAkhtar 9 Language and Human Experience
Tarynmccreary 9 ENVS 135
Nickpickett16 9 Race and Incarceration
Blairaaronrogers3 9 Politics of Italy
Gracetorino 9 Contemporary Slavery
Btittle1 9 Introduction to Information Studies
Drizzzzle 9 Introduction to Information Studies
Sydlieberman 9 Introduction to Information Studies
Shnmjns 9 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
Llin0821 9 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
EnvrionmentalEvan 9 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Tanner.jimmer8 9 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Curtisl4 9 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Itsfromjessie 9 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Justineo117 9 Introduction to Human Biology
Hugoac10 9 Introduction to Human Biology
DemiT22 9 Introduction to Human Biology
Ridolosok 9 English 101
Sejhughes 9 Introduction to Mass Communication
Alexandra DwenJ 9 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Brandon bates 9 ART-340
Nelson.Rubio001 9 First Year Experience Seminar
Baby0699 9 First Year Experience Seminar
Patricia.gonzalez056 9 First Year Experience Seminar
Lglutherbest 9 First Year Experience Seminar
Yareida123 9 First Year Experience Seminar
Ghostman955 9 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Thayesh 9 Hydrology
Hp0690 9 Communication Technology and Organizations
Dkdsu260 9 English 260
Serina.weathers 9 SOCS 230 Honors Applied Social Sciences on Death
LawrenceBbrook 9 Communication and Culture
Prof.Jamieson 9 Endocrinology
Abigale Crawley 9 The History of Coal
Msmith29 9 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Avawarren 9 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Trishakl 9 Introductory Sociology
Premium-sockets 9 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Starfyre99 9 Popular Culture in America
Timberbcanady 9 Cold War Science
Getinthevann 9 Cold War Science
Quiznoz 9 Cold War Science
Courtnytitus 9 Cold War Science
JohnnyBravo456 9 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
KeniKat07 9 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Cole Line 9 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Thunderup12 9 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Evanderford 9 Women and Medicine
Mkommareddi 9 Women and Medicine
Jfindl 9 Writing 3225
Dgj.521 9 Civil Engineering Economy
Ccheatham97 9 Neuroscience 470
JerPaulSmith95 9 ENG121-110
Tyho0770 9 Remote Sensing 2019
Jaji9273 9 Remote Sensing 2019
Bluedenimjean 9 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
MACjr7 9 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Rhartok 9 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Searm369 9 Islam in America
Adefr16 9 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Yaxeni 9 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Ok.htx7 9 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Booksntea 9 LIBR 1 Working with Sources
Emiliedietz 9 English 1302
Saiello1 9 English 1302
Clayfischer23 9 English 1302
Nevichatterjee 9 English 1302
Dhruvvaishnav21 9 English 1302
Leenasears 9 English 1302
OscarDLR 9 English 1302
Azurimgalindo 9 English 1302
Davidcarranco11 9 English 1302
Jholben 9 English 1302
StevenBlair2 9 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Gkffhgk201 9 Writing for the Web
Wikithru 9 Writing for the Web
Livadamaitis 9 Islamic Art and Architecture
Msdiane05 9 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Medinaernesto671 9 ENG 122_022
Joy1002 9 History of East Asian Costume
Audreyleonardfit 9 History of East Asian Costume
BeijingSugar 9 History of East Asian Costume
MPCostumes 9 History of East Asian Costume
Haleyesche 9 SOC 350
Hcoliver 9 SOC 350
Aebegay56 9 SOC 350
Pandorafunk 9 SOC 350
Mu-such 9 SOC 350
Charity joyy 9 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Jvmg123 9 Introduction to Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Zkhan315 9 Later Indigenous Literatures
Notreesec 9 Later Indigenous Literatures
BurtTree 9 FREC 4454
12trees 9 FREC 4454
Broc.steph 9 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Fossit300 9 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Jlanden 9 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
JustinV1024 9 English 202-011
Savannagavan 9 Introduction to Biology II
Lgirgis 9 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Cargerrior 9 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Jasminbumpas 9 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Sschul16 9 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Briannavg 9 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Deb10able 9 Introduction to Biology II
Jasminbumpas 9 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
JRTJenma 9 Introduction to Biology II
Jsgills 9 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Lahacanale 9 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
Thomasjrico5 9 Digital Media Literacy
Kelseymo news 9 Digital Media Literacy
Garmient 9 Digital Media Literacy
AroarizonaASU 9 Digital Media Literacy
RyaneAshley 9 Digital Media Literacy
DavidPaulBiorn 9 Digital Media Literacy
Ammill40 9 Digital Media Literacy
Gbadude64 9 Digital Media Literacy
Jzitlow 9 Digital Media Literacy
Rmumley 9 Digital Media Literacy
Thla55 9 Digital Media Literacy
Knichelson 9 Social Protests of the 1960s
DanaLangston 9 New Histories of Chicago Media
Pedrososof 9 Contemporary Anthropological Theory
Heggod18 9 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Jordansep 9 Non-Western Art 9 HIST 432
Kyera00 9 Composition 101
Tee2012 9 Composition 101
Luke Tvarozna 9 Composition 101
GabiJoy 9 Composition 101
Michaelleo14 9 Composition 101
Mebonner 9 T325
Cem29 9 Baroque and Rococo Art
Sophiedl 9 Roots of Feminism
Trinh tiffany 9 Renaissance to Modern Art
CB ArtHistory2 GWC 9 Renaissance to Modern Art
Nuriffanazirah97 9 Microbial Biotechnology
Cornhuskerfan22 9 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Pingjean 9 English 2
Metowheat144 9 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Babd510 9 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Kumbiaqueen45 9 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Ameerm0 9 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Noahnich 9 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Wyattworker 9 ART 366
Maradw 9 ART 366
Augie554 9 African American Art
TarynLessi 9 Art 200 33256
Sujeymontano 9 Art 200 33256
Youngecap 9 Art 200 33256
Alynn1319 9 Art 200 33256
Hmirts 9 Teaching Biogeography
Bsiciliano 9 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Mundiasibongo 9 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Rtekeste 9 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Dhruswicki 9 FA 104 IK
Chaexi123 9 Information and Technology
Ireneanast 9 Information and Technology
Oromiya98 9 Information and Technology
Jonathan.mangal16 9 Biochemistry Lab 378
Srahimov 9 Biochemistry Lab 378
Tingtingllli 9 Biochemistry Lab 378
Ase31K 9 Biochemistry Lab 378
Aurelio D 9 Biochemistry Lab 378
Joshua.vera 9 Biochemistry Lab 378
Cheybridge 9 Biochemistry Lab 378
Arinhannah99 9 Community Journalism
JenniferSarabia 9 Dinosaur Science
Mweef 9 Marine Biology- BI260
Dsolari 9 Marine Biology- BI260
AustinRyder117 9 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Jonsgaglione 9 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Emmakay88 9 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
WintesWorkshop 9 Comp II 70010
Josieh21201 9 Comp II 70159
CristianY19 9 Comp II 70159
Sergio2023 9 Comp II 70159
Maraya16 9 Comp II 70159
Kaitlynnelarson 9 Christianities in Antiquity
Nobro2 9 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Samminogue 9 Amazon A Cultural History
Kirbystarwarrior 9 Amazon A Cultural History
Mariaalmutawa 9 Curating Cultures
Aly Casillas 9 Curating Cultures
Adelemateo22 9 Curating Cultures
Joypark98 9 Curating Cultures
Bria1207 9 Curating Cultures
Pedia19960514 9 English Composition 3738
Graceindaplace 9 English Composition 3738
Hiscat 9 English Composition 3738
GeeWikiWiz 9 English Composition 3738
Letsgo12 9 English Composition 3738
AGW24 9 FemiKorea
JBM4s0 9 Advanced Legal Research
RobryanJum 9 Plant Behavior
Nguyee4 9 Plant Behavior
Baybarnes 9 Plant Behavior
Kaelahg19 9 Plant Behavior
Phillip blough 9 HIS 101
CelesteEsposito 9 HIS 101
LouisRega 9 HIS 101
Bgil21 9 Multi-Camera Production
Lanhuim 9 International Communication
TKkkkkkk 9 International Communication
Mehdi.okay 9 International Communication
Katarlet10 9 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Marcintkasper 8 Language and Law
Marshalla2 8 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Jasont678 8 Society, Ethics, and Technology
KengneFranck 8 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Shartesha31 8 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Hammbh 8 Digital Pedagogy with U-M Library
NoahWeiss1103 8 Relationships and Digital Media
Makayla42 8 Relationships and Digital Media
Rt3z7 8 History of Science A
Natezurko 8 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
Iyanla Perkins 8 CORE 160-05
Yiru Wan 8 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Shangleyi 8 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
ChrisChann1 8 Employment Law for Business
Sunny02979 8 Technology and Ethics in Society
Zhinyin 8 Government information policy and practice
Wyang056 8 Government information policy and practice
Noelle1214 8 IL 101
Moriartyerink 8 IL 101
BMoreno2332 8 IL 101
Brentin 8 IL 101
Glasper.bankha1 8 ENG 102
Nyamiry 8 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Josie.nguyen 8 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Mturner24 8 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kiraleighann 8 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Ramanjotsaini 8 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
MarekBoire 8 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Manveerdeol25 8 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jrlejambe 8 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kaylee sully 8 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Ieander 8 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Robinbatman1966 8 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Ong Chin Meng 8 Composition Theory and Practice
LaurhaLozoya 8 English 1213 Section 647
FrankLou002 8 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Gmorais21 8 Social Inequality SOC 221
Araaron1 8 Social Inequality SOC 221
Ahmed Ridha UM 8 Social Inequality SOC 221
Curious biologist 8 BIO 495 Capstone
Kshkabari 8 Digital History
Jross72 8 Digital History
HayleyStegemiller 8 Noise and Hearing
Trudogfootball 8 Western Civilization I
Ktuttle724 8 Biology 102
Themasonmorgan 8 ENGL1102 Composition II
FallenAngelDown 8 ENGL1102 Composition II
TannerGossmann 8 ENGL1102 Composition II
Ivanramirez1 8 ENGL1102 Composition II
Sean.Becker13 8 PSY342 Language Development
Jmklinerr 8 HIST 221 - Gonzales - The United States Since 1877
GabeMGriffith 8 Understanding Iran
Beccabiats 8 Many Faces of Poverty
Fugettlj2020 8 Many Faces of Poverty
Snehamichaela 8 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Myaharris98 8 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Rchoudhury1631 8 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Autumnalleaves345 8 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Taissatati 8 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Matyfaye 8 English Composition 3738
JacksonDoe 8 English Composition 3738
Sk8kid99 8 English Composition 3738
Runningstarter98 8 English Composition 3738
Jason.salapich 8 English Composition 3738
Mariassu 8 Media Literacy
VU68 8 Media Literacy
Lenunn 8 Nonverbal Communication
Loramouammer 8 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
Dawerbuc 8 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
GarretNourse 8 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
AddisonBerg1 8 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Jjbaggins 8 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Acaban5190 8 English 101
Draco468 8 English 101
Jalen145 8 English 101
Meesh18 8 English 101
Jorjibrewer 8 English 101
CFXY 8 English 101, Section 2
Bfwaldrep 8 State and Local Government
AlyssaSmithson 8 State and Local Government
Dino d23 8 State and Local Government
MyeshaJones 8 ENGLISH-COMP101
Awesomec35 8 ENGLISH-COMP101
SamLayton's 8 ENGLISH-COMP101
Saaharmiri 8 SPC 1017 Honors
AieshaB 8 Evolution of the Human Brain
Dback1219 8 Evolution of the Human Brain
Jeb466 8 Computer Science Principles
TheRealBenSherman 8 Evolution of the Human Brain
Ahorvath16 8 Evolution of the Human Brain
Ardyer47 8 Contemporary Slavery
Bwang324 8 Introduction to Information Studies
Rakocian 8 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
AussieAdam01 8 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Trevorhf 8 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Cole.ballard 8 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Jfry6 8 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Gbraiden 8 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Cadenlyon12 8 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Siervo humilde 8 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Elijahhhreyes3 8 Rhetoric 295 NewMedia_YouMedia
Alexispik 8 Critical Reading and Writing
Hkime2018 8 Developmental and Molecular Biology
Jeparus 8 Introduction to Mass Communication
Ljwillis1 8 Introduction to Mass Communication
MaddieAllyn 8 Introduction to Mass Communication
Meraybutler 8 Introduction to Mass Communication
Aisha Hamad Al Thani 8 History of Film
Samuel Vigneault 8 ART-340
Mariacaso 8 First Year Experience Seminar
Rigober.Rodriguez 8 First Year Experience Seminar
Solecito1221 8 First Year Experience Seminar
Betty.galban001 8 First Year Experience Seminar
Dct015 8 NGLI 1101 Research in the Digital Age
Zzwecker 8 Hydrology
Mrscho16 8 Women's and Gender Issues
Bentbarnes59 8 WGST 484
Camplatt10 8 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Hpblenco 8 Women in Art
Chelsea.asare220 8 Communication and Culture
MayJoyce 8 SOCS 230 Honors Applied Social Sciences on Death
Souljaslim808 8 Public Relations and Digital Media
Katiemrozek 8 Introductory Sociology
SarahCohen05ba 8 Introductory Sociology
Trevork6 8 Introductory Sociology
Sophia-dmd2019 8 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Carolinewarrick 8 Gender and Identity in Modern Art
Ouden1 8 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Dev.menza 8 Popular Culture in America
Mbrimigion 8 Popular Culture in America
Chardeemaccdenniss 8 Cold War Science
RachelM1 8 Writing 3225
HUBISON3728 8 Civil Engineering Economy
Malcdud 8 Writing 3225
Brittanyjones811 8 Neuroscience 470
Adupert 8 Neuroscience 470
Lildinoboy 8 ENG121-110
Frosthound 8 ENG121-110
HERNAL8030 8 ENG121-113
SabrinaHasChurros 8 ENG121-113
Kaor1311 8 Remote Sensing 2019
Lucycamuti 8 Remote Sensing 2019
Iism3701 8 Remote Sensing 2019
Czhong23 8 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Katesingletary 8 History of Psychology
Enwikiaccount 8 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
Malikwelton 8 ENGL 445 Form and Theory of Poetry
Casey Evens 8 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
RickelScott 8 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Clee88 8 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
NyanaMorgan 8 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Nedrehp0 8 Sacred Arts of Japan
Victoria.bacon 8 English 1302
Sydneyyoung 8 English 1302
Jakelaruester 8 English 1302
Lucaslayton 8 English 1302
Anusrigunde 8 English 1302
Rrerastephanie 8 English 1302
Miladhabib12 8 English 1302
Faberglas 8 Collaboratory
Kianamarie 8 Contemporary Queer American Literature
Jgould20 8 Islamic Art and Architecture
HsiAnChen 8 Islamic Art and Architecture
Iamcentaur 8 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Halleripon 8 Biology of Sex and Gender
Jgonz17 8 Academic Inquiry 1215
Alewi5UNH 8 Academic Inquiry 1215
Amcma3 8 Academic Inquiry 1215
Oeparker1 8 Academic Inquiry 1215
Oeparker1 8 Academic Inquiry 0430
Guac123 8 Academic Inquiry 0430
Soolee2 8 History of East Asian Costume
Trishwut 8 History of East Asian Costume
Brittany almonte 8 History of East Asian Costume
Terra.grams 8 History of East Asian Costume
Jtiwariiiiiiiii 8 History of East Asian Costume
Bjlittleben 8 SOC 350
Mr.wrightnow16 8 SOC 350
BriJeanell 8 Later Indigenous Literatures
MAG The Artist 8 Later Indigenous Literatures
Sa2003 8 Later Indigenous Literatures
Caromo56 8 FREC 4454
Wilderbound 8 FREC 4454
Daniella098 8 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Anhnestle 8 Introduction to Information Science
Shreyachhapru 8 Introduction to Information Science
DavenPatel1523 8 Introduction to Information Science
Jsong128 8 Introduction to Information Science
Sarahepatrick 8 Introduction to Information Science
Edavis98 8 Introduction to Information Science
Luketortorella 8 English 202-011
Achipman 8 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Emil.Alcantara 8 Introduction to Biology II
Munzirbhatt 8 Introduction to Biology II
Sshor 8 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Rattyray 8 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
Lily jacobs 8 Experience-Based Brain Development Causes and Consequences
Bash2012 8 Digital Media Literacy
Gabyabrams 8 Digital Media Literacy
Samsmeezy 8 Digital Media Literacy
K9fine 8 Digital Media Literacy
Kanicker 8 Digital Media Literacy
Kwatso20 8 Digital Media Literacy
Treyculver 8 Digital Media Literacy
Stuby26 8 Digital Media Literacy
BeccaWarth 8 COML 509
Bvalverde101 8 Social Protests of the 1960s
Verniiiceee 8 Social Protests of the 1960s
Pjh2328 8 Social Protests of the 1960s
Bencreech 8 New Histories of Chicago Media
Mrodriguesz 8 Taking the Archives Public
Flennix 8 Introduction to Information Studies
Froget 93 8 Introduction to Information Studies
Nmonk2k 8 Introduction to Information Studies
Dareichert 8 Non-Western Art
Vanniehong 8 HIST 432
Umutte 8 HIST 432
Rholtslander25 8 Composition 101
Drewm1678 8 Composition 101
QVHW 8 Composition 101
Eric1013 8 Composition 101
Andrea Briana Harris 8 Roots of Feminism
Erios18 8 Modern and Contemporary Art
Kaysilong 8 Renaissance to Modern Art
Hasaan Hayat 8 Microbial Biotechnology
Katiedeclue 8 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Klor022 8 English 2
Kelly Garciaa 8 English 2
Pingje butte 8 English 2
Nstec 8 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Ajpetersen98 8 ART 366
Atbetts3 8 ART 366
Orcutt MGS 8 Teaching Biogeography
Ehand21 8 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Jroth2 8 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Adinh92 8 FA 104 IK
Eortiz198 8 FA 104 IK
Cperez323 8 FA 104 IK2
ScottCoish 8 Information and Technology
StellaKotli 8 Information and Technology
Pinkdragon107 8 Information and Technology
Lordrosse 8 Information and Technology
Syanolivia22 8 Information and Technology
Mgueci27 8 Information and Technology
GrimReaper2000 8 Israeli Politics and Society
Sonya12345 8 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
Bee1120 8 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
Johncooper3 8 Advanced Genetics
Zerep jessica 8 Advanced Genetics
Morgan.proulx 8 Advanced Genetics 8 English 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing, the Purpose of Education
Theolyg 8 Biochemistry Lab 378 8 Biochemistry Lab 378
Vruyrgalstyan 8 Biochemistry Lab 378
Arenerio 8 Biochemistry Lab 378
Artemduda 8 Biochemistry Lab 378
Mshlain 8 Biochemistry Lab 378
Joshua72sy 8 Biochemistry Lab 378
Felicia058 8 Research as Narrative
Iziwa Mhamali 8 Celebrity Culture
Moranjmm 8 Marine Biology- BI260
Elinylc 8 Marine Biology- BI260
Arshanm 8 Marine Biology- BI260
K9krist2 8 Marine Biology- BI260
Russlaman 8 Marine Biology- BI260
Aidan Malenfant 8 Marine Biology- BI260
Sstse 8 Marine Biology- BI260
Je14mant 8 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Timhackman 8 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Marnieanair 8 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Alexisderosa1 8 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Jtnelson00 8 Comp II 70010
Atzirimirandapatino 8 Comp II 70010
Dunnalexi 8 Comp II 70010
KaitlynHollifield 8 Comp II 70159
AbeSolis2 8 Comp II 70159
M1kaylaCannaday 8 Comp II 70159
Mmonreal96 8 Curating Cultures
Amocs001 8 Curating Cultures
Miked17 8 English Composition II
M!ka28 8 English Composition 3738
BeccaRV 8 FemiKorea
Sapirbs 8 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Ramirezm439 8 English 1102 077
Rosalyndupton 8 Advanced Legal Research
Estone01 8 Plant Behavior
Yingyd 8 Plant Behavior
Sophiakleos 8 HIS 101
Alana.jock 8 HIS 101
Nateadams8 8 HIS 101
Wyatt.myers 8 HIS 101
Csterbens 8 HIS 101
Joseph.sarcone 8 HIS 101
Bmmebcsportstalk 8 Multi-Camera Production
Jamesj-FPU 8 Multi-Camera Production
Alicewang1999 8 International Communication
Mkokoko 8 International Communication
Minchannn 8 International Communication
Tianjiao Lu 8 International Communication
Callmemango 8 International Communication
AnnamariaLB 8 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
PatriciaPutrii 8 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Ncphil 7 Invertebrate Zoology
CFetterr 7 HNRS 2200 Reflection and Responsibility
Agrego10 7 Relationships and Digital Media
Tecaldwell 7 CORE 160-05
Keke Sis09 7 CORE 160-05
Kaylachen 7 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
QianLetitia 7 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
R2huang 7 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
JWUmdavis09 7 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
J02113550 7 Employment Law for Business
Mariaquilty 7 IL 101
Vshaw23 7 IL 101
Cbusch191 7 IL 101
BMF10 7 IL 101
Dankohse 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Janemouly 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Alexandra.Holmes 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Travis.Issler 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Anderson.neves7 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Miiddee 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Klarissa.cruz 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Baldeep.gill 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Donk5382 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Reeda1105 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Natasha.chaykowski 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Saqi7 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Czetina 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Adrian.hannigan11 7 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
KeyanGootkin 7 Astro482 Spring 2019
Clairekopec 7 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Prestonhibblen2 7 English 1213 Section 647
T10475443 7 English 1213 Section 647
Alexiscapo1 7 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Azwulkan 7 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Jackkelleher 7 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Leylabey 7 Social Inequality SOC 221
Lilsaund 7 Social Inequality SOC 221
Uchalik 7 Social Inequality SOC 221
Njmorrow 7 Social Inequality SOC 221
Rclaire5 7 Social Inequality SOC 221
Nevinale 7 Social Inequality SOC 221
Kflynn12 7 Capitalism and Democracy
Christinasanita 7 Digital History
Sarahmolent 7 Digital History
Cypherkj 7 Noise and Hearing
Esgarlock 7 Gender and Science 2018-19
Jcsbkb 7 Black Sexual Politics
Aubrey Wright 7 ENGL1102 Composition II
KierraAshley1 7 ENGL1102 Composition II
Cortiz2580 7 PSY342 Language Development
Israel.justinsoto4698 7 PSY342 Language Development
Ritzmakm2020 7 Many Faces of Poverty
Avlb117 7 The University, the Museum, and the Middle East
Mominsiddiqui 7 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Bmattei1225 7 ENGL 121
Furqan55 7 ENGL 121
Hkim243 7 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
TayaThornburg 7 Experimental Psychology Laboratory 7 World Language Policies
Chki9652 7 World Language Policies
MontielLara 7 World Language Policies
Natalierogge 7 World Language Policies
Nickoftime17 7 English 202-006
Anastasiab12 7 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Avahubacek 7 English Composition 3738
ThatRandomGuyOffTheStreet 7 English Composition 3738
InsertJojoPose99 7 English Composition 3738
Tarien5 7 English Composition 3738
Potatori 7 English Composition II
Chaeyoon Jang (Jessica) 7 English Composition II
TheCanolli23 7 Media Literacy
Alexyoung1999 7 Media Literacy
Vehicks 7 Nonverbal Communication
Mpalmerpike 7 Nonverbal Communication
Ucla19eunice 7 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Laylanuo 7 Protest and Social Change in East Asia
Inesrami 7 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Andrew Mageo 7 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
SagaOfThePeople 7 English 101, Section 2
Kenzguido 7 English 101, Section 2
Stevenbennettm 7 IFS201 - 35284
Getch10 7 ENGLISH-COMP101
Lindsy burton 7 ENGLISH-COMP101
Benw26 7 ENGLISH-COMP101
Joeyped 7 ENGLISH-COMP101
Cjg336 7 Computer Science Principles
Ml3498 7 Computer Science Principles
Toc23 7 Computer Science Principles
Dvernet 7 Evolution of the Human Brain
Tnh53 7 Computer Science Principles
Blairaaronrogers 7 Politics of Italy
Mikaylamiles 7 Contemporary Slavery
Ctseng98 7 Introduction to Information Studies
Chun Ng 7 Introduction to Information Studies
Heyday3 7 Introduction to Information Studies
Mhou1 7 Introduction to Information Studies
Dhuerta22 7 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
Jenrow 7 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
Nielshc 7 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Jacobsmith1031 7 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Bails23 7 PSY 101 General Psychology
Yulieee.13 7 Introduction to Human Biology
Hannahmallett 7 Introduction to Human Biology
Erikanrosario 7 SW 3402H
Cullenwaller 7 Critical Reading and Writing
Lpd1230 7 Critical Reading and Writing
Rachmejia 7 English 101
Emelypov 7 English 101
Lauren67 7 WR121
Rlhiggs 7 Introduction to Mass Communication
DWalker97 7 Introduction to Mass Communication
Colehenrich 7 Introduction to Mass Communication
MariamFarid98 7 History of Film
MariamFarid1998 7 History of Film
Amb2453 7 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Emz2418 7 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Annnnayu 7 Communication Technology and Organizations
Kayrox63 7 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Cr5507desales 7 English 260
Jbornjborn 7 ENGL 2000
Khnaomi 7 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Jaredgast 7 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Andyg97 7 Introductory Sociology
Sean123454321 7 Popular Culture in America
Jlboyce97 7 Popular Culture in America
Dukesilver4ever 7 Cold War Science
LVandy1221 7 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Marycwallace3 7 Women and Medicine
Abbeykliewer 7 Women and Medicine
Melissaroth86 7 Writing 3225
Cmseaw 7 Neuroscience 470
Dwashington3 7 Neuroscience 470
Wfelicity 7 Neuroscience 470
Lcarmical 7 Remote Sensing 2019
Roda4420 7 Remote Sensing 2019
Emilykelman 7 Remote Sensing 2019
Tmugg 7 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Laurentobey 7 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
TF1013 7 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
TheGuyInTheKnow 7 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Zelharake 7 Islam in America
Mjn74 7 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
IV3YD 7 Sacred Arts of Japan
Myerskf0 7 Sacred Arts of Japan
Rachelrottino 7 English 1302
Ryuju Takahashi18 7 English 1302
Mackenzieboylson 7 English 1302
Landonrogers 7 English 1302
Jennifergllgs 7 English 1302
Tialemma 7 English 1302
Adrianaah25 7 English 1302
Alfonsoag2016 7 English 1302
TXB28 7 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Spencerqolney 7 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Ssadrane 7 Islamic Art and Architecture
Ferrerofan 7 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
Haroraul 7 Biology of Sex and Gender
Eduardogr123 7 ENG 122_022
Nicholas Kreutzer 7 ENG 122_02L
Jamespaolillo 7 ENG 122_02L
Cpell2 7 Academic Inquiry 0430
Sandywoodland 7 History of East Asian Costume
Cora Cm 7 History of East Asian Costume
Weerada168 7 History of East Asian Costume
Angellynne Tang 7 History of East Asian Costume
Jmohara 7 SOC 350
Celarson 7 SOC 350
Bvirnoche 7 SOC 350
Dmsain 7 SOC 350
Mkaic0910 7 FREC 4454
AdleeUni 7 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
CheckaLapierre 7 Shakespeare and Media
Esilbs4 7 Introduction to Information Science
Kstein31 7 Introduction to Information Science
Banji145 7 Introduction to Information Science
TucciMia 7 English 202-011
Emkinney4 7 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Denizoncel844 7 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Mollyybrownn1 7 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Jole phillips 7 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Carly reilly 7 Digital Media Literacy
Asquinon 7 Digital Media Literacy
Croeschasu 7 Digital Media Literacy
Leelee19951995 7 Digital Media Literacy
Bthomas759 7 Social Protests of the 1960s
Jmartinez536 7 Introduction to Information Studies
Jrloll 7 Composition 101
Madisonwilkes 7 Composition 101
Seanddavid37 7 Composition 101
IanZimmerman99 7 Composition 101
DomVenchess 7 Composition 101
Sarahke11y 7 Composition 101
Tylerwatts99 7 Composition 101
Leonajai 7 T325
Djoy007 7 Baroque and Rococo Art
Paulross2019 7 Baroque and Rococo Art
Trickifox34 7 Renaissance to Modern Art
Jtran385 7 Renaissance to Modern Art
Burremily 7 Renaissance to Modern Art
CeciliaBui 7 Renaissance to Modern Art
Bennetttoma 7 Microbial Biotechnology
Johnwall99 7 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Wikiwikifresh23 7 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
AgathoclesDeSyracuse 7 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Rockr333 7 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Tsg1998 7 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Lgmeador 7 ART 366
Madison anderson 7 Art 200 33256
Jgtague 7 Marine Microbial Ecology
Ksloane 7 Marine Microbial Ecology
MichelleV99 7 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Jramos112 7 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
MeadeMiranda 7 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Mshearrin 7 FA 104 IK2
Deannea 7 FA 104 IK2
Sonekks 7 Information and Technology
Daniaismail 7 Information and Technology
Gabrielabalqis 7 Information and Technology
Ericyyorku 7 Information and Technology
Jin0824 7 Information and Technology
Tara2021 7 Information and Technology
Wdonnan 7 Information and Technology
Shoppa01 7 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
Shelleybwallace 7 Advanced Genetics
ArmonieJ 7 Advanced Genetics
Emersonbryant 7 WikiMed Spring 2019 UCSF SOM
Abadmar 7 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
1772MissingTurtles 7 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
Siegmal 7 Chemistry of Macromolecules
V.nielsen9204 7 Public History
Jsuh85 7 Biochemistry Lab 378
Nastyapasta 7 Biochemistry Lab 378
Yasmineoprea 7 Biochemistry Lab 378
Basmamir 7 Biochemistry Lab 378
Amahmud75 7 Biochemistry Lab 378
Fariha1029 7 Biochemistry Lab 378
Bhuynh 7 Biochemistry Lab 378
Stickyboy567 7 Biochemistry Lab 378
Kevinz19 7 Biochemistry Lab 378
BeccaLadd 7 Celebrity Culture
Abadmar 7 Celebrity Culture
TM052519 7 Celebrity Culture
Jennks4 7 Celebrity Culture
Danielajohansson 7 Community Journalism
Oliviara 7 Marine Biology- BI260
Klawonscience 7 Marine Biology- BI260
Dustinru 7 Marine Biology- BI260
Thor.breitbarth 7 Marine Biology- BI260
XseniaB 7 English 1B
GeMonge 7 English 1B
J.n.Driver 7 Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership
Danielajohansson 7 Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership
SBM5382 7 American Government 120
W30nl0c0 7 American Government 120
Josh amill 7 American Government 120
AliciaAW 7 Conservation Genetics
Samkilgore 7 Conservation Genetics
Kkharp21 7 IFS201 Information in a Post-Truth World
Alemay6399 7 Exploring Modern Topics in Plant Biology 2019
Meganweisenberg 7 News Literacy in the Digital Age Spring 2019
Dfitch98 7 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Adrianamonae23 7 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
Marinav10 7 Comp II 70159
Lmart040 7 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Sophiepk 7 Amazon A Cultural History
Shiyishiyiyan 7 Curating Cultures
Wanyue1210 7 Curating Cultures
Absolutelynotwinny 7 Curating Cultures
AlejandraSantoyo1 7 Curating Cultures
Melanieblue97 7 Curating Cultures
Michael O'Conner 2019 7 English Composition 3738
Dhunter210 7 English Composition 3738
Nnhie 7 English Composition 3738
Mercedesb64 7 FemiKorea
CarlosTheAsian 7 English 1102 143
Claudiar623 7 English 1102 143
Smgilmour 7 Plant Behavior
Nhip1 7 Plant Behavior
Kgurtler 7 Plant Behavior
Myn1354 7 Plant Behavior
Rlwrlw22 7 HIS 101
Sammysmith4 7 HIS 101
Cameronadams13 7 HIS 101
Jacob.anweiler 7 HIS 101
Margaretnaughton 7 HIS 101
Baldridge99 7 Multi-Camera Production
Margellow 7 Multi-Camera Production
Htalk1 7 International Communication
CounterCounterEarth 6 Digital Pedagogy with U-M Library
Itsme101 6 Digital Pedagogy with U-M Library
Westmidwest39 6 Digital Pedagogy with U-M Library
J-mo-shock 6 HNRS 2200 Reflection and Responsibility
Ragpow 6 HNRS 2200 Reflection and Responsibility
Imani Moshay 6 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Jordannriley 6 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Irbirb15 6 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
ElizaWu1 6 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
TokyoJimu 6 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Jrpereira151996 6 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
JGreeneJr 6 Senior Seminar Biology - TR
Draco of Economics 6 Introduction to International Politics W19
ACamoglino 6 Employment Law for Business
J02166933 6 Employment Law for Business
ChristinaSchneider13 6 Employment Law for Business
Marywilde 6 Government information policy and practice
Kengen96 6 Technology and Ethics in Society
Dylan-smith121 6 IL 101
Klinghammerciaraa 6 IL 101
Sks.sandhu 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Maddy.maclean 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
DevonK123 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Chelseafabalena 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Danaelawrence 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
BrookeLowater 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Pestilencing 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Gulia6 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Dbieb11 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jreich91 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Ty cassie 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Braedon W 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Gautam Amod 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
JungHo.Kim1 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Rileybeatty 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
ReidPollock 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Alexranieri3 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Nathalia.paez 6 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Pdohrwardt 6 Astro482 Spring 2019
Jenny Yohannnan 6 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Laurenhund 6 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Annalisesoldano 6 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
CalvinCarta 6 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Aidanpharan 6 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Ashalabine 6 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Kunstbs 6 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Katy.clugg 6 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Mattieryan 6 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Meredith1102 6 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Gemongr 6 Social Inequality SOC 221
Ituchmann 6 Social Inequality SOC 221
Ainsleymclark 6 Social Inequality SOC 221
Reuben Glasser 6 Social Inequality SOC 221
Christinanykea 6 Social Inequality SOC 221
Smithin2509 6 Social Inequality SOC 221
Sundevils16 6 BIO 495 Capstone
Rheaj123 6 Digital History
Eferr062 6 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Mimi171 6 Gender and Science 2018-19
Acjw35 6 Black Sexual Politics
SaniaWhite 6 Black Sexual Politics
Raekelmo14 6 Black Sexual Politics
Naoverstreet 6 Early American History Graduate Seminar
Destiny.jenna 6 ENGL1102 Composition II 6 Comp II
KatepaImer 6 Comp II
Cjkalgren97 6 Understanding Iran
Lakenolah 6 Understanding Iran
Dylanhall2 6 Understanding Iran
Cooperl2020 6 Many Faces of Poverty
RexHerzberg 6 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Luizabda 6 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Erapoza 6 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Meher Gill 6 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Tjramire 6 Ecological Factors in Design
Ellisonc 6 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Maevebtaylor 6 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Rdstaab 6 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Emsc1415 6 World Language Policies
Allhxrt 6 English 202-006
SilviaEspinal 6 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Hungrygh0stss 6 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Jeralyn1213 6 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Antoniofajardo2002 6 English Composition 3738
Icoulduseareallywishrightnow 6 English Composition 3738
Tavaun 6 Media Literacy
Tommytheprius 6 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Ambiguityy 6 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
Karlimarie38 6 English 101
TaLeara 6 English 101
Ashi-kiwii 6 English 101, Section 2
Kallikohlbrenner 6 English 101, Section 2
Carlytoy7 6 English 101, Section 2
Taylorp2 6 IFS201 - 35284
B.A.Marshall 6 State and Local Government
ZBC798 6 State and Local Government
Kaylipietkiewicz 6 ENGLISH-COMP101
Chipb75 6 ENGLISH-COMP101
BMcMonigle 6 ENGLISH-COMP101
Zda23 6 Computer Science Principles
Klr332 6 Computer Science Principles
Fsc29 6 Computer Science Principles
Par83 6 Computer Science Principles
Jrwcazball19 6 Contemporary Slavery
Nijamcarroll 6 Contemporary Slavery
BengTengle 6 Introduction to Information Studies
Troyberk9 6 Introduction to Information Studies
Matthewsgabe 6 Introduction to Information Studies
Msumeric 6 Introduction to Information Studies
Gpollock314 6 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Keylimechey 6 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Jelam16 6 PSY 101 General Psychology
Shelbyrae16 6 Introduction to Human Biology
Selenebautista 6 Introduction to Human Biology
Castilloalanis00 6 Introduction to Human Biology
Ferng808 6 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Lanileie 6 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Nzmccutche 6 Introduction to Mass Communication
Smcowgill 6 Introduction to Mass Communication
Clong7 6 Introduction to Mass Communication
Jvcreech 6 Introduction to Mass Communication
Ccucci266 6 ART-340
Sarsar77 6 ART-340
Emilyrlemp 6 ART-340
Danielcabaniss 6 Introduction to Global Climate Change
CC19ND 6 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Liiilyyyy 6 Communication Technology and Organizations
Badgaldidi 6 Communication Technology and Organizations
CorinnaScala 6 Women in Art
Treehuggex 6 Women in Art
Lolawatt 6 English 260
Mzumbrun 6 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Syi1 6 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
ThatsPrettyMuchIt 6 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Ogrogan 6 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Lukeman7223 6 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Individual2 6 Public Relations and Digital Media
Mmcdade57 6 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Bezbeat 6 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Kefortin 6 Popular Culture in America
DaltonFielder 6 Popular Culture in America
Skarim19 6 Women and Medicine
Ashley.Lesser98 6 Women and Medicine
Zebmort 6 Women and Medicine
Mmyers231 6 Women and Medicine
Bfields6 6 Biogeochemical Cycles
Dejkd 6 Neuroscience 470
Anbaker 6 Neuroscience 470
Angelcoleman1 6 ENG121-110
Carlosgary93 6 Remote Sensing 2019
Alexis.ahlert 6 Remote Sensing 2019
Patrick.Fink.CU 6 Remote Sensing 2019
Thte7901 6 Remote Sensing 2019
Farisrozain 6 Remote Sensing 2019
Tom H 23 6 ENGW3307, Advanced Writing in the Sciences
MDerrickson121 6 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Megmccrady 6 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
ChaseMatteson 6 English 1302
The Legend 27 killed me 6 English 1302
Ethan Flowers 6 English 1302
LylaU17 6 English 1302
Mjaqueline 6 English 1302
Jenkinsjosephine99 6 English 1302
Tariqb123 6 English 1302
Haleypgm 6 Introduction to Islamic Art
Roobin.Hooood 6 Writing for the Web
Mcb98 6 Islamic Art and Architecture
Macoki27 6 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Kcerros 6 ENG 122_02L
Amoli3UNH 6 Academic Inquiry 0430
Nanaho6767 6 History of East Asian Costume
Bs0242 6 Medical City Weatherford WikiMed Project
Groovxy.moon 6 Black Culture in a Post-Soul Era
Angryhoe 6 SOC 350
S.2019alum 6 Later Indigenous Literatures
Lacksjv 6 FREC 4454
Jordan Engl304 6 Shakespeare and Media
Rhiasoni 6 Introduction to Information Science
Bapenni 6 Introduction to Information Science
Samgbad 6 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Jordansus22 6 English 202-011
MarlonW2019 6 English 202-011
Miajl101 6 Introduction to Biology II
Megha99 6 Introduction to Biology II
Jagdeepsinghusmcr 6 Introduction to Biology II
Jasmynecollinsj1 6 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
VincentCullinan 6 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Jasmynecollinsj1 6 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Sarahpopa 6 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Nopenope2 6 Introduction to Biology II
Mhsu6 6 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Paviasher 6 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Maddybaumann 6 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Samueljudge3 6 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Safari Vic 6 Digital Media Literacy
Rcaminoj 6 Digital Media Literacy
JoeyDig 6 Digital Media Literacy
Xtinafig94 6 Digital Media Literacy
MCOSauceda 6 Digital Media Literacy
Preboux 6 Digital Media Literacy
R mcgannon 6 Digital Media Literacy
Gloera1 6 Digital Media Literacy
JamesRhodes425 6 Digital Media Literacy
Erinmwhitten 6 Digital Media Literacy
Blsmit32 6 Digital Media Literacy
Madipage 6 Digital Media Literacy
MCO425AReed 6 Digital Media Literacy
Wadetempeasu1 6 Digital Media Literacy
Ttparker2 6 Introduction to Information Studies
Amon98 6 Introduction to Information Studies
Avelletta 6 Introduction to Information Studies
Jpando76 6 Introduction to Information Studies
DakotaWean 6 Composition 101
Kailahhinkle 6 Composition 101
Bjohnson61 6 Composition 101
NVDY 6 Composition 101
Linndseyy 6 Composition 101
TJSX 6 Composition 101
Bbrianab 6 Composition 101
ImaniML19 6 Composition 101
Jacob2130 6 Composition 101
Jack.skowronski 6 Composition 101
J.C.Mank 6 Composition 101
TheMedievalMan 6 T325
Estherrliaoo 6 Women in the Economy
Artpotion08 6 Modern and Contemporary Art
OttoCorazon 6 Renaissance to Modern Art
Cmorales19 6 Renaissance to Modern Art
KrizzhaDee 6 Renaissance to Modern Art
Seanbranch 6 Renaissance to Modern Art
Artpotion08 6 Renaissance to Modern Art
Daria Pyshnenko 6 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Ameliamstech 6 ART 366
Staffordgrayson 6 African American Art
Ijgretch 6 Marine Microbial Ecology
Dswitala 6 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Gscopes26 6 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Rjoseph1 6 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Amaldonado79 6 FA 104 IK2
Nmanzella 6 FA 104 IK2
Andresperez1229 6 FA 104 IK2
Yesimhaalc 6 Information and Technology
Equinox2015 6 Information and Technology
Giuliazito 6 Information and Technology
Frosatii 6 Information and Technology
SY2435 6 Information and Technology
Noor0826 6 Information and Technology
Admparks 6 Information and Technology
Momina269609 6 Information and Technology
Taylorm02 6 History 304, Medieval Europe
StStein1 6 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
AbadgeIFS201 6 IFS201 Information in a Post Truth World
Polkadotbanana 6 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
ZA2771 6 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
Garvit2000 6 Chem 165
Jordan.wallen 6 Public History
Sam.morrison15 6 Public History
Levonnebell 6 Public History
5toxic 6 Biochemistry Lab 378
Jacob.smith15 6 Biochemistry Lab 378
Ammara.ghaffar 6 Celebrity Culture
Fg1772 6 Celebrity Culture
Sophie.shelton 6 Community Journalism
Millerc1 6 Dinosaur Science
Annaab0309 6 Marine Biology- BI260
Mattvvg 6 Marine Biology- BI260
Bpederson20 6 A History of Native America
Abchiu18 6 English 1B
James1772 6 Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership
Tlh1772 6 Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership
Misa9798 6 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Aaronk2210 6 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Hacobob 6 IFS201 Information in a Post-Truth World
Claire.UW 6 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis
Brookearruda 6 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Gabriel Ferrante 6 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Leahkw 6 Comp II 70159
Adbarker 6 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Kattiekattt 6 Curating Cultures
Dylanlee2xs 6 Curating Cultures
PartyOn206 6 English Composition 3738
Domingler 6 English 1102 143
Kdbhyper 6 Plant Behavior
N.rogerson5 6 Plant Behavior
Khoiha 6 Plant Behavior
Kdoan98 6 Plant Behavior
Alyssatodd 6 HIS 101
Brynne.pazzaglia 6 HIS 101
Oliviamartinez 6 HIS 101
Brigwashburn 6 Multi-Camera Production
Lindseydrury1 6 Basin Studies
Yian shao 6 International Communication
BianckaDC 6 International Communication
Hao90210 6 International Communication
Shadinamiranian 6 International Communication
Hpapps378 6 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
MarkFarmer218 5 Society, Ethics, and Technology
KPeprah112 5 CORE 160-05
Abnabinger 5 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
YongqiWu 5 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Z1zong 5 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Zhw249 5 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Joey Mercier 5 Senior Seminar Biology - TR
AllisonSeniorSem 5 Senior Seminar Biology - TR
Kristinaarel 5 Employment Law for Business
Jwuhc 5 Employment Law for Business
ForbesC4 5 Technology and Ethics in Society
Myguy5252 5 Technology and Ethics in Society
Wikiman3124 5 Technology and Ethics in Society
Blakebiery15 5 IL 101
Mirandoo 5 ENG 102
Madison.zuber 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Rebecca.como1 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Evodiemakasa 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Janicemqj 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
S.sallan 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Ruszkovski 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Hannahgmeldgaard 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Chloe.fraser1 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Annika.beatrice 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Alissa oj 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jack.carter34 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
BrynPfeifer 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Sabrina.smith1 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Erinfor24 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Racheluofc123456789 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Geologystudent2 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Sareenah1 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Gabbysanson 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Alexcookgeology 5 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Tcontant 5 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
JefrinJ 5 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
BrianMorton1929 5 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Oliviabrunke 5 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Mar!Gatti 5 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
TimBoyle7 5 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Alyssairby 5 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Samkao16 5 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
ESwanson56 5 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Fordy19 5 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Tlanter 5 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Smaki444 5 Crises and Confederation - 2019
Jbiegl 5 Social Inequality SOC 221
Noaimmer 5 Social Inequality SOC 221
Dahliaka 5 Social Inequality SOC 221
Oslo47 5 Social Inequality SOC 221
DMW29 5 Social Inequality SOC 221
Alext129 5 Digital History
Veronicapetta 5 Digital History
Gennatania 5 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Santi castellon 5 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Meganfarina 5 Noise and Hearing
KarinnaV 5 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Miccidavy 5 Gender and Science 2018-19
Jay Bury 5 Black Sexual Politics
Bdcarman 5 Black Sexual Politics
Tomecia 5 ENGL1102 Composition II
Kimacook 5 ENGL1102 Composition II
Hunter Pitzerell 5 Understanding Iran
13newmanj 5 Understanding Iran
MichaelLombardo 5 Understanding Iran
Jasprit7 5 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Joshwalters123 5 Many Faces of Poverty
Robbievigar 5 The University, the Museum, and the Middle East
Ctray0320 5 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Clocksck2 5 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Nalishasamlall 5 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Reyna531 5 English Composition 3738
Bslazenby 5 Nonverbal Communication
Jgoldner96 5 AMST 140 Borderlands in a Global Context
Malachimosley 5 English 101
Noelle-mango 5 English 101, Section 2
Nikolenab16 5 English 101, Section 2
Shayra2424 5 English 101, Section 2
Firstcurve102 5 English 101, Section 2
Jadeabrams 5 ENGLISH-COMP101
Juyoung Choi 5 MIT 398 Intercultural International Communication
Vivianphann 5 Evolution of the Human Brain
Epoykhman 5 Evolution of the Human Brain
PauAleja9 5 Computer Science Principles
Melissaabaker 5 Evolution of the Human Brain
Veronicajvaca 5 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Rpizano9 5 Politics of Italy
Wendymao 5 Journey to Center of Earth
Rvalentine210 5 Introduction to Information Studies
Jtisch1 5 Introduction to Information Studies
TherealSwapG 5 Introduction to Information Studies
Prachigaur 5 Introduction to Information Studies
Akay721 5 Introduction to Information Studies
Michaelw911 5 Introduction to Information Studies
Stinnyyy 5 Introduction to Information Studies
DannyWLY 5 Introduction to Information Studies
Jdeburgo 5 Introduction to Information Studies
Tahmed15 5 Introduction to Information Studies
Rhamm022 5 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
Lpeterson20551 5 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
Dorothyruth01 5 PH5220 Gender and Leadership
StellaofPax 5 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Clytle 5 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Maelynnjoy 5 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Jack.barr25 5 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Tina1746 5 Introduction to Human Biology
Moniqueacuna 5 Introduction to Human Biology
Wcchristoph2 5 Introduction to Human Biology
Martinch212 5 WR121
Daniel Jones 1985 5 WR121
Baluyot2 5 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Odmahoney 5 Introduction to Mass Communication
Sndalrympl 5 Introduction to Mass Communication
DK142857 5 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
JanLopez07 5 First Year Experience Seminar
Kevin.quezada001 5 First Year Experience Seminar
Mackdaw11 5 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Catiemcd 5 Introduction to Global Climate Change
Durbinjulia 5 WGST 484
Rossihannah 5 WGST 484
Sjj0001 5 WGST 484
Josephine Dong 5 Communication Technology and Organizations
Ddkreit 5 English 260
Anthonystrasser 5 English 260
Lexizuckr 5 Communication and Culture
Js2309 5 Pollination Ecology Wikipedia
Artressel 5 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Xhunterxc 5 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Gpirozzoli 5 Introductory Sociology
Myrandasmithburger 5 Popular Culture in America
BS321198 5 Cold War Science
DJohnG11 5 Neuroscience 470
Freshbiscuits04 5 ENG121-113
Chavez0429 5 ENG121-113
Calgalbacon 5 Remote Sensing 2019
Ariffismail 5 Remote Sensing 2019
Wyha4434 5 Remote Sensing 2019
Jordansierrag 5 Remote Sensing 2019
Dewa4246 5 Remote Sensing 2019
Lnie24 5 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Cass.fletcher1999 5 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
IFjelstrom8216 5 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Asherpr99 5 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Campbellmotter 5 English 1302
Roni-r14 5 English 1302
C akilian 5 English 1302
Jackrawlston 5 English 1302
APlatt10 5 English 1302
Gucciangel214 5 English 1302
Albert951 5 English 1302
Menayohannes101 5 English 1302
2Sheps 5 LIB 100-2 Information Fluency
Ideleon22 5 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Seeteadoubleyou 5 English 495 Digital Literacies and Humanities
Anastasia C Smith 5 Writing for the Web
JohnHaysOSU 5 Writing for the Web
Walhdi 5 Islamic Art and Architecture
Vkstoynova 5 Islamic Art and Architecture
Salma J. S 5 Islamic Art and Architecture
Mjrobson 5 Islamic Art and Architecture
Jhuh0331 5 Islamic Art and Architecture
Barrettbailee 5 Chem4011
Rvalentine210 5 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Kingebre1 5 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
Jkoehler43 5 Biology of Sex and Gender
LyricBlunt 5 ENG 122_02L
Laurbernardo 5 Academic Inquiry 1215
Tstar1UNH 5 Academic Inquiry 0430
Emily a kane 5 History of East Asian Costume
TediBrown 5 History of East Asian Costume
GRG71 5 History of East Asian Costume
Juliakremer 5 History of East Asian Costume
Tk0183 5 Medical City Weatherford WikiMed Project
Hjlarson 5 SOC 350
Shawnarayy 5 SOC 350
Lneswood 5 SOC 350
Moodring305 5 Later Indigenous Literatures
PhillipIndigenous 5 Later Indigenous Literatures
RyanMullenINST 5 Introduction to Information Science
Allyhuhne11 5 Introduction to Information Science
Alex.E.Kelly 5 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Mphelan4 5 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 01
Brucezli95 5 Social Movements and Social Media
Gulencelik 5 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
ShabBilzerian 5 Introduction to Biology II
Nicholascabarse 5 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Itslilpree 5 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Mollycarden 5 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 02
Cwooler 5 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Amitymatthews 5 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
CassJL 5 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Elliemags 5 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Trevrgray 5 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Rsujan 5 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Gdasu 5 Digital Media Literacy
Scelano 5 Digital Media Literacy
Regreen2 5 Digital Media Literacy
Gacabrer 5 Digital Media Literacy
Crbaca1 5 Digital Media Literacy
Wildflower23 5 Digital Media Literacy
LexyWJ 5 Digital Media Literacy
KJTIMM 5 Digital Media Literacy
RachelTutnick2 5 Digital Media Literacy
CloudiSundevil 5 Digital Media Literacy
JackieAlv 5 Social Protests of the 1960s
Na4191 5 Social Protests of the 1960s
VisheshU25 5 Introduction to Information Studies
Hgrace15 5 Introduction to Information Studies
Crf cabrerjj 5 Non-Western Art
NJBrummel1998 5 Non-Western Art
Decheverria33 5 Non-Western Art
MikeCarter123 5 Art of the Global Middle Ages
Gein30 5 Composition 101
Robstrnisha 5 Composition 101
Fraaaankie 5 Baroque and Rococo Art
Anac07 5 Women in the Economy
Beverlyphung 5 Modern and Contemporary Art
RedAVC 5 Modern and Contemporary Art
Tatiana Tran-Viet 5 Modern and Contemporary Art
Izzycruz0801 5 Modern and Contemporary Art
KeithTran0 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Gabermark 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Darkghost234 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Bentran917 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Janinesinn 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Mrosa4 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Alyssag98 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
TeylorCaesar 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Atran1290 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Msirls 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Trinityandrea 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Filmena 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Gtozano 5 Renaissance to Modern Art
Nligas 5 English 2
Flinnj91 5 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Chokooberry 5 Molecular Motors
Smackechnie 5 African American Art
Lmccormack1213 5 African American Art
Psyhogeosb 5 African American Art
VsbarneySp19 5 ART 366
Bayleediaso 5 Art 200 33256
Magda1819 5 Art 200 33256
Mackenzie ramsey 5 Art 200 33256
Sambabb01 5 Art 200 33256
Toniward27 5 Art 200 33256
Erik sanchez2 5 Art 200 33256
Carsonjp21 5 Art 200 33256
Tatianafri 5 Art 200 33256
Dricherson1992 5 Art 200 33256
Mcordero13 5 Art 200 33256
Valeria cisneros112 5 Art 200 33256
ShelbyGT99 5 Art 200 33256
Lindseyheale 5 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Summeryiyi22 5 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Kolyoum 5 ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences 33145
F3199 5 Information and Technology
Rudolphhahn 5 Information and Technology
Leandramarie 5 Information and Technology
Druzage 5 Information and Technology
SUSUCACA 5 Information and Technology
Jcampbell45 5 History 304, Medieval Europe
Ccanavan81 5 History 304, Medieval Europe
Lanagaballa7 5 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
Coco2596 5 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
Mcparis27 5 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
Editholmeda 5 Advanced Genetics
Lms 62270 5 WikiMed Spring 2019 UCSF SOM
Chaniece 32 5 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
Cowens311 5 Public History
Dshvili 5 Biochemistry Lab 378
Kiarakeyes 5 Celebrity Culture
Svfranz 5 Community Journalism
Niquesmitty 5 Community Journalism
Jgirod1 5 Dinosaur Science
Smustafah 5 Marine Biology- BI260
Justinfogliasso 5 Marine Biology- BI260
Yunusderman 5 Marine Biology- BI260
Marian252 5 English 1B
Mrauda24 5 English 1B
WikiLeecs 5 English 1B
Lalune22 5 Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership
Bernardomlvf 5 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Kyn3096 5 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Bgarrett97 5 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Kookykrusader 5 American Government 120
Krmcneirney 5 American Government 120
Sad-atom 5 American Government 120
Seanobrochta 5 Conservation Genetics
MaryESmall02 5 Comp II 70010
Whitneykinggg 5 Comp II 70159
Eisekr01 5 Christianities in Antiquity
Mvela041 5 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Lunacookies4 5 Amazon A Cultural History
Amex0303 5 Amazon A Cultural History
Aalca018 5 Curating Cultures
Mjanssens92 5 Curating Cultures
Krami045 5 Curating Cultures
Fefost 5 Curating Cultures
SorryNotSorryMrs.1982 5 English Composition II
Dayounglee 5 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Paumarr 5 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Patrickntchobo 5 Advanced Legal Research
Cmaes35 5 Plant Behavior
MattZarzycki 5 HIS 101
Tfield27 5 HIS 101
Hpianosi 5 HIS 101
Sarah.white04 5 HIS 101
Ambrosiiab 5 HIS 101
Frederickchenard 5 HIS 101
Mari.Kane 5 HIS 101
Shootandswim 5 HIS 101
AdayonMars 5 HIS 101
JakeGraham00 5 HIS 101
BrendanNeal 5 Multi-Camera Production
Clarkg16 5 Multi-Camera Production
Lmdelgad 5 International Communication
Yaqil10 5 International Communication
Fatimamer00 5 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Sonyamp 5 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Eng123ma 5 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Michellecollins7856 5 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
TPeonDelValle6 5 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Jackson48 4 Invertebrate Zoology
Sophiasacc 4 Society, Ethics, and Technology
RandyOcean 4 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Lisandra222 4 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Joshua.smith92 4 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Marshall-2012 4 HNRS 2200 Reflection and Responsibility
Pommier1 4 HNRS 2200 Reflection and Responsibility
Lizzy0912 4 HNRS 2200 Reflection and Responsibility
Dkcantwell 4 COMM 7260
Edwardrosson 4 Relationships and Digital Media
Coco-Alex99 4 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Jazmen-Nicole 4 CORE 160-05
Samone sloan22 4 CORE 160-05
Hperkinson 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
JChesnick 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Egleary 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Malvare2 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Errioux 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Nah Rao 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Atmiller55 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Jsmithncsu 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
JMesimer 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
MichaelAbour 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Cjmathieu 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Arichardson919 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Caverdi 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Hnkrotchko 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
JHutchison13 4 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Bbrewer1994 4 Introduction to International Politics W19
JSylvia 4 Senior Seminar Biology - MW
Brittmaria19 4 Senior Seminar Biology - TR
Eplatz 4 ASL Structure
Kaylaobrien9 4 Employment Law for Business
Chelseamontero1020 4 Employment Law for Business
T.lynch2 4 Employment Law for Business
JamieTrenholm 4 Employment Law for Business
Chelseam1020 4 Employment Law for Business
Beatrice JY 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Semme06 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Kmmcl19 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Study1122 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Editjunkies 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Kaileesharp 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Mordex22 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Minnesota77 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Beepboop4567 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Techguy576 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Katesauder 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Soohoon9 4 Technology and Ethics in Society
Ameegan1 4 IL 101
Tyler Hill 4 IL 101
Swansy99 4 IL 101
Editor 101 teach 4 IL 101
Cheyschmed 4 ENG 102
AnnaGagnon 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Cindy.xia1 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Caitlingroebmair 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kennyn47 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Heleensuley 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
ChillLizzy 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Emma.Crane 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Sarah 30017095 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kaelynd 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Ashlee.isaak 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jadaper 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
NazifahA3 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jialin Zhu 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Odenmac 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Pengriffey99 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Wania.najam 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Goflamesgo10 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Austin.olson 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Pavan.johal 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Rowan VR 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Alissai1 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
WY0908 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Olivia.l26 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Burness209 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Mairibedard 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kavibert 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kaleyseib 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Laurenhkruger 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
CNod 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Katadark 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Stephen.syme 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Hunterkarl 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Anamika k1 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Martinbezglasni 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
BrandonUOFC 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
G.minniti 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Juliettedeloof 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
LauraMacFarlane 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Secred 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Evan Loura 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
BigDogLuu 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Rayna Ostapiw 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Myrandat3 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
GabrielaSA7 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Ooooli44 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Marc.esp 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Aghayevamika 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Smrtz27 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Cnickeson18 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Shaelynner 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jainasigouin 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Creed.fischer1 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Kimberlystainthorpe 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Rikotanimoto 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Hsamra101 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Olivia.lennox 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Alexhart12 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Andreaeisenbarth2495 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
MichelleNahla 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Rchaisson 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Xinyue Hong 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jodiehamilton 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jadamac7 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Gurpritbhangu 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Max.Brant 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Micayla.s 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Noah.JeromeSmith 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Zauqvad 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Nataliepatterson 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Maheenmuzam 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Sadieelder 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Zannafielding 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Angelozzimarti 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
PaoAma23 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
K2Omar 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Prjscholz 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Brikhnatee 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
VictorSolorzano1 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Muthalathu 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
AMM7600 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Bilalbest 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Mikey.V.123 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
MeganHarmon123 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Harnoormaan 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Melanie.lunde 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Maulana parker 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Darcie.setzer 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Richard.golbeck 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
MairaEjaz98 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Thecaptain29 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Aidanfehr 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Hannahtanasichuk 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jonah.mancini 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Jacqueline Bangoura 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Guccimane22 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Weiaixi 4 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Aleezah6r 4 Astro482 Spring 2019
Sophiaerintaylor 4 Astro482 Spring 2019
GeorgeSchafer 4 Astro482 Spring 2019
Mayatoffler 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Noahfine7 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Ibn1221 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Spencerdoan 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Ashleyhomolka 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Arh2owall 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Mattanikiej 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
GrantDavis123 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Shahn101 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Tylerjparisi 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Macallaway 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Camillegilbert 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Kellan410 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Chrisbarachki 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Bkaszuba 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Tshipman15 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
ThebigCW1 4 Technical Writing at YCHS--Spring 2019
Mirandaschuck 4 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Narhari7 4 Composition Theory and Practice
Aoran Wang 4 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Cathyy stout 4 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Gmorr8 4 Gender, Race, Inequality - Evidence
Elifeldman27 4 Crises and Confederation - 2019
Teddywohl3 4 Crises and Confederation - 2019
Hochphil 4 Social Inequality SOC 221
Sujin.kim509 4 Social Inequality SOC 221
Scottjfe 4 Social Inequality SOC 221
Mpattipa 4 Social Inequality SOC 221
Levineg 4 Social Inequality SOC 221
Anashash 4 Social Inequality SOC 221
Katiemanderson14 4 Social Inequality SOC 221
Ssikes4 4 Women and US Politics
Grant729 4 Women and US Politics
OiMicah 4 Tropical Fruit Production
Zparker777 4 Capitalism and Democracy
Eg29 4 Digital History
Cpantaleoz 4 Digital History
Jasongray221b 4 Digital History
Jhumby87 4 Digital History
Kleisy 4 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Drlouiset 4 Research Methods in Music for Performers
Tristenleigh 4 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Furishiya 4 Biology 102
Jadams B102 4 Biology 102
JAdams757 4 Biology 102
Asimmons1020 4 Black Sexual Politics
Ericaospies 4 Black Sexual Politics
A'ShaWard 4 Black Sexual Politics
Jasminekayy 4 Black Sexual Politics
Br$$ke10 4 ENGL1102 Composition II
Aneshiamiles4 4 ENGL1102 Composition II
Brenbav3 4 Comp II
Alexgabby813 4 Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts
HSCstudent 4 HSC 355 Bioethics
Apollock91 4 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Elliscb7 4 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Ironthrones 4 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Michael Angers 4 Many Faces of Poverty
Jspur12 4 Many Faces of Poverty
Mikeangers67 4 Many Faces of Poverty
Bobababa 4 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Caroline.cao 4 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Akwan94461789 4 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Bfrench139 4 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Israeltm01 4 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Bangyuliu 4 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Vicky.sarker 4 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Hajar Hozayen 4 ERTH 4303 Resources of the Earth
Leahnarat22 4 ENGL 121
Bperce 4 Sexuality and Politics
CurtSmithIV 4 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Cekraft 4 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Kokosigchi 4 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Seacat13 4 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Tjbfhsupsych 4 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Puddlebunns 4 World Language Policies
Anma6001 4 World Language Policies
Ethanperera12 4 World Language Policies
Phephe1234 4 World Language Policies
Rech5485 4 World Language Policies
RashedAbdulhak 4 World Language Policies
DeonJW 4 English 202-006
Jnm123097 4 English 202-006
Mandropodes 4 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Viviang77 4 Women and Gender in the Middle East
Yuanyuan chen 4 Women and Gender in the Middle East
AntonioFajardooo 4 English Composition 3738
FreakingPedia 4 Media Literacy
Zsecho 4 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
Charlottenip13 4 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
Simiansun 4 Technology and the Evolving Forms of Publishing
Romanrouse 4 The Qur'an
Stellablue95 4 The Qur'an
SavvyAlivia 4 Contemporary Art History - ART 333
Sade.kammen 4 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Stevendcal 4 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
MS Yale PhilofScience 4 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Jrsm22 4 English 101, Section 2
Julie.erickson 4 IFS201 - 35284
Taylordru30 4 State and Local Government
Pwn449 4 State and Local Government
NathanG0454 4 State and Local Government
Wndyiup 4 ENGLISH-COMP101
Mohammad561 4 SPC 1017 Honors
Morsaleenf 4 SPC 1017 Honors
Vabirly 4 Computer Science Principles
Mjs569 4 Computer Science Principles
CsextonGW 4 Evolution of the Human Brain
Azhar AEH 4 Evolution of the Human Brain
Kcf38 4 Computer Science Principles
L.charlie99 4 Language and Human Experience
Jayhinge 4 ECON 4318 Economic Data Analysis Capstone
Abdul3452 4 ECON 4318 Economic Data Analysis Capstone
Sylvia phie 4 Introduction to Policy Analysis
Inst201 test 4 Introduction to Information Studies
Jerleguillow 4 Introduction to Information Studies
Daghys 4 Introduction to Information Studies
Along350 4 Introduction to Information Studies
Omarabousaway 4 Molecular and Genome Evolution
Tleemundo 4 Molecular and Genome Evolution
Foreveranaiya 4 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
JasmineHutson 4 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
PiperW 4 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Klittle1506 4 ENGL 102 Spring 2019
Siyadm 4 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Derekmcg1 4 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Baehk506 4 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Kcromano 4 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Mckenzielynn 4 Spanish 355 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Kayeza16 4 PSY 101 General Psychology
Jesus-guero 4 Introduction to Human Biology
Bonner87 4 Introduction to Human Biology
Sal11lara 4 Introduction to Human Biology
Kn 1997 4 Introduction to Human Biology
Wildflower801 4 English 101
Whoskenny23 4 English 101
Jayward23 4 English 101
Litzelsaenz 4 English 101
Julianough 4 English 101
Pyrrik 4 English 101
Litselsaenz 4 English 101
Lenny.menjivar 4 English 101
AD23807 4 English 101
Lmenjiv180 4 English 101
Zoeyanne 4 WR121
Keanuwilliams 4 Language in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Sajones81 4 Introduction to Mass Communication
Emrekucukfirat 4 730 Making the Case for STEM Students Spring 2019
Allison Weatherly 4 ART-340
Lisbethalvarez97 4 First Year Experience Seminar
Andres.Cale001 4 First Year Experience Seminar
Ariane.Gutierrez001 4 First Year Experience Seminar
Keilyn.Martinez001 4 First Year Experience Seminar
Lidicet3 4 First Year Experience Seminar
Catherine.alonso002 4 First Year Experience Seminar
Enriquecm95 4 First Year Experience Seminar
Adriana.bueno7 4 First Year Experience Seminar
Adriana0711 4 First Year Experience Seminar
Crc437 4 Ancient Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
Ariellelink 4 Hydrology
Fishcaptian95 4 Women's and Gender Issues
Dposwiat 4 Women's and Gender Issues
Moneybags1022 4 Women's and Gender Issues
Jstuart97 4 WGST 484
Dokie96 4 WGST 484
Kfwild 4 WGST 484
QueerMichelle 4 WGST 484
Kassandracolon 4 WGST 484
Dph2 Danielle 4 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
Annayuhas 4 Foreign Literature in Translation
Joo-Josephine 4 Communication Technology and Organizations
Regplaisimond 4 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
HelaMonster 4 Plants and People
2016sjoseph 4 Plants and People
Kjtusep 4 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Ianfernandes 4 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Peter3580 4 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Kailey.haskell 4 Writing and Publishing in the Digital Age
Ezritigandax 4 Languages and Language Attitudes in USA
Eevaughn 4 Women in Art
Ah9841 4 English 260
Dkreit 4 English 260
Bleachcake 4 English 1102 T Th
Tytedford20 4 Communication and Culture
Christofalosal 4 The History of Coal
Jakeatkinson 4 The History of Coal
BCarmichael 4 ENGL 2000
Claireredden 4 Public Relations and Digital Media
Swolfe22 4 Introduction to World Religions, Western and Modern
Tchaconas 4 Introductory Sociology
Zehfussem 4 Introductory Sociology
Abbysabloff 4 Introductory Sociology
Yarelismartinez 4 Introductory Sociology
Sophiahood 4 Introductory Sociology
Corinaxelrod 4 Introductory Sociology
Virginabue 4 Introductory Sociology
Marycapretta 4 Introductory Sociology
Samanthachace 4 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Emilytouch 4 DMD LGBTQ Histories in the Museum and Other Public Spaces
Tbeau1 4 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Nleve1 4 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing
Jlr2426 4 Popular Culture in America
Courtlandcarr1 4 Popular Culture in America
Acerbicsnake 4 Cold War Science
SethRoganfan337 4 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Justinmasoner 4 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Jhuang93 4 Media, Politics, and Public Health
Apanaka1 4 Media, Politics, and Public Health
Mariadreaming9 4 Media, Politics, and Public Health
Aley2019 4 Media, Politics, and Public Health
LARams03 4 Civil Engineering Economy
Sylviaja409 4 Neuroscience 470
BoyJones277 4 Neuroscience 470
Hallekneece 4 Neuroscience 470
ProcrastinationNation117 4 Neuroscience 470
Risherb 4 Neuroscience 470
Kinseyjones 4 Neuroscience 470
Okwunne 4 Neuroscience 470
RedddyOrNot 4 Neuroscience 470
Boogey61 4 ENG121-110
Erwtty 4 ENG121-110
Piggy cloud 4 ENG121-110
Snmorris 4 ENG121-110
NytaeshiaM 4 ENG121-110
Teegy.11 4 ENG121-110
Fanoffantasynscifi 4 ENG121-113
BrennanHeitz 4 ENG121-113
Andrew0626 4 ENG121-113
Dlucero03 4 ENG121-113
JerryE300 4 ENG121-113
Zimpix 4 ENG121-113
Suazz23 4 ENG121-113
Flaguna 4 ENG121-113
Bobbyflay007 4 ENG121-113
Mrivera2599 4 ENG121-113
Rebecca1067 4 ENG121-113
Wwicherski 4 Remote Sensing 2019
TaylerBranson 4 Remote Sensing 2019
Brho7565 4 Remote Sensing 2019
Momo7112 4 Remote Sensing 2019
Roufa kin 4 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
JazmynBarrow 4 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Jndv222 4 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
CornishB 4 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Tbhatia54365 4 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Nkrahn210 4 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
ChiaraPolillo23 4 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Theresa.do0803 4 ENGW 30306, Advanced Writing for the Health Sciences
Vancleavage 4 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
SColbert6526 4 LIB 100 Sec 1 and 3 Information Fluency in the Digital World
Giolinea 4 Islam in America
LiberryCobbler 4 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
Asprottg 4 Sacred Arts of Japan
Hsyler 4 Sacred Arts of Japan
Fallenscast 4 LIBR 1 Working with Sources
Saul.danial 4 English 1302
Jackpayne11 4 English 1302
DairaZapata 4 English 1302
Tariqb24 4 English 1302
Alondrruuhh 4 English 1302
Paolaam22 4 English 1302
Daniellopezcor 4 English 1302
Bassey Wilson 4 English 1302
Dericktiangeh 4 English 1302
Agrappe 4 English 1302
Adrian1kk 4 English 1302
Alfonsoag2018 4 English 1302
Rosaemagana 4 English 1302
Bismah pepto 4 English 1302
Benmaklary 4 HIS 1302 Honors US History Since 1877
Cabrini Ander 4 Latin American Social Theory 2019
Asilveri22! 4 IFS201-35293
Heymynameisben 4 IFS201-35293
Gffase 4 Islamic Art and Architecture
Yhamwi 4 Islamic Art and Architecture
Kamilavasquez 4 Islamic Art and Architecture
ElsaHerri 4 Islamic Art and Architecture
Hccho9075 4 Islamic Art and Architecture
Sangwookpark1 4 Islamic Art and Architecture
Aewebb 4 Chem4011
Asmat2018 4 Chem4011
Twinja 4 Chem4011
Jackie the chemist 4 Chem4011
Hfrede6 4 Chem4011
Mengzm 4 Chem4011
Hexuxian 4 Chem4011
Tkastens 4 Introduction to Archives and Digital Curation
CatCoddler 4 Renegades - The American School of Architecture
RedhawkLion! 4 Biology of Sex and Gender
Lookout 30 4 ENG 122_022
Sawaged21 4 ENG 122_022
Alisson 1119 4 ENG 122_022
Ahmed.abdi12 4 ENG 122_022
Talha.qureshi29 4 ENG 122_022
Pawmalie 4 ENG 122_022
Aliss19 4 ENG 122_022
Reyna amt 4 ENG 122_02L
Whylock 4 ENG 122_02L
Binazira12 4 ENG 122_02L
Cgatewood20 4 ENG 122_02L
Britneywil 4 ENG 122_02L
Sertor13 4 ENG 122_02L
Vgiac1 4 Academic Inquiry 1215
Studentbodyunh 4 Academic Inquiry 1215
Tcpete.h2o 4 HIST 358
Kylaj 4 Human Development in Local and Global Communities
Lincdowns 4 Medical City Weatherford WikiMed Project
Ksembly1 4 Black Culture in a Post-Soul Era
Rcbyrd 4 Writing in Digital Environments
BasiltheCat 4 Later Indigenous Literatures
Aliyehx 4 Later Indigenous Literatures
Blondon4 4 Later Indigenous Literatures
Loganrush2 4 FREC 4454
Scotts08 4 FREC 4454
ArbormanDave 4 FREC 4454
Hokiesong23 4 FREC 4454
Daddyarbor69 4 FREC 4454
Treeguy7 4 FREC 4454
Willph8 4 FREC 4454
ArbormanTell 4 FREC 4454
Rbauserman 4 FREC 4454
Jennychen8306 4 Introduction to Information Science
Yvettenaomi 4 Introduction to Information Science
Jqha 4 Introduction to Information Science
Saheeljain 4 Introduction to Information Science
Alanc321 4 Introduction to Information Science
Miabenn 4 Introduction to Information Science
Jfuente03 4 Introduction to Information Science
Ayesha0616 4 Introduction to Information Science
Betzmosk 4 Introduction to Information Science
Kelvin Kamara 4 Introduction to Information Science
Amberowens 4 Introduction to Information Science
GreenTech1 4 Introduction to Information Science
Reinesm 4 Introduction to Information Science
Glippygloppy 4 Introduction to Information Science
J8th 4 Introduction to Information Science
FasterRabbit 4 Introduction to Information Science
Terrapins1998 4 Introduction to Information Science
Ronish11 4 Introduction to Information Science
Natelp 4 Introduction to Information Science
Nonjon 4 Introduction to Information Science
Turf15 4 Introduction to Information Science
Kevinoh96 4 Introduction to Information Science
Annikaacuna 4 Introduction to Information Science
Asriniv4 4 Introduction to Information Science
Jhenrici 4 Introduction to Information Science
Jpdumm 66 4 Introduction to Information Science
Odissen 4 Introduction to Information Science
Thedrcalvin 4 Introduction to Information Science
Xandersmead 4 Introduction to Information Science
Bfedil 4 Introduction to Information Science
Rdhamank 4 Introduction to Information Science
Andros.cyang 4 Introduction to Information Science
Maxbeezyyy 4 Introduction to Information Science
Rkapoor1217 4 Introduction to Information Science
SenPapio 4 Introduction to Information Science
FaybenM 4 Introduction to Information Science
Spayne1 4 Introduction to Information Science
UjwalGup 4 Introduction to Information Science
Sambarlage 4 Introduction to Information Science
Mbarnet1 4 Introduction to Information Science
WoodenJars 4 Introduction to Information Science
Usa1234567890 4 Introduction to Information Science
Herooyui 4 Introduction to Information Science
Ajones56 4 Introduction to Information Science
Shiv.agarwal1024 4 Introduction to Information Science
Gjoyce15 4 Introduction to Information Science
Lcdsouza 4 Introduction to Information Science
Aloshajeffers 4 Introduction to Information Science
Chippem 4 Introduction to Information Science
Echoy312 4 Introduction to Information Science
Kkx0703 4 Introduction to Information Science
Scrawfo99 4 Introduction to Information Science
Junetian 4 Introduction to Information Science
NikhilThakur1 4 Introduction to Information Science
Shn vng4 4 Introduction to Information Science
Jhersh 47 4 Introduction to Information Science
Compsci22 4 Introduction to Information Science
Rimalanu 4 Introduction to Information Science
GusHenriquez99 4 Introduction to Information Science
Calda1053 4 Introduction to Information Science
PoroAndNeedy 4 Introduction to Information Science
Cpeters7 4 Introduction to Information Science
Cchang98 4 Introduction to Information Science
Povni 4 Introduction to Information Science
Lucid387 4 Introduction to Information Science
Vidur gupta1 4 Introduction to Information Science
Rmirmotahari 4 Introduction to Information Science
Itsnotcharlie 4 Introduction to Information Science
Adamgialil24 4 Introduction to Information Science
Edisonchen0820 4 Introduction to Information Science
Juliahiner 4 Introduction to Information Science
Kswhite15 4 Introduction to Information Science
1 In-A-Million GigglesTerp 4 Introduction to Information Science
Kevinjuneoh 4 Introduction to Information Science
Agroesch 4 Introduction to Information Science
Imarshall98 4 Introduction to Information Science
LeahS2 4 Introduction to Information Science
1apat 4 Introduction to Information Science
Ylee0225 4 Introduction to Information Science
Moodham 4 Introduction to Information Science
Ybulcho 4 Introduction to Information Science
Nlin0472 4 Introduction to Information Science
Sarah 629 4 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Global Perspectives
Benjaminyeh 4 Social Movements and Social Media
Alectrebeck 4 Social Movements and Social Media
Srujayk 4 Social Movements and Social Media
Jagriff22 4 Introduction to Biology II
Jtwooby 4 Introduction to Biology II
Jessduch 4 Introduction to Biology II
Dvanstee 4 Introduction to Biology II
Ckaczor2 4 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society Section 03
Areiner2 4 Digital Media Literacy
Isatucker1 4 Digital Media Literacy
InvisibleMonster11 4 Digital Media Literacy
ShainaGolden 4 Digital Media Literacy
CodyCardenas54 4 Digital Media Literacy
Afalero1 4 Digital Media Literacy
Dangillmor 4 Digital Media Literacy
Rtutnick 4 Digital Media Literacy
Wikieditor474747 4 Digital Media Literacy
Theerebecca 4 Digital Media Literacy
Snvaugh1 4 Digital Media Literacy
Cbcarte1 4 Digital Media Literacy
Ebursley 4 Digital Media Literacy
Xairxx 4 Social Protests of the 1960s
Cchuay12689 4 Social Protests of the 1960s
Peirst17 4 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Thesoulofverity 4 Taking the Archives Public
Eshirley60 4 Introduction to Information Studies
Kybramer1 4 Composition 101
Branpeters 4 Composition 101
RJStrnisha 4 Composition 101
Tyler watss99 4 Composition 101
Neasha995 4 Composition 101
Branden Hendricks 4 Composition 101
Kybramer 4 Composition 101
Lpederse 4 T325
Vgajewski 4 T325
Tmlazic 4 T325
Jschutko 4 T325
MadyEllinger 4 Baroque and Rococo Art
Luciegundlach 4 Baroque and Rococo Art
Angmelgarc 4 Baroque and Rococo Art
Neema125 4 Women in the Economy
Ajones185 4 Modern and Contemporary Art
Sowen5school 4 Modern and Contemporary Art
Bangtrinhnguyen 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Cbui70 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Mlwarhola 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Klaudine10 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Saku-cx5 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Gerritdorn98 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Isitjimmy 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Htran553 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Artylover 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Ckim107 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Avonggwc 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Regina Olachea 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Alicevu134pa 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
HeroicFable 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Faithh13 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Miguelcardenas106 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Ndeleon1001 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
DevynMarieGwc 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Seabastianv 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Travistamayo 4 Renaissance to Modern Art
Petruc10 4 Microbial Biotechnology
Microblue1105 4 Microbial Biotechnology
Witzkelu 4 Microbial Biotechnology
Valmbond 4 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Picklepeeler 4 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Tritney 4 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
OGOCC 4 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Haileypendergrass 4 English 2
MorganCotter 4 English 2
Rileylemons 4 English 2
Kmarie98 4 English 2
Flanaganjo 4 English 2
Jolenerocks 4 English 2
Tjh237 4 Black Speculative Thought
Kep226 4 Black Speculative Thought
Ia227 4 Black Speculative Thought
Mo424 4 Black Speculative Thought
Kaw244 4 Black Speculative Thought
Jmz73 4 Black Speculative Thought
Jgk79 4 Black Speculative Thought
Aa739 4 Black Speculative Thought
Filycisse 4 Black Speculative Thought
One-T627 4 Black Speculative Thought
Katiejungx 4 Black Speculative Thought
Nnwankpa 4 Black Speculative Thought
Afu78 4 Black Speculative Thought
Nicholas K Gibson 4 Black Speculative Thought
Lyncha1 4 The Writing of History - Cultures of US Imperialism
Audrey J. Parks 4 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Gfbarron 4 Sex and Sexuality in Jewish History and Culture
Timalv100 4 African American Art
Colman.lamb 4 African American Art
Solcaliber 4 Art 200 33256
Cjpillen 4 ART 366
Faitharch 4 Art 200 33256
Gitanerouge 4 Art 200 33256
Lindsay Hynes 4 Art 200 33256
StephSmith0616 4 Art 200 33256
Jamie erickson 4 Art 200 33256
Cameronnaj 4 Art 200 33256
Breendaaa 4 Art 200 33256
Lucas sprouse 4 Art 200 33256
Sofiacena97 4 Art 200 33256
Aislynswift 4 Art 200 33256
Agombert 4 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Jessicannjones 4 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Michaelleon724 4 FA 104 IK2
JeroenS999 4 ENGL 1001-15 English Composition
Zo1991 4 Information and Technology
MilaaJ1993 4 Information and Technology
Junkim19 4 Information and Technology
Annodla1 4 Information and Technology
IshJ2020 4 Information and Technology
Sashayork 4 Information and Technology
Euniqueallen2019 4 Information and Technology
Munaaali 4 Information and Technology
Ayeazel 4 Israeli Politics and Society
JMJAMAL97 4 Israeli Politics and Society
Sanchezarias 4 Israeli Politics and Society
Mcollado01 4 History 304, Medieval Europe
Liz sossan 4 History 304, Medieval Europe
Jsteele01 4 History 304, Medieval Europe
Albdude 4 History 304, Medieval Europe
Reillylove 4 History 304, Medieval Europe
Johnathaniel 4 History 304, Medieval Europe
Mimimathis 4 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
DarkRedd 4 Orality, Literacy, Computer Technology
Yvonneg27 4 Advanced Genetics
Haileywelb 4 Advanced Genetics
DouglasMEDU 4 IFS201 Information in a Post Truth World
Carlymacfarland 4 NFPM 235 Strategic Communication
KayleyPontillo 4 Public History
LindsayEYoung 4 Political Science and Public Policy Wikipedia Workshop
Violagirl99 4 Political Science and Public Policy Wikipedia Workshop
Zywhy95 4 Political Science and Public Policy Wikipedia Workshop
Kameileung 4 Biochemistry Lab 378
Panastacio 4 Biochemistry Lab 378
Crowsr 4 Women in Media
Lenerttl 4 Women in Media
Brandon cool12 4 Women in Media
Richardstl4 4 Women in Media
Brandonrules12 4 Women in Media
Saranicwill 4 Women in Media
Kortneycarmouche 4 Women in Media
Nscpsy101 4 PSY 101
Jtertz 4 Research as Narrative
Raleighrain 4 Dinosaur Science
Cheesnator 4 Dinosaur Science
Wuitchik 4 Marine Biology- BI260
Nickray17 4 Marine Biology- BI260
RCIfan 4 A History of Native America
Marcustucker 4 English 1B
Bwong56 4 English 1B
Alinabolt 4 English 1B
Jerrymonge123 4 English 1B
Gabriella02 4 English 1B
Marshas2 4 English 1B
Aldaijo 4 English 1B
Ronaldsaavedra10 4 English 1B
Ssmitty62 4 English 1B
Mkinney0 4 English 1B
Cestoque 4 English 1B
WinlemTeki 4 Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership
Sm1772 4 Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership
MSM1772 4 Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership
LittleSquirrel72 4 Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership
Eeitel 4 Organic Geochemistry 2019
Josuesalass 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Erod316 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
MMays44 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Zbardos 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
SierraNoelle 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Agudino96 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Jferrant 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Jtaylo38 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Makaylaenochs34 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Rcurry3 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Carter4ya 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Earrie 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
RJGreen97 4 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Jimmygash28 4 American Government 120
MattEvans527 4 Conservation Genetics
Dorothycurrier 4 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Zpayne2689 4 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Cameronskarritt 4 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
MaxwellTsekrekasKeene 4 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Donovanh10 4 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Mbf1005 4 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
AJennings49 4 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Rdurso4 4 IIINFO-399-01 Information Policy
Chad.hammons 4 Comp II 70010
Brandyn.trainor 4 Comp II 70010
Wintermosher 4 Comp II 70010
Jacob soto 4 Comp II 70159
Swopnil1 4 Comp II 70159
Hannahdarke 4 Comp II 70159
Jmax2401 4 Comp II 70159
LauraleePoplinski 4 Comp II 70159
CBlanck 4 Christianities in Antiquity
TERRIBOW1 4 Christianities in Antiquity
RLT4of8 4 Christianities in Antiquity
A.b.heeren 4 Christianities in Antiquity
Petagara 4 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Jakemoniker 4 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Samichesbrough 4 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Beth.etsuko 4 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Jax Hansen 4 INTL 350U - The city in Europe
Jengeliii 4 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Dulcerod 4 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Groch006 4 Radical Women in Latin American Art
Sruiz032 4 Radical Women in Latin American Art
DimetriusA 4 Morphological Analysis
Mdegaspe 4 Amazon A Cultural History
Marisasw 4 Amazon A Cultural History
Twileman 4 Amazon A Cultural History
Skargo13 4 Curating Cultures
Angelgtz99 4 Curating Cultures
Agalv009 4 Curating Cultures
Cp1006 4 Curating Cultures
Wolfkingwarrior 4 Curating Cultures
BamBamKaam31 4 English Composition 3738
Annale2128 4 FemiKorea
Sjimenezjr 4 FemiKorea
Jdponi 4 English 1102 053
Mezepeda 4 Re-Imagining Global Korea: The Art of Protest and Social Change
Katie2018ALR 4 Advanced Legal Research
Ramattisha 4 Plant Behavior
Yingying Dai 4 Plant Behavior
Megnaughton 4 HIS 101
Jsuarez31 4 HIS 101
AustinR09 4 HIS 101
Nichalas09 4 HIS 101
Laurie Lubin 4 HIS 101
SarahKelliher 4 HIS 101
Casidycriscione 4 HIS 101
Haleigh Diaz 4 HIS 101
VinCenZo147 4 HIS 101
Sanzalone 4 Multi-Camera Production
SuppleC17 4 Multi-Camera Production
Chris.Gibbons22 4 Multi-Camera Production
Mlevitt1732 4 Multi-Camera Production
Mduffy7 4 Basin Studies
SabSilv 4 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
YingKang 4 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Felix Murithi 4 English 123 Reading the Harlem Renaissance Spring 2019
Chlihong 3 Digital Pedagogy with U-M Library
Laurie620 3 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
Tforstal1 3 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Alexgarc99 3 IL 101
Ash-kiwii 3 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Maverick0300 3 Composition I - Writing Wikipedia
Cfern332 3 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Lilybarragan 3 ENGL1102 Composition II
Swindlerob1234 3 World Language Policies
Bhackos 3 World Language Policies
Harrison.holmes 3 World Language Policies
NatalieGRogge 3 World Language Policies
Celenekollinger 3 ENGLISH-COMP101
Cbooher21 3 ENGLISH-COMP101
KameronCarr 3 ENGLISH-COMP101
Cmmarsh14 3 Contemporary Slavery
HCAF 3 Global Change, Ecosystems and the Earth System ENVIRSC 3BO3
Rplaia 3 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Champangemami 3 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
DameyaC 3 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Almightyaxolotl 3 ENG121-110
Choijinh 3 Writing for the Web
Arborwoman 3 FREC 4454
Jrami29 3 Introduction to Information Science
Nickxshew 3 Digital Media Literacy
Wikieditor5674 3 Digital Media Literacy
Aniofsuburbia 3 Social Protests of the 1960s
Gguzman23 3 Social Protests of the 1960s
Phrontisterium 3 Social Protests of the 1960s
Brendaaldape 3 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Arw249 3 Black Speculative Thought
Vixotic 3 Information and Technology
Adamdieball 3 MGMT 430 Management Ethics
Fengyuhui 3 UW1020 M82
Walkervjohn 3 Multi-Camera Production
BaddieJB 2 Relationships and Digital Media
Roosssssssaaa 2 HIEA 124 Life in Ming China
Ericngros 2 Capitalism and Democracy
Taty P 2 Black Sexual Politics
Mlconte 2 ENGLISH-COMP101
Pt9913a 2 Language and Human Experience
Elucier3 2 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
AStrahm 2 PSYC 480, History and Systems of Psychology
Ayousuf8 2 ENG 122_022
LazaroSandoval 2 ENG 122_02L
Npign1 2 Academic Inquiry 0430
Digital media literacy walton 2 Digital Media Literacy
Ant0244 2 Social Protests of the 1960s
Crosenberg98 2 Taking the Archives Public
Mictruckey 2 T325
Nikkothegreat 2 Information and Technology
Nicolemathews 2 Biochemistry Lab 378
Yailylozada 1 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing
Vgarg98 1 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Brikaug 1 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Alexefimov28 1 Computer Science Principles
1KendalHarris 1 Public Relations and Digital Media
HoneyBee91 1 Cold War Science
Tgilb1 1 Academic Inquiry 1215
JuleeAnnA 1 Digital Media Literacy
Fstrumil 1 Digital Media Literacy
Mroseholler 1 Digital Media Literacy
Shaeunlee 1 Digital Media Literacy
Bornagojo96 1 LIB290 Critical Approaches to Wikipedia
Imaginaryfish 0 Invertebrate Zoology
Verbolten2357 0 Society, Ethics, and Technology
Laurynnn c 0 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
Ahryanaa 0 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
LcannadyXU 0 XCOR 1000, The City as Text
A.scouse 0 Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings
Gabriellasantelli 0 Employment Law for Business
Gisellerecinos 0 Employment Law for Business
Phanest22 0 Employment Law for Business
Nsawall 0 IL 101
Lexidunlop 0 IL 101
Luc.facchini 0 GLGY 209 - Introduction to Geology
Chamon9 0 ENGL1102 Composition II
KierraAshley 0 ENGL1102 Composition II
Acevedoj 0 Public Choice 2019
Gibbonscarly 0 Public Choice 2019
Ebalac 0 HST 304 Stalinism - Society and Culture
Kabg2 0 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Circadian banana 0 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Patwsheehan 0 Bio 4030 Biological Clocks 2019
Rburton 0 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Taylorla 0 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Ruizpaulina 0 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Ashl4 0 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Whfulbri 0 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Shelbyanderson26 0 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Jessicajanos 0 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Averyrw 0 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Abandhy 0 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Aadevinney 0 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
Kmsamuelson 0 Helping Giving Away Psychological Science
D hilburn 0 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Klallen96 0 Experimental Psychology Laboratory
Angryflyingdolphins 0 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Midwestmich99 0 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Cal.oasis 0 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Funfettiqueen 0 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
MooCow1 0 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Simhhyena 0 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Breadyornot 0 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy - Coleman Lab
Ylw01 0 Philosophy of science and the study of politics
Bayleebanks 0 ENGLISH-COMP101
MirNub215 0 ENGLISH-COMP101
Elisabeth19 0 Language and Human Experience
Syedshah7866 0 Molecular and Genome Evolution
Killion97 0 Introduction to Human Biology
Aangellgarciia 0 Introduction to Human Biology
Ainaheise 0 Introduction to Human Biology
Frank Vega 0 First Year Experience Seminar
Gratitudenoah 0 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
KennethBernard 0 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Enna B Law 0 Hip Hop Music Culture Herstories
Ty Tedford 0 Communication and Culture
Teais4me 0 Endocrinology
Jdallavi 0 FR 2806B - La morphologie et la syntaxe
Joan Mulindwa 0 ENG 122_02L
Randilones24 0 ENG 122_02L
Estaciojames87 0 ENG 122_02L
Maryayilma 0 ENG 122_02L
Sophiacruz52 0 ENG 122_02L
CarltEvins 0 ENG 122_02L
EvaGarcia1314 0 ENG 122_02L
AriannaS.A 0 ENG 122_02L
Robert Obeso 0 ENG 122_02L
Vle25 0 ENG 122_02L
Lbern3 0 Academic Inquiry 1215
Acode1 0 Academic Inquiry 1215
Chrithtinaa 0 Digital Media Literacy
Stephanieannb 0 Digital Media Literacy
Wikieditor468 0 Digital Media Literacy
Champitch 0 Digital Media Literacy
Rrcourtney 0 Digital Media Literacy
SethWorsham423 0 Digital Media Literacy
Madisonmarks1313 0 Digital Media Literacy
Leelee959595 0 Digital Media Literacy
Alexiszoke 0 Digital Media Literacy
Stubler27 0 Digital Media Literacy
Alexisszoke 0 Digital Media Literacy
Leynathvo1 0 Digital Media Literacy
Wikieditor7894 0 Digital Media Literacy
Juannemarie1 0 Digital Media Literacy
IcDvl 0 Digital Media Literacy
Alecmarie83 0 Digital Media Literacy
Wadeasutempe1 0 Digital Media Literacy
Teoab 0 Social Protests of the 1960s
Amar402 0 Social Protests of the 1960s
Cindyy8 0 Social Protests of the 1960s
Beatzmen 0 Renaissance to Modern Art
SavannahHill2019 0 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
Schauas 0 ENGH 240 - Intro to WCS
L.Polk 0 Public History
Mistycausey 0 Public History
Kaiserm484 0 English 1102 143