Articles Created
Articles Edited
Total Edits
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Student Editors


are up-to-date with training

Words Added
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References Added

This is the number of reference tags and shortened footnote templates added to articles, and can include multiple references to the same source. The data comes from the reference-counter Toolforge API.

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Article Views

This is the estimated number of views based on a 30-day average for each article, through the most recent stats update. Views may decrease if the updated average is lower than previous counts.

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Commons Uploads


files used in articles


total usages across languages

Last statistics update: over 5 years ago. See more

Foundations of Academic and Professional Writing--ELS

Designed for high intermediate ELS students to review and practice accurate grammar, effective sentence and paragraph structure, punctuation, and word choice. Short weekly writing assignments utilizing students’ own research and other course work, with extensive revision required. As a final project, students learn to evaluate Wikipedia articles and then either write a new article or significantly add to an existing one, practicing planning (including posting planned additions/edits on the article's Talk page), peer reviewing, revising, and editing.

  • There is nothing on the schedule for this week.