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COMM 7260

WIKIPEDIA ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION: In this assignment, you will create or edit a Wikipedia article on a concept in science and/or risk communication.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This graduate seminar examines science and risk as central concepts in the communication process. These concepts are intrinsically interdisciplinary. Therefore, the course will rely on literature from a range of disciplines and perspectives, such as communication, psychology, sociology, and political science. Case studies will be drawn from various issues and cultural contexts, including controversial scientific, environmental, technological, or health topics.

There are two main goals for this course. First, it will provide an overview of all aspects of strategic communication in the context of science and risk and examine questions such as: how do people form opinions about risky or controversial scientific topics and make decisions about them? How do mass media cover science and risk, and what impact does coverage have on public perceptions?

The second goal is to stimulate ideas for original research in the fields of science and risk communication. At the end of the semester, each student will be expected to be sufficiently familiar with the field to propose an original study of their own choosing.

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