Fall 2024 Articles

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References Added

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Wiki Courses
African-American culture 8201 8 40.5K en.wikipedia University at Albany SUNY/Black American Music F24 (Fall 2024)
Louisville Cardinals football 8191 18 28.7K en.wikipedia Arcadia University/Seems Legit (Fall 2024)
George Robert Russell 8188 12 177 en.wikipedia Cal Poly Pomona/Early American History Graduate Seminar (Fall 2024)
Alyson Zalta 8188 23 78 en.wikipedia Marymount University - FLP Program/FLP511AB (Fall 2024)
Toner (skin care) 8184 20 13.4K en.wikipedia University of Washington/Online Communities (Fall 2024)
Pan-Grave culture 8168 15 1.24K en.wikipedia California State University San Bernardino/Ancient Egyptian Archaeology Fall 2024 (Fall 2024)
Phageome 8165 23 203 en.wikipedia North Carolina State University/Microbial Symbiosis and Microbiomes (Fall 2024)
Southwest Network for Economic and Environmental Justice 8164 39 100 en.wikipedia Arizona State University/Environment and Justice - fall 2024 (Fall)
International Council on Archives 8161 2 1.26K en.wikipedia University of Arizona/International Organizations (Fall 2024)
Coulter pine 8141 26 9.87K en.wikipedia UCBerkeley/California Natural History Fall 2024 (Fall 2024)
Xeno nucleic acid 8137 13 1.75K en.wikipedia Florida State University/Adv Molec Biol Bass-FSU-Fa24 (Fall 2024)
How to Succeed in Witchcraft 8130 40 462 en.wikipedia The College of Wooster/Introduction to Global Queer Studies (Fall)
Slump (sports) 8123 18 426 en.wikipedia University of Washington/Online Communities (Fall 2024)
Chiropractic controversy and criticism 8120 22 5.49K en.wikipedia TCU School of Medicine/TCU SOM Wikipedia Elective Fall 2024 Block 6A (Fall 2024)
European Food Safety Authority 8114 12 3.42K en.wikipedia University of Pittsburgh/Intro to Technical Writing (Fall 2024)
Claude Catherine de Clermont 8113 21 482 en.wikipedia Brigham Young University/European Women's History (Fall 2024)
Gargoyle 8111 27 42.9K en.wikipedia University of Richmond/ARTH 212-02 Medieval European Art (Fall 2024)
Hannah Marie Wormington 8107 12 226 en.wikipedia University of Maryland/Introduction to Museum Scholarship (Fall 2024)
Post-work society 8088 9 6.4K en.wikipedia Purdue/Technology and Culture (Fall)
Elsa Laula Renberg 8079 25 388 en.wikipedia Brown University/Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies (Fall)
Coltan mining and ethics 8075 24 1.96K en.wikipedia Western Washington University/Extractivism and its Alternatives in Latin America (Fall 2024)
Crispin Gonzalez 8066 18 79 en.wikipedia University of Notre Dame/Latinx Art and Activism (Fall 2024)
Vietnamese boat people 8061 17 30.7K en.wikipedia CSULB/Hist401Fall2024-Hamilton (Fall)
Jaquira Díaz 8050 5 709 en.wikipedia Rutgers University Newark/Reading Latine Literature (Fall 2024)
Queer death studies 8025 15 150 en.wikipedia The College of Wooster/Introduction to Global Queer Studies (Fall)
To Live (novel) 8022 4 6K en.wikipedia New York University/Writing Workshop (Fall 2024)
Jazz ambassadors 8018 21 2.49K en.wikipedia CSULB/Fall 2024 HIST 401 (Fall)
Great Valley Grasslands State Park 8016 10 410 en.wikipedia UCBerkeley/California Natural History Fall 2024 (Fall 2024)
Central Valley (California) 8015 14 22.5K en.wikipedia University of the Pacific/Health and the Environment in the Central Valley (Fall 2024)
Germinal (1993 film) 8009 12 1.58K en.wikipedia Middle Tennessee State University/French Film (Fall)
East Mani 7998 26 287 en.wikipedia Georgetown University/WRIT 1150-26, Writing for Others (Fall 2024)
Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future 7997 20 93 en.wikipedia The George Washington University/University Writing 1020 Communicating Feminism MW 1 pm (Fall 2024)
Ursula Kemp 7997 22 1.51K en.wikipedia Brigham Young University/European Women's History (Fall 2024)
Andropogon virginicus 7981 16 1.12K en.wikipedia Catawba College/BIOL 3575 Plant Taxonomy - 2024 (Fall 2024)
Emotional self-regulation 7969 14 11.3K en.wikipedia BYUIdaho/Adult Development Fall 2024 (Fall)
Therapeutic ultrasound 7967 31 2.1K en.wikipedia Vanderbilt University School of Medicine/WikiMed Fall 2024 (Fall 2024)
Therapeutic ultrasound 7967 31 2.25K en.wikipedia UCSF School of Medicine/WikiMed Oct-Nov 2024 UCSF SOM (Fall 2024)
Artificial intelligence in architecture 7964 6 455 en.wikipedia University of Pittsburgh/Intro to Technical Writing (Fall 2024)
Zach King 7964 13 19.1K en.wikipedia University of New Hampshire/CMN622 Digital Rhetoric (Fall 2024)
Richard Moore (activist) 7952 11 73 en.wikipedia Arizona State University/Environment and Justice - fall 2024 (Fall)
Jurimetrics 7944 12 737 en.wikipedia Washington University in St. Louis/Signals, Data, and Equity (Fall 2024)
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization 7942 8 550 en.wikipedia University of Arizona/International Organizations (Fall 2024)
Julien Hébert 7931 10 382 fr.wikipedia Université de Montréal/Histoire du design d'intérieur (Automne 2024)
Umm El Qa'ab 7930 21 3.22K en.wikipedia California State University San Bernardino/Ancient Egyptian Archaeology Fall 2024 (Fall 2024)
Attitude-behavior consistency 7906 9 338 en.wikipedia University of Toronto/PSY326 Social Cognition (Fall 2024)
Nashwa Eassa 7903 16 353 en.wikipedia Howard University/Introduction to Contemporary Africa Group 3 (Fall)
Gender inequality in Honduras 7897 17 322 en.wikipedia Lewis and Clark College/Immigration and Asylum Law (Fall 2024)
Leonardo's robot 7895 38 5.33K en.wikipedia University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering/WRIT 340 for Engineers - Fall 2024 -MW 330-450 (Fall 2024)
User-generated content 7854 14 15.6K en.wikipedia University of Houston-Clear Lake/Social Media (Fall)
Docimology 7848 5 127 en.wikipedia Washington University in St. Louis/Signals, Data, and Equity (Fall 2024)
Refugee 7845 19 10.5K en.wikipedia University of California, Berkeley/Global Poverty and Practice (Fall 2024)
Airway obstruction 7830 33 4.16K en.wikipedia University of Central Florida College of Medicine/WikiProject Medicine Fall 2024 UCF COM - Block 6 (6)
Susan Brennan 7823 25 206 en.wikipedia CUNY Graduate Center/EDPSY717 (Fall 2024)
KCNK13 7822 11 81 en.wikipedia Brigham Young University/BYU-Biophysics, CELL 568 (Fall2024)
Health communication 7819 13 1.75K en.wikipedia Palm Beach State College/Honors SPC 1017 Fall 2024 (Fall)
Maypole 7799 14 14.1K en.wikipedia Cooper Union/Dance and Society (Fall 2024)
Parasitic pneumonia 7793 20 479 en.wikipedia Western Michigan University Homer Styker MD School of Medicine/MEDU 9330 - Expanded WikiProject Medicine (November 18 - December 15, 2024)
Donna Schmidt Anderson 7790 12 337 en.wikipedia University of Calgary/Earth 209 - Introduction to Geology (Fall 2024)
Insect ecology 7788 15 1.41K en.wikipedia North Carolina State University/Microbial Symbiosis and Microbiomes (Fall 2024)
Saber-sheath trachea 7783 14 261 en.wikipedia Western Michigan University Homer Styker MD School of Medicine/MEDU 9330 - Expanded WikiProject Medicine (November 18 - December 15, 2024)
Secondary metabolite 7777 14 16.2K en.wikipedia University of Mississippi/Introduction to Chemical Ecology (Fall 2024)
Oemleria cerasiformis 7770 46 869 en.wikipedia Whitworth University/Organismal Diversity (Fall 2024)
Orbis spike 7757 15 587 en.wikipedia University of Oklahoma/Anth1913 (Fall)
Conflicto del Bajo Aguán 7735 13 132 es.wikipedia Boise State University/Spanish Senior Seminar (Fall 2024)
Principle of humanity 7716 7 689 en.wikipedia University of Washington/Online Communities (Fall 2024)
Rupert García 7715 10 523 en.wikipedia University of Notre Dame/Latinx Art and Activism (Fall 2024)
T. T. Waterman 7712 21 209 en.wikipedia University of Maryland/Introduction to Museum Scholarship (Fall 2024)
Mental illness in media 7709 13 1K en.wikipedia University of Rhode Island/Digital Media Literacy (Fall)
Licking County, Ohio 7690 17 6.19K en.wikipedia Denison University/W101 - First Year Writing Workshop - S23 (Fall 2024)
Mosque 7690 9 57.6K en.wikipedia Stanford University/Introduction to Islamic Art History (Fall 2024)
American Clean Energy and Security Act 7682 17 2.71K en.wikipedia University of Michigan-Dearborn/Environmental Politics (Fall 2024)
The Secret Kingdom: NEK Chand, a Changing India, and a Hidden World of Art, Candlewick Press 2018 7670 8 66 en.wikipedia Colorado State University/Children's Literature and Popular Culture (Fall 2024)
John Myers Swan 7668 8 167 en.wikipedia University of Pennsylvania/Medical missionaries to Community Partners (Fall 2024)
Artemisia abrotanum 7665 16 2.95K en.wikipedia Whitworth University/Organismal Diversity (Fall 2024)
Ottonian architecture 7660 17 2.06K en.wikipedia University of Richmond/ARTH 212-01 Medieval European Art (Fall 2024)
Charles L. Robinson 7660 29 682 en.wikipedia Georgetown University/WRIT 1150-26, Writing for Others (Fall 2024)
Q50379073 7659 5 34 .wikidata University of Maryland/Introduction to Museum Scholarship (Fall 2024)
I've Lost My Head (Ntobela) 7657 18 242 en.wikipedia University of Rochester/Writing on Art (fall 2024)
ELIZA 7656 9 81.8K en.wikipedia Purdue/Technology and Culture (Fall)
Tourism in Hawaii 7652 13 4.89K en.wikipedia Indiana University/Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Fall)
Battle of Chapultepec 7650 19 23.3K en.wikipedia CSU Stanislaus/United States and Latin America (Fall 2024)
Chair Standing on its Head (2001) 7639 11 160 en.wikipedia University of Rochester/Writing on Art (fall 2024)
Jaime Black 7629 4 892 en.wikipedia Concordia/Media and Gender F24 (Fall)
Alex Hanna (research scientist) 7626 16 332 en.wikipedia North Carolina Central University/Artificial Intelligence and Law (Fall 2024)
High-intensity interval training 7623 13 32.1K en.wikipedia Kennesaw State University/Exercise Physiology in Aging, ES4300-01 (Fall 2024)
Freedom Support Act 7620 14 335 en.wikipedia Oakland University/Capstone Course in American Politics (Fall 2024)
Nanjing South railway station 7602 17 1.23K en.wikipedia University of Washington/Online Communities (Fall 2024)
The Battle of Aboukir 7600 16 44 en.wikipedia Boston College/Nineteenth-Century Art (Fall 2024)
Caput succedaneum 7591 13 2.79K en.wikipedia Western Michigan University Homer Styker MD School of Medicine/MEDU 9330 - Expanded WikiProject Medicine (August 26 - September 22, 2024)
Agricultural microbiology 7582 17 1.05K en.wikipedia North Carolina State University/Microbial Symbiosis and Microbiomes (Fall 2024)
North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization 7578 1 301 en.wikipedia University of Arizona/International Organizations (Fall 2024)
History of aviation 7570 36 22K en.wikipedia Arcadia University/Seems Legit (Fall 2024)
Symbolic interactionism 7566 12 18.4K en.wikipedia Aquinas College/Advanced Communication Theory (Fall 2024)
Baseball color line 7564 27 5.15K en.wikipedia University of Maryland/History of Socialism (Fall 2024)
Woody Guthrie 7559 10 464K en.wikipedia University of Maryland/History of Socialism (Fall 2024)
Battle of Austerlitz, 2 December 1805 (Gérard) 7551 16 1.31K en.wikipedia Boston College/Nineteenth-Century Art (Fall 2024)
Obstetric medicine 7550 13 305 en.wikipedia Kennesaw State University/Exercise Physiology in Aging, ES4300-01 (Fall 2024)
Natalia Molina 7529 5 135 en.wikipedia The University of Chicago/Latinx Life Writing (Autumn)
Trish Millines Dziko 7522 14 160 en.wikipedia University of Oregon/UGST112 - Women in Science and Math Fall 2024 (Fall 2024)
Occupational safety and health 7513 10 15.5K en.wikipedia University of California, Berkeley/Global Poverty and Practice (Fall 2024)