Fall 2024 Articles

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Wiki Courses
Loneliness in old age 219242 97 1.05K en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
Mazuku 120897 226 10.4K en.wikipedia University of New Mexico/Volcanology Wikipedia class module (Fall 2024)
Friendship jealousy 88748 208 1.35K en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 86016 1 476 en.wikipedia Northeastern University/ENGW3303 Adv. Writing for the Environmental Professions (Fall 2024)
Entitativity 84946 177 12.1K en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
Intersectional solidarity 83147 65 213 en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
The Lost God by Sheila Masterson 80172 27 595 en.wikipedia Kent State University/HONR Freshman Honors Colloquium I (Fall 2024)
MAZUKU 72053 233 0 en.wikipedia University of New Mexico/Volcanology Wikipedia class module (Fall 2024)
Noble gas 64644 59 77.8K en.wikipedia University of New Mexico/Volcanology Wikipedia class module (Fall 2024)
American Gods 63261 110 141K en.wikipedia Kent State University/HONR Freshman Honors Colloquium I (Fall 2024)
Gae Aulenti 56489 28 2.01K fr.wikipedia Université de Montréal/Histoire du design d'intérieur (Automne 2024)
Matteo Thun 53892 32 173 fr.wikipedia Université de Montréal/Histoire du design d'intérieur (Automne 2024)
Family Stress Model 53637 141 429 en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
Q131362975 52537 18 206 .wikidata University of Maryland/Introduction to Museum Scholarship (Fall 2024)
Urbania (media group) 50688 179 127 en.wikipedia Concordia/Media and Gender F24 (Fall)
Video games in China 50519 67 5.29K en.wikipedia New York University Shanghai/China Encounters the World (Fall 2024)
RAGE (receptor) 49479 44 2.38K en.wikipedia Florida State University/Adv Molec Biol Bass-FSU-Fa24 (Fall 2024)
Relationship quality 48046 99 567 en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
William Walker (filibuster) 47989 132 19.6K en.wikipedia San Diego State University/U.S. History (Fall 2024)
Direct air capture 46334 103 15.5K en.wikipedia University of Michigan-Dearborn/Environmental Politics (Fall 2024)
Followers and supporters of William Walker's filibustering in Nicaragua 45813 143 595 en.wikipedia San Diego State University/U.S. History (Fall 2024)
Q28660612 45731 59 48 .wikidata University of Maryland/Introduction to Museum Scholarship (Fall 2024)
Lauren McLean 44673 94 4.44K en.wikipedia Michigan State University/Urban Politics (Fall 2024)
Misophonia 42143 113 142K en.wikipedia Vanderbilt University School of Medicine/WikiMed Fall 2024 (Fall 2024)
Misophonia 42143 113 147K en.wikipedia UCSF School of Medicine/WikiMed Oct-Nov 2024 UCSF SOM (Fall 2024)
Asian American feminism 41575 66 274 en.wikipedia Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst/Asian American Feminism (Fall)
Chen Yingzhen 41530 87 443 en.wikipedia University of Houston/Global Chinese Literature (Fall 2024)
Indigenous science 41479 82 739 en.wikipedia Brown University/Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies (Fall)
Leysingi 40232 42 385 en.wikipedia Illinois State University/The Middle Ages (fall 2024)
Time preference 38909 41 7.15K en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
Open-source artificial intelligence 38454 40 7.45K en.wikipedia University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering/WRIT 340 for Engineers - Fall 2024 -MW 330-450 (Fall 2024)
History of Chinese currency 38304 23 4.51K en.wikipedia New York University Shanghai/China Encounters the World (Fall 2024)
Electronic Disturbance Theater 38101 52 395 en.wikipedia The University of Chicago/Radical Readings (Autumn)
Christopher Michael King 37780 83 58 en.wikipedia Marymount University - FLP Program/FLP511AB (Fall 2024)
Benin ancestral altars 37415 79 194 en.wikipedia University of San Diego/The Year 1500 - A Global History of Art and Architecture (Fall 2024)
Urban evolution 36659 38 917 en.wikipedia Brooklyn College/Principles of Ecology (Fall 2024)
Regime 36452 15 17.6K en.wikipedia LIU Post/Introduction to Comparative Politics (Fall 2024)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 36032 80 42K en.wikipedia University of Georgia/MIBO 3500 Introduction to Microbiology (Fall 2024)
List of political scientists 35728 90 3.73K en.wikipedia LIU Post/Introduction to Comparative Politics (Fall 2024)
Depop 35201 22 13.3K en.wikipedia University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering/WRIT 340 for Engineers - Fall 2024 -MW 2-320 (Fall 2024)
Adoration of the Magi (Filippino Lippi) 33902 107 789 en.wikipedia University of San Diego/The Year 1500 - A Global History of Art and Architecture (Fall 2024)
Socialist realism 33867 53 51.6K en.wikipedia University of Maryland/History of Socialism (Fall 2024)
Arts of the Arab Spring 33673 78 265 en.wikipedia Oberlin College/Approaches to Islamic Art (Fall 2024)
Chitra Raghavan 33634 55 74 en.wikipedia Marymount University - FLP Program/FLP511AB (Fall 2024)
Nelson Bay Cave 33588 106 456 en.wikipedia New York University/African Prehistory (Fall)
Affect (psychology) overview 33575 4 288 en.wikipedia University of Alabama at Birmingham/Psychology Capstone (Fall 2024)
Recategorization 33293 79 502 en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
Boomplaas Cave 32988 184 381 en.wikipedia New York University/African Prehistory (Fall)
Seismic tomography 32923 53 3.6K en.wikipedia University of New Mexico/Volcanology Wikipedia class module (Fall 2024)
Environmental issues in Jordan 32656 93 155 en.wikipedia Skidmore College/Environment and Development in the Middle East (Fall 2024)
John Giles (mayor) 32328 56 1.99K en.wikipedia Michigan State University/Urban Politics (Fall 2024)
Climate change in the United Arab Emirates 32293 80 933 en.wikipedia Skidmore College/Environment and Development in the Middle East (Fall 2024)
Louis Schlesinger 32154 72 84 en.wikipedia Marymount University - FLP Program/FLP511AB (Fall 2024)
Mosque and Mausoleum of Imam al-Layth bin Sa'ad 31558 21 137 en.wikipedia American University in Cairo/Architecture of the Early Caliphates (semester 1 2024-2025)
The Garden of The Hesperides 31477 96 215 en.wikipedia University of Rochester/Writing on Art (fall 2024)
Topaz Times (publication) 31288 25 357 en.wikipedia Brigham Young University/HIST 362 US Immigration History (Fall 2024)
Fondaco dei Tedeschi 31075 66 5.16K en.wikipedia University of San Diego/The Year 1500 - A Global History of Art and Architecture (Fall 2024)
Shared consumption experience 31026 16 145 en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
Doc Ball 30887 49 151 en.wikipedia Drury University/FUSE 102 (Fall 2024)
Perinatal bereavement 30780 49 565 en.wikipedia Concordia/Media and Gender F24 (Fall)
Q5126408 30540 24 51 .wikidata University of Maryland/Introduction to Museum Scholarship (Fall 2024)
Cavalier Johnson 30160 72 4.62K en.wikipedia Michigan State University/Urban Politics (Fall 2024)
Climate change in Kuwait 30098 69 384 en.wikipedia Skidmore College/Environment and Development in the Middle East (Fall 2024)
Pantanal 30004 3 17K en.wikipedia Indiana University/Geography of Latin America (Fall)
Social psychiatry 29830 67 1.03K en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
Jazz Age Lawn Party 29670 50 283 en.wikipedia Cooper Union/Dance and Society (Fall 2024)
Daniel Lurie 29177 92 76.9K en.wikipedia Michigan State University/Urban Politics (Fall 2024)
Poor Clares 28534 37 9.52K en.wikipedia Brigham Young University/European Women's History (Fall 2024)
Male bonding 28468 60 3.25K en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
Moctezuma's headdress 28258 84 13.6K en.wikipedia University of San Diego/The Year 1500 - A Global History of Art and Architecture (Fall 2024)
Entomopathogenic fungus 27877 61 4.5K en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Advanced Evolution (Fall 2024)
Portrait of a Young Man with a Book (Bronzino) 27791 107 423 en.wikipedia University of San Diego/The Year 1500 - A Global History of Art and Architecture (Fall 2024)
Q123379486 27568 30 83 .wikidata University of Maryland/Introduction to Museum Scholarship (Fall 2024)
Asian Pacific Environmental Network 27293 47 158 en.wikipedia Arizona State University/Environment and Justice - fall 2024 (Fall)
Ailton Krenak 27229 54 2.39K en.wikipedia The University of Chicago/Radical Readings (Autumn)
Hongshan Forest Zoo 27182 72 456 en.wikipedia University of Washington/Online Communities (Fall 2024)
Chinese online literature 27035 45 421 en.wikipedia University of Houston/Global Chinese Literature (Fall 2024)
Temple of Seti I (Abydos) 26995 47 7.39K en.wikipedia California State University San Bernardino/Ancient Egyptian Archaeology Fall 2024 (Fall 2024)
1631 eruption of Mount Vesuvius 26791 37 4.09K en.wikipedia University of Maryland College Park/Earth's Fury (Fall 2024)
Open-source artificial intelligence 26683 67 7.04K en.wikipedia Washington University in St. Louis/Signals, Data, and Equity (Fall 2024)
Spinal precautions 26569 75 418 en.wikipedia Vanderbilt University School of Medicine/WikiMed Fall 2024 (Fall 2024)
Spinal precautions 26569 75 440 en.wikipedia UCSF School of Medicine/WikiMed Oct-Nov 2024 UCSF SOM (Fall 2024)
Nudivirus 26067 54 324 en.wikipedia Clemson University/MICR 4160 6160 Virology (Fall 2024)
Environmental law 26036 64 7.93K en.wikipedia University of Michigan-Dearborn/Environmental Politics (Fall 2024)
Climate migration and water rights 25945 48 249 en.wikipedia IES Abroad Barcelona/The Climate Crisis - Global Perspective, Mediterranean Context (Fall)
Isimila Stone Age Site 25677 92 320 en.wikipedia New York University/African Prehistory (Fall)
Microbial ecology 25647 48 8.21K en.wikipedia University of Mississippi/Introduction to Chemical Ecology (Fall 2024)
Royal Tomb of Akhenaten 25612 86 4.38K en.wikipedia California State University San Bernardino/Ancient Egyptian Archaeology Fall 2024 (Fall 2024)
Clostridium perfringens 25575 18 35.8K en.wikipedia University of Georgia/MIBO 3500 Introduction to Microbiology (Fall 2024)
Prison for Women (Kingston, Ontario) 25571 74 1.16K en.wikipedia Concordia/Media and Gender F24 (Fall)
SUMO protein 25571 23 3.76K en.wikipedia Florida State University/Adv Molec Biol Bass-FSU-Fa24 (Fall 2024)
Brain and writing 25567 35 218 en.wikipedia UC Santa Barbara/Writ 2 - Academic Writing (Fall 2024)
Old media 25519 52 17.2K en.wikipedia University of Rhode Island/Digital Media Literacy (Fall)
Florida Wildlife Corridor 25402 22 900 en.wikipedia Brooklyn College/Principles of Ecology (Fall 2024)
West African mosques 25398 70 193 en.wikipedia Oberlin College/Approaches to Islamic Art (Fall 2024)
Kintpuash 25285 26 1.95K en.wikipedia Cal Poly Pomona/Early American History Graduate Seminar (Fall 2024)
Chemical ecology 25165 61 1.72K en.wikipedia University of Mississippi/Introduction to Chemical Ecology (Fall 2024)
Perinatal bereavement 24986 66 611 en.wikipedia UCLA/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2024)
Viking ship 24844 35 13K en.wikipedia University of Richmond/ARTH 212-01 Medieval European Art (Fall 2024)
Josef Ruzek 24808 89 85 en.wikipedia Marymount University - FLP Program/FLP511AB (Fall 2024)