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Fall 2015 Articles

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Wiki Courses
2012 NCAA Division III Men's Basketball Tournament 189 1 178 en.wikipedia Rollins College/Writing about Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Capstone course 189 0 2.75K en.wikipedia Northeastern University/Online Communities (F15)
U.S. Route 24 in Michigan 188 0 0 en.wikipedia North Carolina State University/Object Oriented Design and Development (Fall 2015)
Bombus polaris 186 0 0 en.wikipedia Washington University in St Louis/Behavioral Ecology, Biology 472 (Fall 2015)
2006 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualification play-offs 184 1 332 en.wikipedia Rollins College/Writing about Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Autism 184 0 2.48M en.wikipedia University of California, San Francisco/Expanding WikiProject Medicine (Fall Block 3)
Douglas A. Boyd 180 0 130 en.wikipedia West Chester University/History on the Web (Fall 2015)
Thinopyrum intermedium 179 0 0 en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Evolutionary Biology (Fall 2015)
Eastern carpenter bee 178 0 0 en.wikipedia Washington University in St Louis/Behavioral Ecology, Biology 472 (Fall 2015)
Alaska pollock 178 4 0 en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Evolutionary Biology, 3010-02 (Fall 2015)
Steven Universe 178 0 6.88M en.wikipedia Tufts University/Latino Theatre and Film (Fall 2015)
Lake Niegocin 175 1 182 en.wikipedia Rollins College/Writing about Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Polyandry in animals 172 0 997 en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Evolutionary Biology, 3010-02 (Fall 2015)
Necrosis 171 0 0 en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Evolutionary Biology, 3010-02 (Fall 2015)
Stegodyphus lineatus 170 4 0 en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Evolutionary Biology, 3010-02 (Fall 2015)
Evolution 170 0 0 en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Evolutionary Biology, 3010-02 (Fall 2015)
Pair-rule gene 169 0 0 en.wikipedia Cornell University/BioG 1250 Writing for Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Pamela Cohen 169 1 142 en.wikipedia LaGuardia Community College/ENG103 Octavia Butler's Wild Seed (Fall 2015)
Hamilton (musical) 166 0 19.3M en.wikipedia University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign/New Media, Culture and Society (Fall 2015)
Marion E. Wong 164 0 290 en.wikipedia UMASS-Amherst/COMM 394RI- Race and Gender in Sitcoms (Fall 2015)
Lee Silverman voice treatment 163 0 0 en.wikipedia Cornell University/BioG 1250 Writing for Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Tamer Abdel Raouf 163 0 81 en.wikipedia University of Southern Indiana/Introduction to Mass Communication (Fall 2015)
Bollier 163 0 75 en.wikipedia New York University/Haitian Creole in Context (Fall 2015)
Aaron Dobson 162 0 9.39K en.wikipedia Austin College/Hollywood Stars (Fall 2015)
Chaghri Beg 159 0 328 en.wikipedia West Chester University/History on the Web (Fall 2015)
Le Roman de Silence 156 1 0 en.wikipedia UCSB/Tales of Love in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (Summer Session B)
Florence Ballin 155 0 163 en.wikipedia Rollins College/Writing about Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Ericka Beckman 155 0 314 en.wikipedia Bucknell University/Too Much Information (Fall 2015)
Kendra Scott 154 0 6.3K en.wikipedia University of Oklahoma/Science, Nature and Society (Fall 2015)
Skrillex 152 1 258K en.wikipedia University of Nebraska-Lincoln/English 254 Writing and Communities (Fall 2015)
Kimberly Wright Cassidy 152 0 663 en.wikipedia University of Pennsylvania/Medical Missionaries to Community Partners (Fall 2015)
Hamed Sinno 151 0 1.59K en.wikipedia University of Oklahoma/Science, Nature and Society (Fall 2015)
You Can Negotiate Anything 150 0 1.08K en.wikipedia Western University/My Name is URL - Writing for the Web (Fall)
Danny Baranowsky 149 0 10.5K en.wikipedia UW-Bothell/Critical Media Literacy (Fall 2015)
Bombus lapidarius 147 0 0 en.wikipedia Washington University in St Louis/Behavioral Ecology, Biology 472 (Fall 2015)
Bombus occidentalis 147 0 0 en.wikipedia Washington University in St Louis/Behavioral Ecology, Biology 472 (Fall 2015)
Wanda Tuchock 147 0 1.71K en.wikipedia UMASS-Amherst/COMM 394RI- Race and Gender in Sitcoms (Fall 2015)
Desert 145 0 0 en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Evolutionary Biology, 3010-02 (Fall 2015)
Amber Nash 145 0 19.8K en.wikipedia Simon Fraser University/Globalization and Media - D204 (Fall 2015)
Klaus Forster 139 0 60 en.wikipedia Rollins College/Writing about Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Bombus magnus 139 0 123 en.wikipedia Washington University in St Louis/Behavioral Ecology, Biology 472 (Fall 2015)
2015 Tanzania flood 139 1 1.29K en.wikipedia Louisiana State University/HNRS 1035 Natural disturbance and society (Fall 2015)
Butch and femme 139 0 770K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/US Women of Color (Fall 2015)
Fungus 137 0 0 en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Evolutionary Biology, 3010-02 (Fall 2015)
Women Against Feminism 137 0 63.6K en.wikipedia Swarthmore/Feminist Film and Media Studies (Fall 2015)
Sada Cowan 134 1 125 en.wikipedia UMASS-Amherst/COMM 394RI- Race and Gender in Sitcoms (Fall 2015)
Leucine 133 0 0 en.wikipedia UCLA/Chem 153A Honors (Fall 2015)
Waffle House Index 133 0 37.9K en.wikipedia University of Tennessee at Chattanooga/Introduction to Historical Research and Writing (Fall 2015)
Tyler Eifert 132 0 25.9K en.wikipedia Tufts University/Latino Theatre and Film (Fall 2015)
Anglo-French War (1778–83) 128 0 4.86K en.wikipedia University of Nebraska-Lincoln/English 254 Writing and Communities (Fall 2015)
Angus M. Woodbury 120 0 379 en.wikipedia Brigham Young University/Biophysics (Fall 2015)
Female foeticide in India 119 0 37.6K en.wikipedia Rice University/Poverty, Justice, and Capabilities (Fall 2015)
Mood Disorder Questionnaire 119 0 22K en.wikipedia University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Developmental Psychopathology--PSYC 500 (Fall 2015)
Vertical dyad linkage theory 117 0 0 en.wikipedia Carnegie Mellon University/Communication in Groups and Organizations (Fall 2015)
Cellular communication (biology) 116 0 0 en.wikipedia Cornell University/BioG 1250 Writing for Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Oh My Ghostess 116 0 54.9K en.wikipedia University of Oklahoma/Science, Nature and Society (Fall 2015)
Afternoon of the Elves 116 0 268 en.wikipedia LaGuardia CC-CUNY/ENG103 The Research Paper (Fall 2015)
Adequate stimulus 115 0 0 en.wikipedia Cornell University/BioG 1250 Writing for Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Tomb of the Bulls 113 0 1.04K en.wikipedia Kansas City Art Institute/Western Art I (Fall 2015)
Agincourt Junior Public School 112 -7 41 en.wikipedia University of Ontario Institute of Technology/New Media Theory and Practice (Fall)
George Morgan Ward 111 0 29 en.wikipedia Rollins College/Writing about Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Nelson Agholor 109 0 23.7K en.wikipedia Rollins College/Writing about Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Alessia Cara 109 0 199K en.wikipedia Western University/Bio3595A Advanced Genetics (Fall 2015)
Lafontant 108 0 20 en.wikipedia New York University/Haitian Creole in Context (Fall 2015)
Madava Farms 105 0 104 en.wikipedia Vassar College/Hudson Valley Amenity Economy - ENST 291 (Fall 2015)
Elizabeth Bonner Allen 103 0 746 en.wikipedia Austin College/Hollywood Stars (Fall 2015)
O+ Festival 103 0 193 en.wikipedia Vassar College/Hudson Valley Amenity Economy - ENST 291 (Fall 2015)
Chemical vapor deposition 103 0 0 en.wikipedia Northeastern University/Advance Writing for the Sciences (Fall 2015)
Food security 99 0 1.4M en.wikipedia Rice University/Poverty, Justice, and Capabilities (Fall 2015)
Cycas sphaerica 99 0 92 en.wikipedia Washington University in St Louis/Behavioral Ecology, Biology 472 (Fall 2015)
Earl F. Martin 99 1 512 en.wikipedia Drake University/Global Youth Studies (Fall 2015)
Sexual dimorphism 99 0 0 en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Evolutionary Biology, 3010-02 (Fall 2015)
Richard Skinner (MP) 93 0 130 en.wikipedia University of Alaska Southeast/Introduction to American Government (Fall 2015)
Jedynak 91 0 598 en.wikipedia Bucknell University/Too Much Information (Fall 2015)
The Man in the High Castle (TV series) 90 0 843K en.wikipedia New York University/Haitian Creole in Context (Fall 2015)
Jesse Ball 90 0 0 en.wikipedia University of Chicago/Evolution and Development (Autumn Quarter)
Gonzalo Barrios (eSports player) 88 0 34.2K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Phi Kappa Pi 88 0 268 en.wikipedia Simon Fraser University/Globalization and Media (Fall 2015)
Speech production 87 0 0 en.wikipedia University of Alberta, Augustana Campus/Psychology of Language (Fall 2015)
Trans Day of Action 86 0 0 en.wikipedia Connecticut College/Advanced Readings in Feminist Theory (Fall 2015)
Latina Women in the U.S. 85 0 33 en.wikipedia Hobart and William Smith Colleges/WMST 300 Feminist Theory (Fall 2015)
ILoveMakonnen 84 0 64.2K en.wikipedia Rollins College/Writing about Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Gloving 84 0 3.01K en.wikipedia University of Toronto, Mississauga/WGS 455 Queer Theory (Fall 2015)
ADHD rating scale 82 0 25.7K en.wikipedia University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Developmental Psychopathology--PSYC 500 (Fall 2015)
Agent Orange's effects on the Vietnamese people 81 0 3.02K en.wikipedia Rice University/Poverty, Justice, and Capabilities (Fall 2015)
White Iverson 79 0 47.3K en.wikipedia Simon Fraser University/Globalization and Media (Fall 2015)
Babesia divergens 78 0 0 en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Evolutionary Biology, 3010-02 (Fall 2015)
Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 78 0 2.13K en.wikipedia University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Developmental Psychopathology--PSYC 500 (Fall 2015)
Genetically modified bird 77 0 230 en.wikipedia Cornell University/BioG 1250 Writing for Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
Polygyny in animals 77 0 44.1K en.wikipedia Washington University in St Louis/Behavioral Ecology, Biology 472 (Fall 2015)
Regina Olson Hughes, The Botanical Illustrator 77 0 13 en.wikipedia Rochester Institute of Technology/American Women's History (Fall 2015)
List of Bernie Sanders presidential campaign endorsements 77 0 93 en.wikipedia New York University/Haitian Creole in Context (Fall 2015)
Swanson, Nolan and Pelham Teacher and Parent Rating Scale 76 0 9.05K en.wikipedia University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Developmental Psychopathology--PSYC 500 (Fall 2015)
LGBT retirement issues 73 0 516 en.wikipedia Rice University/Poverty, Justice, and Capabilities (Fall 2015)
Marching Scarlet Knights 73 0 108 en.wikipedia University of Nebraska-Lincoln/English 254 Writing and Communities (Fall 2015)
Agroforestry 73 0 0 en.wikipedia Saint Louis University/Evolutionary Biology, 3010-02 (Fall 2015)
International Temple, Supreme Assembly, Order of the Rainbow for Girls 73 0 164 en.wikipedia University of Alaska Southeast/Introduction to American Government (Fall 2015)
Regina Olson Hughes, Deaf Botanical Illustrator 72 0 6 en.wikipedia Rochester Institute of Technology/American Women's History (Fall 2015)
Gregorian & Biblical Press 72 0 42 en.wikipedia New York University/Haitian Creole in Context (Fall 2015)
Retraction Watch 71 0 968 en.wikipedia UCLA/ProSem in Social Psychology (Fall)