Articles Created
Articles Edited
Total Edits
32tooltip default logo
Student Editors


are up-to-date with training

Words Added
58tooltip default logo
References Added

This is the number of reference tags and shortened footnote templates added to articles, and can include multiple references to the same source. The data comes from the reference-counter Toolforge API.

7.44Mtooltip default logo
Article Views

This is the estimated number of views based on a 30-day average for each article, through the most recent stats update. Views may decrease if the updated average is lower than previous counts.

9tooltip default logo
Commons Uploads


files used in articles


total usages across languages

Last statistics update: over 5 years ago. See more

Too Much Information

This interdisciplinary course explore the effects of digital information technologies on our lives. We examine the benefits and costs of the ubiquitous access to information via digital technologies in both our professional and personal lives. We analyze our information ecosystem and how digital information technologies impact it. We also discover how new technologies are often initially disruptive, particularly in our social, educational, economic and legal systems. We examine the economic and social implications of access to information and use of digital technologies.

Specifically we study Wikipedia as we consider issues of information production, ownership and authority. Through their readings, discussions and editing in Wikipedia students engage in collaborative knowledge creation. They will critically evaluate the value and authority of an information resource we all use daily but often don't much about.


Wikipedia Collaborative Project will be 25% of final grade, with the following graded assignments:

*Initial Edits and Training Exercises: 3%

*Article Selection and Rationale: 4%

*Annotated Bibliography and Revision Outline: 4%

*Main Article Edits: 4%

*Reflective Essay: 10%

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