How can I edit my timeline?
You can customize your timeline in a number of ways:
Arranging the timeline
The timeline is composed of a number of blocks of text. You can move these blocks around by clicking on the "Arrange timeline" button found at the bottom of your timeline. Once you've clicked this button, you can drag blocks from one week to another. Be sure to click save when you're done.
You may wish to use this feature if you'd like to change the order of assignments from our recommended template. For example, you might wish your students to copyedit an article before choosing their topic. You could change the order of these activities by clicking on the "Arrange timeline" button.
Editing text
You can edit the text on any block on the timeline. Simply click on the edit button on the individual block in order to do so. You may change the block's title, the training modules assigned for that block, and the main text. Be sure to click "save" when you're done.
Adding blocks of text
You may add additional blocks to your course timeline. To do so, locate the week where you'd like to include the new block and simply click on "Add block." Be sure to fill out the title, indicate what type of assignment it is, and fill out the main area of text. Be sure to click "save" when you're done.
Editing dates
You may change the dates on your timeline by clicking on the "edit course dates" link. Simply enter in the new dates and click done. You can also change the days of the week on which your course meets or indicate any school holidays or vacations. You can also add additional weeks to your timeline by clicking on the "Add week" button. You can only add an additional week if your specified dates permit.
Editing due dates
By default, training modules and exercises are due one week after the dates for the timeline block where they are assigned. Edit the block and add a due date to replace the default with a due date of your choosing.