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This course is the final course in our biology and environmental science majors' transfer pathway sequence. The course examines the interactions between living organisms and their physical, chemical, and biological environment. We explore ecological concepts at the level of organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems across the Earth. Topics include population structure and growth, species interactions, energy flow, nutrient cycling, and succession. We also learn about contemporary environmental change, evolutionary ecology, and conservation science. We give hands-on experience in designing experiments, data analysis and interpretation, and communication of results. The course includes four hours of required lab per week with extensive outdoor components including required field trips.

I would like the Wikipedia assignment to be used as a way for students to synthesize knowledge about an aspect of Ecology that will help them develop their own independent research proposal in the second half of the course. In the past I've had students design experiments without having much knowledge about a question so the Wikipedia assignment will allow them to build their own knowledge base for follow-up writing.

  • Week 9 (03/09 - 03/15)

    • Begin moving your work to Wikipedia

      Moving work out of the sandbox

      Now that you've improved your draft based on others' feedback, it's time to move your work live - to the "mainspace."

      Resource: Editing Wikipedia, page 13

      Demo: moving work from a sandbox

      Demo: publishing a new article