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General Entomology

General Entomology is a study of the natural history, morphology, physiology, taxonomy, evolutionary relationships and behavior of insects, which also covers the economic and medical importance of insects. Students are presented with the following topics during a lecture series that is supplemented by a collection of insects preserved, assembled and prepared for submission by each student: The history of entomology; an introduction to arthropod biodiversity; insect systematics and the application of the scientific method to systematics; a survey of the natural history of major insect orders and families; insect anatomy with an emphasis on external anatomy and its use for identification of insects and related arthropods; insect life cycles and the evolution of reproduction and developmental strategies; internal anatomy and selected topics in insect physiology; agricultural and medical entomology; and insect evolution, paleontology, and biogeography. Students will use Wikipedia to create a inventory with stacked 3D images of properly identified insects from central Georgia, including collection information.

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