Articles Edited
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Student Editors


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Words Added
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References Added

This is the number of reference tags and shortened footnote templates added to articles, and can include multiple references to the same source. The data comes from the reference-counter Toolforge API.

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Article Views

This is the estimated number of views based on a 30-day average for each article, through the most recent stats update. Views may decrease if the updated average is lower than previous counts.

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Commons Uploads


file used in an article


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Gender and Public Policy

This course serves as an introduction to the study of gender and public policy by exploring how ideas about gender, implicitly or explicitly, shape the formulation and implementation of policies and programs in areas strategic to promoting social equity.

  • Week 9 (03/09 - 03/15)

    • Begin moving your work to Wikipedia

      Moving work out of the sandbox

      Now that you've improved your draft based on others' feedback, it's time to move your work live - to the "mainspace."

      Resource: Editing Wikipedia, page 13


      Demo: moving work from a sandbox


      Demo: publishing a new article