Articles Edited
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Words Added
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References Added

This is the number of reference tags and shortened footnote templates added to articles, and can include multiple references to the same source. The data comes from the reference-counter Toolforge API.

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Article Views

This is the estimated number of views based on a 30-day average for each article, through the most recent stats update. Views may decrease if the updated average is lower than previous counts.

Last statistics update: over 5 years ago. See more

Research Techniques

This course will familiarize students with conducting research in the communications field. Students will learn the basic concepts and methods used in studying and evaluating communication processes including online platforms such as Wikipedia.

Students will also be introduced to information science and bibliographic practices appropriate to finding, evaluating, and incorporating data into documents. Working with the Wikipedia Education Program, students will also learn how to edit and/or create a Wikipedia article. In addition, students will apply these concepts to the production of a research based document.

Course Objectives:

  1. Identify basic concepts in communication research
  2. Compare and evaluate research methods
  3. Formulate a research design to professional standards
  4. Collect and Interpret quantitative and qualitative data
  5. Present research results through multiple formats
  6. Working with the Wikipedia Education Program, students will also learn how to edit and/or create Wikipedia articles.
  • There is nothing on the schedule for this week.