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Spring 2020 Articles

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Wiki Courses
Trace metal stable isotope biogeochemistry 112634 230 1.32K en.wikipedia California Institute of Technology/Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry 2020 (Spring)
Green infrastructure for stormwater management 102433 44 190 en.wikipedia California State University Sacramento/ENVS 135 (Spring 2020)
Costly signaling theory in evolutionary psychology 91272 294 564 en.wikipedia Washington State University/Evolutionary Psychology (Spring)
Beach cleaning 87730 272 2.6K en.wikipedia Indiana University/Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Spring 2020)
Synthetic colorant 71431 148 767 en.wikipedia University of Chicago/Science, Culture and Society III (Winter)
List of Austin City Limits lineups by year 70007 6 2.63K en.wikipedia Texas AM/Technical Editing (Spring 2020)
Droplet-based microfluidics 63697 142 1.23K en.wikipedia University of Washington/Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis (Spring 2020)
Renewable energy transition 55908 97 998 en.wikipedia Indiana University/Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Spring 2020)
Sonya Kelliher-Combs 53735 41 333 en.wikipedia University of California, Riverside/Native American Art History (Winter 2020)
Sulfur isotope biogeochemistry 52421 153 231 en.wikipedia California Institute of Technology/Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry 2020 (Spring)
Nixon Family Assistance Plan (1969) 51361 49 2.5K en.wikipedia UBC/HIST 432, International Relations in the 20th Century (Spring)
The Faith of Graffiti 49188 115 1.61K en.wikipedia Middle Georgia State University/Writing in Digital Environs (Spring 2020)
Planned Parenthood v. Rounds 48520 106 453 en.wikipedia Stanford Law School/Advanced Legal Research Winter 2020 (Winter)
National injunctions 48265 123 114 en.wikipedia Stanford Law School/Advanced Legal Research Winter 2020 (Winter)
Skin whitening 47017 113 69K en.wikipedia Rice University/Human Development in Local and Global Communities (Spring 2020)
Radical SAM 46961 91 2.21K en.wikipedia Virginia Tech/Advanced Applications in Molecular Life Sciences (Spring 2020)
Anticoagulant 46736 97 46.6K en.wikipedia University of Central Florida College of Medicine/WikiProject Medicine Winter 2020 UCF COM (Block 8)
Online social movement 46483 90 7.13K en.wikipedia University of California, Berkeley/Social Movements and Social Media (Spring 2020)
Tricontinental Conference 1966 46059 74 535 en.wikipedia UBC/HIST 432, International Relations in the 20th Century (Spring)
Child Rights Act in Nigeria 45913 132 2.23K en.wikipedia University of California, Berkeley/African Politics (Spring 2020)
Helena Gutteridge 43724 54 237 en.wikipedia UBC/HIST 432, International Relations in the 20th Century (Spring)
Feminist performance art 42769 74 668 en.wikipedia University of Colorado/Performing Voices of Women (Spring 2020)
Taxonomy of the burden of treatment 41792 72 295 en.wikipedia Northeastern University/ENGW 3306 (Spring 2020)
Tom Akeya 41544 182 265 en.wikipedia University of California, Riverside/Native American Art History (Winter 2020)
Mo Dao Zu Shi (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) 41362 13 78 en.wikipedia Indiana University Bloomington/Popular Culture in East Asia (Winter-Spring 2020)
CLAWS (linguistics) 41316 20 442 en.wikipedia University of Texas at Arlington/Pragmatics (Spring 2020)
Flipp Dinero 40923 127 11.9K en.wikipedia University of Washington/Interpersonal Media (Winter)
Medical use of MDMA 40519 59 246 en.wikipedia Northeastern University/ENGW 3306 (Spring 2020)
Race and the war on drugs 39606 77 1.86K en.wikipedia Boston University/Drafts of History (Spring 2020)
The Chinese Sorcery Scare of 1768 39019 126 87 en.wikipedia University of California Santa Cruz/History 230A China's Transition to Modernity (Spring)
Trifles (play) 38610 38 28.6K en.wikipedia Middle Georgia State University/Modern Drama (Spring 2020)
Environmental racism 38516 45 41.5K en.wikipedia Indiana University/Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Spring 2020)
Living building material 37977 98 363 en.wikipedia Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute/Biology in Materials Science (Sp2020)
Navajo reservations and domestic abuse 37479 88 218 en.wikipedia Brigham Young University/The United States Since 1877 (Winter 2020)
Neurohacking 37375 80 3.8K en.wikipedia University of Southern California/WRIT 340 E 66817 (Spring 2020)
Peter Busby 37368 96 437 en.wikipedia Ryerson University/Architectural Writing AR8203 ASC751 (Winter 2020)
MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects 37319 39 345 en.wikipedia Ryerson University/Architectural Writing AR8203 ASC751 (Winter 2020)
Saucier + Perrotte 37139 57 168 en.wikipedia Ryerson University/Architectural Writing AR8203 ASC751 (Winter 2020)
Organ printing 37102 115 4.62K en.wikipedia Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute/Biology in Materials Science (Sp2020)
Autoimmune disease 37001 127 105K en.wikipedia Northern Arizona University/Writing in the Biological Sciences 003 (Spring 2020)
Nanosponges 36394 59 325 en.wikipedia Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute/Biology in Materials Science (Sp2020)
Ethnic groups in Burundi 36288 67 2.74K en.wikipedia University of California, Berkeley/African Politics (Spring 2020)
Ancient Roman technology 36266 19 11.4K en.wikipedia Acadia University/Rome - Republic and Empire (Winter 2020)
LGA Architectural Partners 36159 61 188 en.wikipedia Ryerson University/Architectural Writing AR8203 ASC751 (Winter 2020)
Being Digital 35192 128 4.61K en.wikipedia Middle Georgia State University/New Media (Spring 2020)
Deforestation and climate change 35168 51 8.06K en.wikipedia Indiana University/Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Spring 2020)
Hamlet on the Holodeck 35014 68 907 en.wikipedia Middle Georgia State University/New Media (Spring 2020)
Debt bondage in India 34602 167 5.42K en.wikipedia Rice University/Human Development in Local and Global Communities (Spring 2020)
Tokaimura nuclear accidents 34088 48 43K en.wikipedia University of Oklahoma/Japanese Environmental History (Spring 2020)
Eberhard Zeidler 33553 64 1.18K en.wikipedia Ryerson University/Architectural Writing AR8203 ASC751 (Winter 2020)
Nike Vaporfly and Tokyo 2020 Olympics Controversy 33507 81 1.26K en.wikipedia Florida International University/Dynamic Tensions (Spring 2020)
General Hospital of Paris 33452 85 620 en.wikipedia Middlebury College/Possessions (Spring 2020)
Land recycling 33443 87 1.98K en.wikipedia Indiana University/Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Spring 2020)
Kampala Convention 33376 61 2.3K en.wikipedia Rice University/Human Development in Local and Global Communities (Spring 2020)
Diagnosis (2019 TV series) 32900 6 2.92K en.wikipedia Florida International University/2020 Narratives of Medicine, Health and Healing (Spring 2020)
Juvenile delinquency 32805 37 57.4K en.wikipedia Rice University/Human Development in Local and Global Communities (Spring 2020)
Will (philosophy) 32552 80 10.9K en.wikipedia University at Albany/Information Literacy in the Humanities and Arts (8W1)
Bibliothèques Carnegie 32385 27 196 fr.wikipedia EBSI - Université de Montréal/SCI6305 - Bibliothèques publiques (Hiver 2020 Mardi 8h30 à 11h30)
Position-specific isotope analysis 32249 30 145 en.wikipedia California Institute of Technology/Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry 2020 (Spring)
Anti-Injunction Act 32147 84 731 en.wikipedia Stanford Law School/Advanced Legal Research Winter 2020 (Winter)
Human mating strategies 32113 70 52.7K en.wikipedia Washington State University/Evolutionary Psychology (Spring)
Nephritic syndrome 31837 55 16.6K en.wikipedia University of Central Florida College of Medicine/WikiProject Medicine Winter 2020 UCF COM (Block 8)
Alclear 31560 48 4.32K en.wikipedia University of San Francisco/Politics of the Internet (Spring 2020)
Yunis–Varon syndrome 31102 43 298 en.wikipedia University of Houston/Evolutionary Basis of Health and Disease (Spring)
History of democracy in Mexico 31054 46 3.35K en.wikipedia Rice University/Human Development in Local and Global Communities (Spring 2020)
Urban rail transit in Africa 30896 71 1.52K en.wikipedia University of California, Berkeley/African Politics (Spring 2020)
Almajiranci 30881 87 23K en.wikipedia Vanderbilt University/Introduction to African Politics (Spring 2020)
Rock 'N Learn 30454 7 973 en.wikipedia College of DuPage/English 1102 062 (Spring 2020)
Flowers of Mold 30449 28 295 en.wikipedia Middle Tennessee State University/Foreign Literature in Translation (Spring 2020)
Bouligand structure 30308 76 564 en.wikipedia Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute/Biology in Materials Science (Sp2020)
The Iliac Crest 30146 27 331 en.wikipedia Middle Tennessee State University/Foreign Literature in Translation (Spring 2020)
Affiliated Middle School of Henan Normal University 29956 25 158 en.wikipedia Boston University/Language and Technology (Spring 2020)
First Step Act 29663 41 101K en.wikipedia Stanford Law School/Advanced Legal Research (Spring 2020)
Six Four 29557 28 1.34K en.wikipedia Middle Tennessee State University/Foreign Literature in Translation (Spring 2020)
Gender disparities in health 29480 61 3.44K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/Culture Medicine and Gender (Spring 2020)
Círculo de Estudios de la Mujer 28906 52 141 en.wikipedia UBC/HIST 432, International Relations in the 20th Century (Spring)
Substances poisonous to dogs 28877 32 427 en.wikipedia Middle Georgia State University/Writing in Digital Environs (Spring 2020)
Nigerian Chrislam 28793 109 4.62K en.wikipedia University of California, Berkeley/African Politics (Spring 2020)
Richard Henriquez 28763 41 176 en.wikipedia Ryerson University/Architectural Writing AR8203 ASC751 (Winter 2020)
Climate change in Mexico 28732 97 2.17K en.wikipedia Indiana University/Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Spring 2020)
Pseudomonas stutzeri 28718 109 1.81K en.wikipedia Southern Illinois University/Prokaryotic Diversity (Spring 2020)
Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court 28444 113 375 en.wikipedia Stanford Law School/Advanced Legal Research (Spring 2020)
Federation of South African Women 28313 45 1.31K en.wikipedia UBC/HIST 432, International Relations in the 20th Century (Spring)
Urban forestry 27997 71 2.91K en.wikipedia Virginia Tech/FREC 4454 (Spring 2020)
First International Statistical Congress 27934 26 112 en.wikipedia UBC/HIST 432, International Relations in the 20th Century (Spring)
Asian American university resource center 27891 55 213 en.wikipedia Northeastern University/ENGW 3306 (Spring 2020)
Gali-Dana Singer 27775 48 210 en.wikipedia University of Toronto/Utopia Interrupted Late and Post-Soviet Russian Literature (Spring)
Spring Valley Race Riot of 1895 27739 59 389 en.wikipedia Lake Forest College/Protest and Police in US History (Spring 2020)
Pan African Association 27701 49 293 en.wikipedia UBC/HIST 432, International Relations in the 20th Century (Spring)
Neuritis 27688 48 4.89K en.wikipedia Washington University School of Medicine/Wikipedia Elective (April 20 - May 15)
LGBTQ rights in Ghana 27621 74 8.7K en.wikipedia University of California, Berkeley/African Politics (Spring 2020)
Smoking in South Korea 27579 71 6.45K en.wikipedia Rice University/Human Development in Local and Global Communities (Spring 2020)
Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux 27537 106 49 en.wikipedia Ryerson University/Architectural Writing AR8203 ASC751 (Winter 2020)
My Heart Hemmed In 27508 26 218 en.wikipedia Middle Tennessee State University/Foreign Literature in Translation (Spring 2020)
Ollier disease 27497 46 2.18K en.wikipedia University of Houston/Evolutionary Basis of Health and Disease (Spring)
Frank Big Bear 27344 105 133 en.wikipedia University of California, Riverside/Native American Art History (Winter 2020)
Evgeny Shtorn 27125 42 471 en.wikipedia University of Toronto/Utopia Interrupted Late and Post-Soviet Russian Literature (Spring)
Demian Dinéyazhi' 26999 54 183 en.wikipedia University of California, Riverside/Native American Art History (Winter 2020)
Yangmingism 26894 20 790 en.wikipedia University of Washington/Interpersonal Media (Winter)
Don't Make Me Think 26573 1 4.96K en.wikipedia University of Washington/Interpersonal Media (Winter)