Fall 2016 Articles

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References Added

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Wiki Courses
Carbon tax 159912 12 219K en.wikipedia UCSD/Introduction to Policy Analysis (Fall)
Camden, New Jersey 128425 188 753K en.wikipedia Rutgers-Camden/Writing Wikipedia (Fall 2016)
Cultural Neurology 94177 0 61 en.wikipedia Florida International University/Basic Ideas of Sociology (Fall 2016)
Chronic stress 85238 138 17K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 103 (Fall)
Home automation 75138 0 451K en.wikipedia Lawrence Tech University/INT 7213 Emerging Technologies (Fall 2016)
Diet-induced obesity model 63945 86 1.46K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 114 (Fall)
Muslim women in sport 57497 115 37.8K en.wikipedia Rice University/Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities (Fall 2016)
2011 in politics 55492 169 1.61K en.wikipedia York University/Public Communication and Political Discourse (Fall)
Self-confidence 53006 104 14.9K en.wikipedia University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2016)
Closed community 52468 61 978 en.wikipedia Florida International University/Basic Ideas of Sociology (Fall 2016)
Social anxiety 46562 122 53.4K en.wikipedia University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2016)
Dental health diets for dogs 46259 66 695 en.wikipedia University of Guelph/Pet Nutrition (Fall 2016)
Ruins of Gedi 45566 219 4.2K en.wikipedia University of Wisconsin - La Crosse/African Archaeology (ARC 312) (Fall 2016)
Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention 44367 51 92 en.wikipedia Brown University/Asian Americans and Third World Solidarity (Fall)
ConnectEd Initiative 44098 42 231 en.wikipedia UW Madison SOE/Technology and Leadership (Fall 2016)
Food desert 43265 82 235K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 107 (Fall)
Hyperandrogenism 42201 70 13.9K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 109 (Fall)
Comunicación global 41875 0 395 es.wikipedia Communication/Global Power Shifts (Fall 2016)
Environmental issues in the United Arab Emirates 40439 65 789 en.wikipedia UCBerkeley/DS150 (Fall 2016)
Sara Imari Walker 39803 35 271 en.wikipedia Portland State University/CHEM 460 (Fall 2016)
Domestic violence in same-sex relationships 39014 73 25.5K en.wikipedia Rice University/Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities (Fall 2016)
Peer pressure 38883 33 83.8K en.wikipedia Carnegie Mellon University/Communication in Groups and Organizations (Fall)
Planning cultures 38770 55 464 en.wikipedia School of Community and Regional Planning UBC/PLAN 523 The Profession of Planning (1)
Human variability 38393 52 8.36K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 115 (Fall)
Evolutionary mismatch 37079 51 1.89K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 112 (Fall)
Fore people 37013 135 6.84K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 108 (Fall)
Eastern woodrat 35908 94 630 en.wikipedia Southern Maine Community College/Biology 124 BK (Fall 2016)
Disability in ancient Rome 35442 22 395 en.wikipedia San Francisco State University/Historical Methods GWAR - History 300 Section 3 (Fall 2016)
Prosodic bootstrapping 35195 53 338 en.wikipedia University of Maryland, College Park/Child Language (Fall 2016)
99Rise 34693 24 199 en.wikipedia University of California, Berkeley/Social Movements and Social Media (Fall 2016)
Thermomyces lanuginosus 34545 92 0 en.wikipedia University of Toronto/HMB436H Medical and Veterinary Mycology (Fall)
Lois Barclay Murphy 34025 24 80 en.wikipedia North Dakota State University/PSYC 480 History and Systems of Psychology (Fall 2016)
Collaborative decision-making software 33983 60 530 en.wikipedia Lawrence Tech University/INT 7213 Emerging Technologies (Fall 2016)
Chester M. Southam 33295 54 4.66K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 106 (Fall)
Child and Adolescent Symptom Inventory 32824 38 130 en.wikipedia University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/SCCAP Giving Away Psychology Knowledge (2016-2017)
Transgender voice therapy 32584 74 41.6K en.wikipedia McGill University/Voice Disorders (2016 Fall)
Bacteremia 32471 66 22.1K en.wikipedia University of California, San Francisco/Expanding WikiProject Medicine (Fall 2016)
Zenas Sanford Loftis 32432 80 377 en.wikipedia University of Pennsylvania/Medical Missionaries to Community Partners (Fall 2016)
Puppy nutrition 31803 86 2.95K en.wikipedia University of Guelph/Pet Nutrition (Fall 2016)
William Warder Cadbury 31760 85 142 en.wikipedia University of Pennsylvania/Medical Missionaries to Community Partners (Fall 2016)
Student activism in canada 31256 5 16 en.wikipedia York University/Public Communication and Political Discourse (Fall)
Critical pedagogy of place 31241 49 73 en.wikipedia Stanford University/Critical Theory and Pedagogies (Fall)
Pleiotropy 31096 33 26.6K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 110 (Fall)
League of Revolutionary Struggle (Marxist-Leninist) 31007 32 446 en.wikipedia Brown University/Asian Americans and Third World Solidarity (Fall)
Islamophobia in Canada 30999 60 10.7K en.wikipedia York University/Public Communication and Political Discourse (Fall)
Shortgrass prairie 30965 16 2.18K en.wikipedia James Madison University/Critical Reading and Writing (Fall 2016)
Healthcare in Nicaragua 30947 62 5.23K en.wikipedia Rice University/Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities (Fall 2016)
Student activism at Northwestern University 30839 12 126 en.wikipedia Northwestern University/Online Communities and Crowds (Fall 2016)
The Bluest Eye 30678 74 639K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/Banned and Challenged Books WRIT 015-19 (Fall 2016)
Music on You're The Worst 30630 0 375 en.wikipedia Northeastern University/Online Communities (2016-2-FA)
Digital divide in Canada 30386 62 6.74K en.wikipedia York University/Resistance and Subversion on the Internet (Fall)
Kebede Michael 30311 103 616 en.wikipedia Princeton University/Radical African Thought and Revolutionary Youth Culture (Fall 2016)
Marvin Zuckerman 30245 8 659 en.wikipedia North Dakota State University/PSYC 480 History and Systems of Psychology (Fall 2016)
Gamification 30114 12 75.2K en.wikipedia St Francis College/COM-2000-01 Mass Communication (Fall 2016)
Produsage 29937 43 10.1K en.wikipedia University of San Francisco/TYS 295 Writing in Electronic Environments (Fall 2016)
Book censorship in the United States 29719 72 211K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/Banned and Challenged Books WRIT 015-19 (Fall 2016)
Post-canine megadontia 29518 64 1.17K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 101 (Fall)
Nonsuicidal Self Injury (Disorder) 29422 62 228 en.wikipedia Northeastern University/ENGW3307 Advanced Writing for the Sciences (Fall 2016)
Social media analytics 29275 35 4K en.wikipedia Lawrence Tech University/INT 7213 Emerging Technologies (Fall 2016)
Revolutionary Action Movement 29240 112 729 en.wikipedia Brown University/Asian Americans and Third World Solidarity (Fall)
Sweetened beverage 29120 66 10.3K en.wikipedia Howard University/Community Nutrition (Fall 2016)
On the Postcolony 28823 53 340 en.wikipedia Princeton University/Radical African Thought and Revolutionary Youth Culture (Fall 2016)
Height and intelligence 28717 33 5.43K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 113 (Fall)
Tasty (Buzzfeed) 28478 60 811 en.wikipedia York University/Public Communication and Political Discourse (Fall)
Laryngitis 28425 57 1.22M en.wikipedia McGill University/Voice Disorders (2016 Fall)
Geology of Burgan Oil Field 28202 27 217 en.wikipedia Louisiana State University/GEOL 4044 Petroleum Geology (Fall)
Textile industry in Bangladesh 28062 38 108K en.wikipedia Rice University/Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities (Fall 2016)
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian 27864 56 393K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/Banned and Challenged Books (Fall 2016)
Globalization of the football transfer market 27842 37 368 en.wikipedia Northeastern/Advanced Writing in the Business Administration Professions (Fall 2016)
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian 27797 67 393K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/Banned and Challenged Books WRIT 015-19 (Fall 2016)
Nkosi's Haven 27621 69 1.85K en.wikipedia York University/Resistance and Subversion on the Internet (Fall)
Rape culture 27495 102 819K en.wikipedia California Lutheran University/Sexual Ethics - REL356-01 (Fall 2016)
Effects of war 27420 78 51.7K en.wikipedia Drew University/Gender and Globalization (Fall 2016)
Cahuzac affair 27257 26 4.75K en.wikipedia Northeastern/Advanced Writing in the Business Administration Professions (Fall 2016)
Neglected tropical diseases 26720 20 45.7K en.wikipedia Rice University/Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities (Fall 2016)
Learning to Labour 26522 37 697 en.wikipedia Stanford University/Critical Theory and Pedagogies (Fall)
Hoarse voice 26508 86 127K en.wikipedia McGill University/Voice Disorders (2016 Fall)
U.S. Soccer Development Academy 26435 7 5.71K en.wikipedia University at Buffalo/Advanced Library Research (Fall)
Gidra (newspaper) 26382 42 0 en.wikipedia Brown University/Asian Americans and Third World Solidarity (Fall)
Anti-Jewish legislation in prewar Nazi Germany 26146 59 2.41K en.wikipedia University of Wisconsin-Madison/Modern Jewish History (Fall 2016-2017)
Environmental issues in Sri Lanka 26080 39 563 en.wikipedia UCBerkeley/DS150 (Fall 2016)
Florentine Ghetto 25881 42 177 en.wikipedia University of Wisconsin-Madison/Modern Jewish History (Fall 2016-2017)
Atlantic Northeast 25873 38 1.56K en.wikipedia James Madison University/Critical Reading and Writing (Fall 2016)
Sierra Leone railway strike of 1926 25830 44 34 en.wikipedia Princeton University/Radical African Thought and Revolutionary Youth Culture (Fall 2016)
Concerned Women for America 25763 98 6.2K en.wikipedia University of Michigan/Conservatives and Feminists (Fall 2016)
Employee scheduling software 25621 19 2.23K en.wikipedia Texas State University/Public personnel administration (Fall 2016)
List of Canadian planners 25564 62 547 en.wikipedia School of Community and Regional Planning UBC/PLAN 523 The Profession of Planning (1)
Issues of the Evolution v.s. Creation Debate 25427 68 606 en.wikipedia FSW State College/ENC 1102 (Fall 2016)
Mary K. Rothbart 25409 14 268 en.wikipedia North Dakota State University/PSYC 480 History and Systems of Psychology (Fall 2016)
The Waa-Mu Show 25400 12 379 en.wikipedia Northwestern University/Online Communities and Crowds (Fall 2016)
Social information processing (theory) 25177 16 85.5K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/Communication Theory and Frameworks (Fall 2016)
Hypoxic ventilatory response 25089 49 1.58K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 104 (Fall)
Archaeology of Banda District (Ghana) 25028 85 194 en.wikipedia University of Wisconsin - La Crosse/African Archaeology (ARC 312) (Fall 2016)
Vocal cord dysfunction 25008 136 119K en.wikipedia McGill University/Voice Disorders (2016 Fall)
Office for Human Research Protections 24799 35 1.21K en.wikipedia UC Berkeley/IB35AC Wikipedia Project- Section 105 (Fall)
Charmian Gooch 24783 114 6K en.wikipedia York University/Resistance and Subversion on the Internet (Fall)
Asian American activism 24687 18 197 en.wikipedia University of California, Berkeley/Social Movements and Social Media (Fall 2016)
San Francisco Bay Area Street Art 24647 43 1.82K en.wikipedia University of San Francisco/Oral and Written Communication Section 17 (Fall 2016)
Subjective response to alcohol 24247 55 147 en.wikipedia University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)/Psychology 220A (Fall, 2016)
Gentrification of San Francisco 24133 41 29.5K en.wikipedia University of California, Berkeley/Social Movements and Social Media (Fall 2016)