Fall 2015 Articles

Chars Added

The sum of characters added to articles by enrolled editors between the start and end dates

References Added

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Wiki Courses
Masculinity 0 0 109K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/US Women of Color (Fall 2015)
Women's studies 0 0 13.7K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/US Women of Color (Fall 2015)
Person of color 0 0 7.81K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/US Women of Color (Fall 2015)
Quinceañera 0 0 43.4K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/US Women of Color (Fall 2015)
Women of color 0 0 383 en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/US Women of Color (Fall 2015)
Reproductive justice 0 0 1.97K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/US Women of Color (Fall 2015)
Judo 0 0 58.6K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Los Angeles Dodgers 0 0 47.4K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
The Three Little Pigs 0 0 22.3K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Courage 0 0 17.3K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
V for Vendetta 0 0 59K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Guinness World Records 0 0 65.4K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Black comedy 0 0 89.9K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Comics 0 0 21.5K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Finding Nemo 0 0 223K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Masculinity 0 0 109K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Women's studies 0 0 13.7K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Sex segregation 0 0 5.96K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Francisco Rodríguez (Venezuelan pitcher) 0 0 3.99K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
The Notebook (novel) 0 0 15.3K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Sex verification in sports 0 0 6.32K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Walking Dead 0 0 25.2K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Gender binary 0 0 68.7K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Once Upon a Time (TV series) 0 0 461K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Lotería 0 0 14.1K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Jenni Rivera 0 0 22.5K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Breaking Bad 0 0 449K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Rosyara 0 0 1.12K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Popular culture 0 0 52.5K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Mobile phone 0 0 146K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Transgender 0 0 169K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Chicana feminism 0 0 0 en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender and Popular Culture (Fall 2015)
Orientalism 0 0 131K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender, Class, Race and Societies (Fall 2015)
Emphasis (typography) 0 0 12.8K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender, Class, Race and Societies (Fall 2015)
Masculinity 0 0 109K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender, Class, Race and Societies (Fall 2015)
Women's studies 0 0 13.7K en.wikipedia California State University, Long Beach/Gender, Class, Race and Societies (Fall 2015)
Venezuela 0 0 114K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Introduction to Women's Studies (Fall 2015)
Barbie 0 0 51.4K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Introduction to Women's Studies (Fall 2015)
Masculinity 0 0 109K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Introduction to Women's Studies (Fall 2015)
Women's studies 0 0 13.7K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Introduction to Women's Studies (Fall 2015)
Bella Vista High School 0 0 2.17K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Introduction to Women's Studies (Fall 2015)
Stacey Sher 0 0 4.21K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Introduction to Women's Studies (Fall 2015)
Bild Lilli doll 0 0 6.22K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Introduction to Women's Studies (Fall 2015)
Family 0 0 44.5K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Introduction to Women's Studies (Fall 2015)
Misogyny in rap music 0 0 0 en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Introduction to Women's Studies (Fall 2015)
Masculinity 0 0 109K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Women in Global Communities (Fall 2015)
Women's studies 0 0 13.7K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Women in Global Communities (Fall 2015)
Settler 0 0 20K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Women in Global Communities (Fall 2015)
Women in the Arab world 0 0 5.01K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Women in Global Communities (Fall 2015)
Suicide attack 0 0 27.8K en.wikipedia Loyola Marymount University/Women in Global Communities (Fall 2015)
Media ecology 0 0 5.55K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Agenda-setting theory 0 0 42.5K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Cultivation theory 0 0 4.06K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Spiral of Silence Theory in the 21st Century 0 0 19.4K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Elaboration likelihood model 0 0 17.2K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Media richness theory 0 0 22.5K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Narrative paradigm 0 0 9K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Expectancy violations theory 0 0 8.88K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Uncertainty reduction theory 0 0 12.4K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Theory of reasoned action 0 0 3.21K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Dramatism 0 0 4.3K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Muted group theory 0 0 2.38K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Social information processing (theory) 0 0 16.8K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Coordinated management of meaning 0 0 3.33K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Battle of Zapote Bridge (1897) 0 0 2.72K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Communication privacy management theory 0 0 4.92K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Multicommunicating 0 0 5.9K en.wikipedia Georgetown University/CommunicationTheory and Frameworks (Fall 2015)
Democracy 0 0 308K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Election 0 0 26K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Poseidon 0 0 192K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Political ecology 0 0 3.79K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Representative democracy 0 0 71.4K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Direct democracy 0 0 79.7K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Disability rights movement 0 0 11.1K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Grassroots 0 0 53.6K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Provisional government 0 0 15.7K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Criticisms of electoral politics 0 0 794 en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Feminist legal theory 0 0 5.33K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Participatory budgeting 0 0 6.12K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Matching funds 0 0 8.57K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Politics of climate change 0 0 7.2K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Conscription in Turkey 0 0 1.67K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
LGBT rights in Turkey 0 0 5.19K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Post-democracy 0 0 3.57K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Peer-to-Patent 0 0 1.74K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Malina 0 0 2.28K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Sortition 0 0 26.5K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Environmental politics 0 0 4.33K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Citizens United v. FEC 0 0 165K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Anarchy 0 0 38.2K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Great Council of Venice 0 0 2.74K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Feminist political theory 0 0 3.55K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Fourth-wave feminism 0 0 664K en.wikipedia Yale University/Beyond Representative Government (fall 2015)
Mending Wall 0 0 8.95K en.wikipedia Middle Georgia State University/World Literature 1 (Fall 2015)
Nostos 0 0 4.63K en.wikipedia Middle Georgia State University/World Literature 1 (Fall 2015)
Phillis Wheatley 0 0 33K en.wikipedia Middle Georgia State University/American Literature 1 (Fall 2015)
Courteney Cox 0 0 226K en.wikipedia Middle Georgia State University/American Literature 1 (Fall 2015)
The American Crisis 0 0 1.96K en.wikipedia Middle Georgia State University/American Literature 1 (Fall 2015)
Mending Wall 0 0 8.95K en.wikipedia Middle Georgia State University/American Literature 1 (Fall 2015)
Human resources 0 0 120K en.wikipedia Texas State University/Introduction to public administration (Fall 2015)